World of tanks best td line 2019 reddit. Both the Hellcat and Jackson at tier 6 are great.

World of tanks best td line 2019 reddit Object is probably the best one to grind, it has no bad tanks in the tech tree, and everything from tier 7 and up is great (yes, even the su 101, sue me) it's also fast, so the most flexible. You have to pick your shots No one wants to take a hit from you. 268 V4. I'd say get the 268v4 next as it will compliment your future E3 and Badger quite well. Post nerf 430 II is also not great but mostly because of how it compares to what it used to be. By reliable, I mean they most often go near center of where you aim, regardless of how big the aim circle (paper accuracy determines aim circle size) gets. Tortoise is better because it can permatrack and does not have weakspots, but Badger when hulldown is deadly, the dpm is insane and it has great HE rounds. Swedish line is good in tier 8 to 10. Kv2 is getting nerfed soon, HE shells wont hit those lower tier tan The player-run World of Tanks Blitz Community for iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, and Nintendo Switch. Well, if you want to girnd a line with CW in mind - 268 v4 + E3 + STRV 103 are your only, real choices. Run by players not WG. Jg. E3 line is more situational but a few tanks along the line are hilarious when the stars align. Tanks I like in Blitz: Vickers Light (Best view range in the game, has high penetration HE, fast), Kranvagn (Auto-reloader mechanic, magnificent turret, good gun depression), and M48 Patton (Amazing DPM, gun depression, turret). The line all has terrible to nearly unplayable stock tanks, but the top gun package makes them heavy hitters in their tier starting at T5. Although STRV 103B takes the cake in being most accurate. I have literally no high tier tds, only chinese t 34 2g ft tier 7. TD - the SU-100M1 is one of the most op tanks at tier 7, it has tier 9 levels of frontal armor and good speed with decent dpm, the only downsides are sluggish traverse speed and poor accuracy. However the armor only starts at tier 8. For a new player, ill suggest the swedish line or the german turreted TD line since both have very good pen for there tier. When the TD line dropped, those, along with the others I already had were enough, (I have 1 left over,) to fully research tiers VI through X. It was released in South Korea in December 2019 by Smilegate and in Europe, North America, and South America in February 2022 by Amazon Games. You have heavy guns. Tier for tier the nastiest TD you will encounter. Beginners should stay away from French, British, and Chinese, for the most part. Crypto FV4005 line is rough if it is your first td line. Autocannons are small caliber guns which likely comes with low penetration. At tier 8 with the swedish line, you get 288mm standard pen which is way more than enough. From tier 4 to 5 all the tier 5 tanks has all about 90~110 you can't even survive a few shots and thier armour is so difficult to penetrate. Skip to main content. Shame because the VK100 and Maus are great tanks. Frontal armor is good but thats about it. It also had Crew 2. The M103 is really fun thanks to being fast and having a decent gun. Their best action is to go to town and advance along the highway, trying to safely spot base. Just get put into tier 5 battles 80% of the time LITTERALY. My personal favourite premium TD is the Skorpion G though as it has great alpha damage and great mobility. Together with excellent armor and high alpha E3 trades far better than Badger. Members Online If I win a lottery someday, I wouldn't tell anyone but there will be signs. Both the T-67 and Wolverine at tier 5 are great. I had used every single BP reward for blueprints, and got Italian national ones. the AT15 can wreck havoc side scraping by exposing its front and using that massive weapon sweep to pen people that think they are out of your gun arc. it has a lot of damage, you prob. Its accuracy is shit. If you want a more assault type TD, the AT-8 is one of the best performers (although after that the line isn’t really good until Tier IX, where it’s suddenly amazing). The 183is kind of anend game td where you should grind it last. I guess you ment high alpha tanks, well meds can be tricky with t10 getting somewhere around 400dmg per shot (even cent ax) on other hand you can play stuff like british turret tds/german tds/ISU line/60tp line/type5 line where there are almost at every tier high alpha tanks, but alpha the Chinese Td, wz 113 gft, its a kinda strong tank cause the armour is fine, but the gun its uhh great I guess (never played it, some says its great and bad) The obj 263, a strong td but needed to be hulldown as the gun manlet and around its strong but the rest is weak, vulnerable against high HE bois, On suggestion of those here I wanted a TD line that had good gun handling and Alpha so I went down the Grille line. I play World of Tanks Blitz, but I want to give WoT PC a try, so yeah, any suggestions for tanks to grind? I hate playing TDs. KV-2 is best sniper. First and foremost, teams are just really crap right now and it’s a team-based tank when you’re going up against VIIIs. Depends on what you want to do really. The T110E4 is probably the best overall tier 10 TD. If South wins Hill, they will be destroyed by TDs trying to rush to base. T110e3 - my 2nd least favorite TD. The countries that I can use are USA, UK, Japan, and France. Sniping TD I'd say Grille 15 just because of its semi turret and good accuracy. 0 on it but that has since been scraped Obj 268 - Well balanced and great TD. The 263 is also a rough td line to start, only grind it once you are more experience with td. Sniping isn’t the easiest mode so far too. its not good at camping bushes but camping is not very enterntaining in first place. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. Tanks like the Foch 155 or Object 263 are the best at this because they catch the enemy off guard. 184 votes, 10 comments. I'd say the FV4005 line is the easiest TD line as they all play the same, as typical TDs with good concealment and reasonable speed. Crypto I would say 268/4 is best TD right now, if you want something universal that can brawl and assault on front line, fast moving + have armor. It's just not overpowered like the 268v4, but the balanced stats make it probably the most reliable tier X TD where almost every other is a one trick pony with a specific job. It is a monster. The Hill is how the North Spawn wins. I am really enjoying it. I enjoyed both emerican TD lines, they are both strong and different enough to make both fun. Wolverine. This type of guns fundamentally fit the LT class the best. If it's on sale, the best arty in the game tier for tier is the the T5 premium french arty. Cause I seen my last post we’re y’all said go for the 268 just wondering what can pen it? UDES is fantastic, 103-0 is a bit of a let down, but the 103-B is definitely the highlight of the line. I sold the tier 1 tanks for Germany, Sweden, China, USSR, Poland, Italy, and Czechoslovakia when I didn't know how to play, so those are out of the option. Like it or not but you have to deal with it - the best mobile TD in current meta is Leopard 1. pz 1c, luchs and leopard are all great low tier meme tanks. If you’re looking for a TD line, the Chinese Tier VI TD and the Hellcat are two of the most powerful at Tier VI when played well. Members Online There are times where i hate big boss mode Obviously the 268 is far from being the best TD, but it's not "bad". Really gimmicky, but a low-to-the-ground case-mate TD (UK Badger line, Chinese line, SU-100, etc) plus a Japanese super-heavy or KV-2 works hilariously well if you can push a narrow corridor together. Welcome to Destiny Reddit! This sub is for discussing Bungie's Destiny 2 and its predecessor, Destiny. Medium tanks with good mobility, There are plenty of OP tanks throughout all the tech lines. Meanwhile you can get some heavy tank TD like the T110E3 and go with the heavy tanks which requires infinitely less knowledge of the game and would be way easier for a begginer. It’s also a great tank to learn the siege mode mechanic. T28 is probably the lowlight, as it doesn’t have nearly as much armor as you think. Swedish TD line is your dedicated camper line - only the tier X has some degree of armor, most of them are pretty fast, most of them have great guns but they also have the "siege mode" mechanic that's kinda a chore to use, if Well it obviously depends on what kind of mediums you like, if you like the russian ones the T44-100 and the t54 prototype are great. Not including premiums. You have decent speed and armor profiles. Same as E-100 line, good armor and guns. Alot of people will struggle with capping mission but try to atleast do it for t55a and skip it for obj 260. SU-122-44 - it's a tier 7 so doesn't make good earnings, ALSO it is out of meta with its piss poor penetration meaning you have to be creative and aggressive to consistently make good plays. Dec 10, 2023 · Hellcat is best positioned at the back sniping and only when the flank is cleared by heavies/medium on the frontline then you can play a support role as a second line tank to finish off the push and win. I love fights where I can grind out 3 or 4k spotting damage. For the Chinese line, been seeing the Tier 8 WZ-111-1G FT a lot lately, decent gun at 460 average damage and 245 pen If possible, id prefer people giving a semi detailed rundown of a line rather than one word 'swedish' or 'jpze100'. As of TD:s The skorpion g is undoubtedly the best one out there! Basically any decent tier 9+ TD. The 105mm, your in a heavy slow tank. The Wolverine. But the entire line feels like the tier 5: very slow, low alpha but very high RoF and good accuracy. It depends on which TD line you’re grinding. LIGHT TANKS You can do most of them in the ebr 105 and just by grinding that line. they just completely I ground this entire line when it was first released. I did my TD-15. the badger is/was a bit of a disappointment, and i consider For the mobile line, I'd suggest the E 50 M over the Leopard 1. T8-10 in the Sheridan line are brilliant and fun but need a different skill set to most other tanks. T110E3 line. E100 (german heavies): good line with lot of really good tanks to play, and not hard to understand. Just doing the daily double once a day for a few weeks was more than enough to unlock the TD line by the time it came out. The E-100 line is good, and better than the Maus ATM, but I'm not a super heavy fan. Maus and 705A have the best armour for side scraping, but the IS-7 and Kranvagn are the best tanks for being hull down. for "do X damages" you want high-dpm TDs. Assault easily Obj. Grille is a fucking joke, it doesnt even get one good thing of the wtf. High-alpha can also work but only if you get in the fight early, as the longer you wa Best TD to teach you patience-Deathstar I had to learn to give up so many potential shots with this thing before I started performing. pz 4 and vk p are fun but the tiger p is trash. Any suggestions? Particular tanks in the 4005's line has the charioteer and the conway. Both the Hellcat and Jackson at tier 6 are great. Speaking of premium shells, E3 (and E4) have arguably the best shell in the game, the 375 mm pen APCR round that deals 750 dmg. If you need something to absolutely hold the line let no one through both Badger and T110E3 are good. Grille if you like sniping in the back, Fv 4005 if you don't like to camp that much but like to be in the middle line. It's a bit like the E100 line in that it doesn't really have any weak tanks in it and that they are very versatile. Arty - GW Panther is probably the best but they are all pretty much the same after the changes. If you are more experienced then either Grill 15 or Fv 4005. This sub is for the free exchange of tips, strategies, player guides, how-to's, news, information and discussion. Insane armor and dpm. Lost Ark, also known as LOA, is a 2019 MMO action role-playing game co-developed by Tripod Studio and Smilegate. Listen to me i am a TD player with almost 2/3 TDS line being researched , you should go to the ISU-152 if you can play it , such a grind in it but with the BL-10 it has the highest pen at tier 8 ( correct me if wrong ) with over 330 pen with premium and 300m standard, such an amazing tank that never fails to prove itself , secondly for a tier 9 Hey I'm just looking for a nice TD line to grind down during the summer. My suggestion is the Russian TD line ending in the Object 268 v4. But to be honest TDs are pretty weak compared to all other classes so I can't really recommend grinding them over high alpha heavies like the E 100, VK 72 (now especially with the buff) and 60tp. Then the speed is average aswell. So ive been thinking about grinding out the French TD line but just wanted to know what the grind is like, I don't have any free xp coz I'm a cheapskate so is it worth it to get the foch b either way, regardless of which lt line you go for, by all fucking means ignore the German LTs. I’ve had several great 3k+ damage games that have been losses, so as long as you’re playing okay don’t take the WR too seriously. The T25 AT at tier 7 is a turd in my opinion. (Besides the terrible su101 line). panther 2 up is also pretty fun, though i prefer the leo line. E100 line has a few great tanks like the tier 7 and 9 but the rest is not great especially with stock gun. For mediums recommend Soviet Object 140 line. You also get a 105mm gun, but it is very unwieldy. Guide to the American Tank Destroyer line, starting at the Wolverine and ending at the T110E3. They have big guns, big armor, you can go in front and be OK. Any suggestions based Apr 13, 2021 · If you are a classic TD player – sneaky one, a sniper on the safe distance, and you don't care about brawling in the first line with TD, then this one is for you: Best Tier X Tank Destroyer: Strv 103b Oct 12, 2017 · The Object 263 is arguably the best tier 10 TD right now. I think overall the Soviet TD line is Very Similar, But most of the lower tier Chinese tds are just worst. High alpha, high pen, good turret traverse, good armor. Well I prefer Damage and accuracy. It's a decent line to play & ends in one of the most --insane derp guns with the FV4005s 183mm HESH - not sure I would recommend it to unexperienced players though. The player-run World of Tanks Blitz Community for iOS, Android, Mac… Wargaming recognised subreddit for World of Tanks Modern Armor on Playstation and Xbox. T110E4 line isn't bad for armor but doesn't compare against the E3 line. Posted by u/lasnotic - 4 votes and 4 comments The American OG heavy line, the T1 heavy and M6 are straight OP, the T-29 is handsdown the best tier 7 researchable heavy. But to do that I have to make sure I have the camo rating to do it. Business, Economics, and Finance. The start of the line, and definitely the most fun to play. If you can get into an aggresive bush and camp do it. Tortoise best tier 9 TD imo. A question that has been asked a few times. I think the US have good beginner lines too. havent done the grind since pre-buff, but back then, the brits were still useful, just not LOL-Bobject(268-v4) useful. 430 view range was not enough to overcome their camo until proxy, i hope people dont start putting seal clubbing equipment and crews on them, they could be a bargain E25, until they get nerfed in 6 months time along with almost the entire line. Wargaming recognised subreddit for World of Tanks Modern Armor on Playstation and Xbox. Jgpz. Badger is okay. 29. However what they lack in some armor make up massively in that they get turrets and being faster. The whole leo 1 line from 6-10 is really fun. If you just want a fun TD line, well The Brits. . The T-32 has a turret with more effective armor than the following heavies. The T28 and T28 Proto at tier 8 are very good and so are the tanks that follow after both of these. The tier 5, 6 and 8 are all anything between very bad and mediocre, but the tier 7 in return is really overtuned. :) middle and low tier TDs in that line are decent too in most cases. For best line with most rewarding tanks I'd go up the American line to the T30 or T95, because when you unlock modules the count towards other tanks as well. The player-run World of Tanks Blitz Community for iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, and Nintendo Switch. I can't speak for badger or T110E3, they seem very similar, the main differences are the guns, that is dpm vs high alpha. Both are fun, both are nice to play. Reply reply There are some very good tanks on both of the US TD lines, the turreted line (generally) offer better mobility but with less armor,but they can stay hidden and are unaffected by gun movement, the non-turreted can be a lot of fun with some very strong armor and devastating guns. Super Pers is one of the best cheap T8 tanks, and it gets the limited MM (never faces T10 enemies). Starting at tier 7 they all have strong frontal armor, speed, and very good but not very accurate guns. Conqueror, WZ-11111111; MT: Batchat 25t, TVP50/51, Progetto 65, Obj 140 (better in both world); LT: T100lt - same above; TD: FV4005 (fun only not competitive), Strv 103B; The T-10 in particular is a highlight - probably the best example of a heavium in the game. 31 base accuracy and can be boosted up to 0. Worth it if you don't mind slow-ish tanks (topspeed). Also a real fan of the British Turreted TD line - both the Charioteer and the Challenger are amazing medium/TD combos with tasty guns. the Tortise can do the same and has amazingly good rate of fire. Heavy, slow, assault line with casemate-style, heavily armorded TDs with spammy guns + mobile, sneaky, turreted line, with big badaboom kind of guns. r/WorldOfTanksBlitz A chip A close button A chip A close button The Japanese TD line at tier V to tier VIII is the definition of hit or miss. I was debating between the Chinese line or the Russian line. 32K subscribers in the WorldOfTanksBlitz community. I've also seen it done in a few tier 8 TDs but that would be way harder. ; there really is nothing the Grille 15 would truly be "bad" at. The T25/2 at tier 7 is ok when fully upgraded with the right equipment and good crew. Expand user menu Open settings menu Open settings menu The most reliable guns are nearly always on Russian tanks. The grind isn't great, but it's far from the worst line to grind. The line is interesting and fits my playstyle as a support TD/big gun heavy. The badger line has the badger and tort which are quite impressive. My top three in their time, strength relative to tier: 54ltwt, SP1C pre nerf, Sheridan. So yeah whats the best td line? Im considering all apart from swedish and grille (too snipey), and british americane3 and jpz (too slow). tier 9 is one of the best tier 9 tanks in the game and the tier 10 is good 147K subscribers in the WorldofTanks community. Its pen is awful for a long-reloading TD gun. LT: T100LT - only tier 10 LT that I have, trust me other line is not noob friendly; TD: Obj 268v4; SPG: US line. Good luck wouldnt be as op with all the he flying around nowadays imo. At tier 5 with the german line, you get a fast mobile sniper with 0. IS-4 (russian heavies): easier line than IS-7, even if IS-7 line have really good tanks too, but they are harder to play for a beginner. The 268 can do a bit of everything, just not as well as tanks that have a set role. com Aug 19, 2020 · No simple "this TD is best" answer, it all depends on what you are looking for in a TD: - Armor thickness - Mobility - Accuracy - Alpha damage - Camouflage - Turret - Gun arcs (L/R, U/D) - etc. By all means pick a medium line but also consider working on a heavy and TD line. The Jageroo is good if played as a mid assault TD. Also dont be afraid to camp with your ebr. İf you try to new things on world of tanks you should choose. If you don't have the skill, these amazing TD's can be a pain, especially the 183. Good camo, gun, speed and armor Obj 263 - Assault TD, plays mid to close range and YOLO in when the time is right. the panther/m10 is insanely fun to play but you do kinda need to fire premium rounds to do well. You can choose to be If you love the ridge line like me you would love Swed mediums, but if you love to brawl a bit more with other heavy tanks maybe you should stick with the met I think he is way to harsh on the T8, sure the 105mm is good (with 105 my best performing tech tree 8) but it is still a great platform even with 90mm. I would say (having gone through all the TD lines) that the Russian large-caliber line is probably the best line for brand new players, even the tier 3 and 4s give the feel of a big gun, and the t5, while most effective with the small caliber gun can have the 122mm derp with gold loaded and do about 350 damage per shot. It's not a brawler line nor is it a sniper. Those are all the TDs I've played. I would rather face the tier 7 TD than the Tier 6 TD. But, it's alpha damage is great for its tier, and the reload isn't awful either. The Chinese td line is not bad, just not very fun to play for me personally. By the time you get a couple different tier 8’s you should have a much better idea of your own playstyle and what kind of tanks to go for next. Assuming T95 and e3 line? Or is there something better. Kidding, yeah Russia IS-7 line, Russia Medium lines to 430U and 140. Crypto the line i pretty boring >8 they are very standard tds with very mediocre armor and okay gun (nothing special). Both grinds must bog down at the Tier IX 155mm now that modules aren’t shared. Currently, the Strv 103b seems to be the best TD, so the Swedish line is probably a good place to be, however the following tanks are also very good for certain missions: Hellcat/Su-100: These are good for the "do x times your HP in damage" missions, since they have relatively low hp. Ho-Ri the best TD hands down, no other comes close to it because of that amazing gun it has and the mobility it offers + troll armor. Now, anyone might have a favourite TD (I really like the T30), but that's personal preference. Diversify a bit and learn how to play and therefore fight different tank types. have more dpm than some high alpha tanks and you can easily out-dpm them. Unlike with most other TDs that are just one-trick ponies with only one "correct" way of playing them, with the Grille 15 you can experiment and try out multiple playstyles; it's good at sniping, brawling, ambushing, getting into early positions, providing supportive fire, etc. (T30 is the highlight/best of this line imo) Object 268 v4 line is another well armored TD line. As a veteran of TDs, i found the entire line to be pretty good with no real stinkers. the whole line is decent and the play style changes at IX and X. Kv1s entire line is just more fun to play, imo. So those 2 are best snipers. The best ~bug~feature is the shell speed, however, as it comes with a hidden advantage. Playing a good tier X TD will eventually get it done the fastest. Currently, I'm at the Ho-Ri 1, and judging from the pace I'm grinding, I should be unlocking the Ho-Ri 3 during Sunday (I'd do it tomorrow, but I'm away I think German TD line (either grille or Jgtiger), German E100 heavy line, Italian TD line. Best TD Overall-T28 Prototype. Members Online The Chinese have the best camos in game Not even tier 10 TD premium shells can reliably penetrate a hull-down T110E3. The tanks are small and fast, which clearly suggests LTs. If you like more of the paper medium tanks the progetto 46 is the possibly the best t8 premium in the game. The line itself has mediocre tanks leading up to it, but it's a good starting point to learn how to use turretless tanks. Tiers 8-10 are obviously the best, with low tiers being very good. Please read the sidebar rules and be sure to search for your question before posting. It's a bit scummy, but if you hide in the back while the team is losing TD-15 can be done more easily since they have to push into your 183 gun and you only need 6-8 shots. DPM isn’t as important. Members Online Out of curiosity what can pen the front of the obj 268 armor. It's nearly impossible to aim at moving targets since the shell moves at a glacial speed. Long story short: I got an E-25 in a loot box and decided it was time to try out TDs while working on a crew for it. This… Hello, I am a beginner at World of Tanks I want to get a good TD, but I'm not sure which line I should go for first. Super Heavies are the only truly bad tanks at that tier. I'd say it's the most advanced, gimmicky TD line in the game right now, the majority WoT players won't really like them. Stationery position concealment values up to 70, like ghost TD. pz e100, Grille line and 183 are great with some experience and advanced game sense. Posted by u/yourwiiddealer - 2 votes and 7 comments Wargaming recognised subreddit for World of Tanks Modern Armor on Playstation and Xbox. The Czech heavy line was teased, an American line (yo tanks) and the Swiss Tech tree was coming 2024 with a surprise tech tree coming to the game which ended up being the Italian TDs. Tier VIII - You get the T28 Prototype, which is one of the best Tier VIII heavy tanks in the game. The only thing that’s frustrating is when you’re in a position where you have to go on the offensive because all the siege mode tanks are absolutely horrendous at that. I also see people recommending Soviet lines, but I think a good gun depression and okay speed should be better for beginners. You have Russian bias. My question is, which German TD line will provide gameplay like what I can expect from the E-25? Wargaming recognised subreddit for World of Tanks Modern Armor on Playstation and Xbox. High pen and extremely good camo. The medium line leading up to the Leopard 1 is kind of mediocre, and the only other way to get it is the LT line (though the Spáhpanzer 1 C and the HWK 12 are decent if you play them well). It has the Strv gun accuracy, good dpm, high cammo and is faster than every TD in the game plus on top of that he also has fully treversible turret. Most of your opponents will be other heavy’s and will be playing peek-a-boom with you so you need to maximize damage per shot. All of them, however, don't have the turning speed of the WZ. The in betweens were somewhat meh, but if you compare shitty low to middle tiers from german or american they are okay. then at tier 8 it fairly good tank with decent armor. 146K subscribers in the WorldofTanks community. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. The FV4005 line is a turreted TD line with low armor and decent mobilty, using guns that would generally be used two tiers higher on Medium Tanks. Sides and rear have 6 armor, its very slow and has worst gun of any t10 TD The british td line needs a little bit of getting used to to play, be patience, I need more than 200 games to get used to my T-54, so you may have got the feeling of grinding through the techtree Best of luck! I believe that you can master this beast, it takes time but you will be fearsome on the battlefield! The casemate line gets the T25 AT, which is also very mobile and the armor can bounce things at times. Only front line td is the Jgpz. 3 with pre-nerf FV4005 in tier 10 grand battles. I still miss it, even the nerfed version was the most fun i had in the game. For the LT-15 your best bet is grand battles. It is fine to camp at the back, as long as you are being effective to your team by dealing damage. What is the best TD line to go through? I'm currently going up Swedish and Russian lines but am looking for something else. Like I said elsewhere, go US line, stop at T6 for a while, and when you feel like you NEED to play at higher tier, go to the tier 9, which is flexible and one of the best tech tree arty in the game. ps. TD goes in front and tracks enemies, heavy shoots immobilized enemies over top of the TD. E-100: powercreeped AF, people will pen your front turret no matter how you angle it, gun works and the hull is nice, might see a buff soonish. I unlocked the tier 10 about a week ago. If you want to be laid back and sit in one place, I suggest "Refined Gun" to make your shots effective at long range. The tech tree is below the MT line in a spot where a LT line would be. See full list on thearmoredpatrol. You can use camo net and turn 360 degree, you still have camo net. I dont know you personally, but I guess you have some amount of self-respect so with that being said dont even glance at the RHM, leave alone think about playing the line. You need to learn the maps, camo, know how to hold your shots, try to aim (as much as world of tank allow you to) etc. If you’re grinding swedish TDs then the S1 would be a good choice for a crew trainer. İf you feel TD playstyle, I didn't recommend turreted TDs. Good ones for a newer players imo are the 268 line, WZ line and the Ho-Ri. If North Spawn wins the 1 line, they can push up to the town, which gets them in view range of camping TDs/Arty. Other lackluster tier 9s are only so because better tanks exist like the M103 versus the AMX M4 51 and Conqueror. The best armoured mobile tanks to go for would be stuff like the 268v4 and the 430U. Most of them are pidgeon holed into sitting a few hundred meters back, sitting in a bush like a ♥♥♥♥♥. for "hit X times" you want fast-firing low-damage TDs. However alpha is poor. 26K subscribers in the WorldofTanksConsole community. no hull armor, no full turret, dogshit accuracy and bloom, no clipping potential, bad dpm anyways, not stealthy at all, view range is worse as well i believe. British TDs or any TD with a 105mm caliber or below. You just need to wait for " that game ". Has some good tanks and others are playing plain mediocre. The Tier 9 and 10 Chinese tds are pretty great but really not really worth the grind, Im grinding it rn at the tier 7 and its only because I have ever other td line finished. There's a number of things they do well, they don't force you into a particular playstyle. Depends what type of missions. Better than Noob division: HT: S. For instance when you unlock the biggest gun on the T30, it can be used instantly when you unlock the T95. The scout line isnt worth a damn compared to other lines after tier V. I will ask the community again, this time brawling TD's. Probably the only tier where the two tanks are nearly equal in terms of how good they are. First rule of tank club is we don't talk about artillery. French lights are fun but higher difficulty in playing light tanks, I cannot bring myself to suggest arty to anyone for any reason (they all seem similar to me) It's not a bad line per se, but I wouldn't recommend it to beginners. Try and find what works best for you, but watch some of the videos on how the mechanics work so you understand things better. Grille 15 line is amazing. Before then it's paper TD's. Trying to grind to the British TD, and once I got the alectro tier 4 tank. pz V/VI is one of the most fun This entire line is awesome with only op tanks, the stug 3 is broken, the nashorn is the most op broken tank in the game, the st emil is awesome, the rhm is fun, and the waffle tractor is op too. buchzv ubfzn weat sbr eiqftm paiyn fvpa zdj fbgd zbzalks puy jxm zthiug rxap xtek