St ignatius riverview enrolment. Applications for New Entrants can be made at any time.


St ignatius riverview enrolment Ignatius students and any additional children, within their family, parents/guardians wish to enroll. To submit an article for the Ignatian, contact the Advancement Office by email (Advancement@riverview. Chronology of the Life of St. In the final, they gave their best effort in a close match against Saint Ignatius’ College Adelaide: Riverview 5-138 v 137. Jan 27, 2025 · St. Volunteer at Riverview 2020 HSC Results We congratulate our Class of 2020 students for their outstanding results in this year’s HSC, despite the challenges they faced. 115 Tambourine Bay Rd, Riverview 02 9882 8222 Download campus map here. Notification of acceptance will be advised in late September of […] You’re invited to join us for our Virtual Open Day on 25th August 2020. Its funding relies on the generosity of community donations. Google Maps : Riverview 5 and 6; enter Regis Campus gate Riverview Street. Ignatius Catholic School families are given priority re-enrollment from January 1-31, 2025. Get in touch with us for inquiries and join the vibrant rugby community today! The students at St Ignatius are given opportunities on a daily basis to participate in prayer, as a whole school and in class groups. Mar 1, 2024 · They chose this theme after reflecting on the input provided at the JACSA Schools Student Leadership Conference held at St Ignatius College Riverview in December last year. Preparing students for a mixed-gender world. Applications for new entrants are accepted at any time from the child’s date of birth. Sep 14, 2023 · Cranbrook’s fee is in excess of $7000, while Trinity Grammar has increased its enrolment charge by 80 per cent to $5000 this year. 2 and Nov. 00 fee, the school office will contact you to schedule an interview/testing. Giving; Wingaru; Boarding Roadshow; Calendar; Employment; Licona; College Map 1880 September St Michael’s House is completed in the College’s foundation year. You’ll hear stories from our students, an address from our Principal, and enjoy a virtual tour of our campus. By December 1882, with an enrolment of only 70 students, the College extended the curriculum to include English Composition, Writing, Music, Singing, Drawing, Painting, Irish History and Oral Latin. Nov 10, 2020 · The principal of St Ignatius College Riverview, Dr Paul Hine, wrote to the college community on Tuesday night to inform them of the charges. COPYRIGHT; PRIVACY; FACEBOOK; CONTACT; POLICIES; FEEDBACK; CANVAS; VIEWPOINT; InsideView (Login) Giving The Principal, Dr Paul Hine, the Rector, Fr Tom Renshaw and the staff and community of Saint Ignatius’ College, Riverview congratulates the 237 HSC graduates of 2021 on their outstanding HSC results. Saint Ignatius’ College, Riverview and the Province of the Australian Jesuits make the following statement in response. On February 1, 2025, enrollment application for new families opens. The sandstone used to construct the impressive façade was quarried from the grounds near the river, and it took 45 long years before the final wing of the building was Saint Ignatius' College, Riverview is a Jesuit, day and boarding school for boys located in Riverview, a small suburb situated on the Lane Cove River on the Lower North Shore of Sydney. At Saint Ignatius College, our young women and men share educational experiences and leadership opportunities and, in the process, learn to understand, respect and appreciate each other in our co-educational environment which prepares them for life beyond school. Saint Ignatius' College Riverview, Riverview. Jul 10, 2024 · Saint Ignatius’ College Riverview began as a boarding school in 1880; today, boarding remains a vital part of the Ignatian tradition of providing a home within a school, offering high quality Menu. Eighteen months later Father Dalton was appointed foundation Rector of St Ignatius' College. St. 00 am and conclude at 3. St Ignatius' College,2066 contact details plus school review covering school profile, school results/ranking, extra curriculum programs, international student programs, Saint Ignatius' College is an independent, Catholic co-educational school educating 1,435 students across two campuses. The framework of our Strategic Directions for 2020-2025 is built upon the foundation laid in the preceding version, Saint Ignatius’ College Riverview’s Strategic Directions 2015-2020, as well as recent defining documents released by the Society of Jesus that provide the shape and direction for our collective future. Senior Campus. Applications for New Entrants can be made at any time. Since its foundation in 1880, Saint Ignatius’ College, Riverview has been under the care of the Society of Jesus. 28th February due to ‘extreme’ weather forecasts. The Life of St. Origin of the Society of Jesus. Ignatius offers a dynamic education rooted in Catholic [adlogic_search_pagination][adlogic_search_results][adlogic_search_pagination] COPYRIGHT; PRIVACY; FACEBOOK; CONTACT; POLICIES; FEEDBACK; PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS Archdiocese School Calendar 2024-2025 School Calendar 2025-2026. au/ The Principal, Rector, staff, parents and community of Saint Ignatius’ College Riverview congratulates the graduating class of 2019 on their outstanding academic achievements in the 2019 Higher School Certificate (HSC). This year’s HSC results are a tribute to the dedication and commitment of each student, his family and his teachers. A fully catered private function for 20 people with exclusive foreshore views of the Lane Cove River at Riverview’s stunning Cova Cottage. St Ignatius’ College, Riverview was founded in 1880 with an enrolment of 12 pupils. Giving; Wingaru; Boarding Roadshow; Calendar; Employment; Licona; College Map The Principal, Rector, staff, parents and community of Saint Ignatius’ College, Riverview congratulates the graduating class of 2018 on their outstanding academic achievements in the 2018 Higher School Certificate (HSC). Public transport: Train to St Leonards Station then bus 266 or 267 to Lane Cove For public transport information go to: www. Download the map here. J. Unfortunately, we had to modify our swimming sports program on Thurs. Yes, the College welcomes your support of this exciting venture into our future. The student was in the company of friends after participating in a Year 9 activity that concluded earlier in the day. At the time, it is the only fully equipped seismological observatory in Australia. Until the 1960s, Riverview was mainly for boarders with the first day-boys being officially admitted in 1923. Applications close on 31 August in the year prior to the child’s 5th birthday. Saint Ignatius’ College Riverview is a Catholic boarding and day school in the Jesuit tradition that has been providing young men with a holistic education since 1880. In particular, we note the following highest achievements of the cohort: The team worked incredibly hard throughout the competition, showing great teamwork and sportsmanship in all their preliminary games against Saint Ignatius’ College Adelaide, St Aloysius’ College, and Xavier College. I started out with the intention of expressing my gratitude to the many people who contribute to us over the course of a year. Following the recent conviction and sentencing of former Jesuit Victor Higgs, the Australian Province of the Society of Jesus has engaged the former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Victoria, the Honourable Marilyn Warren AC QC, to independently review the circumstances surrounding Victor Higgs’ move from St Ignatius’ Athelstone to Mar 5, 2009 · The purchaser was Manuel Francis Josephson, who renamed the estate, Riverview. The College grounds will be open to visitors, and the event will commence at 8. After Archbishop Vaughan asked the Jesuits to open a day school in Sydney (St Kilda House, later to become St Aloysius’ College) and a boarding college on the North Shore, Father Joseph Dalton purchased the Riverview Estate on behalf of the Society of Jesus on 28 June 1878. [citation needed] Lessons were taught six days a week. Home; About. Norman O'Neal, S. au) or on (02) 9882 8380. Saint Ignatius' College - Riverview potentially has scholarships available for 2023 / 2024. They are involved in the lives of the students, taking a personal interest in their intellectual, affective, moral and spiritual development, helping each one to develop a sense of self-worth and to become a responsible individual within the You can make a gift by sending your cheque to Riverview College Foundation. The 3rd, 2nd and 1st teams will commence playing at Leichhardt Oval from 1pm (1sts playing at 3:15pm) whilst other teams will be playing earlier in the day at both Riverview and The Principal, Rector, staff, parents and community of Saint Ignatius’ College Riverview congratulate the Class of 2022 on their outstanding academic achievements in the 2022 Higher School Certificate. Welcome; Faculty & Staff; School Advisory Council; Calendar; Location & Directions Saint Ignatius' College, Riverview is a Jesuit, day and boarding school for boys located in Riverview, a small suburb situated on the Lane Cove River … Apr 1, 2015 · We warmly welcome you to join us at the Saint Ignatius’ College Riverview versus St Joseph’s College Hunters Hill (and Sydney Grammar 3rd XV) Rugby Union matches on Saturday 3rd June 2023. Saint Ignatius’ College Riverview is committed to protecting children and young people from harm. At Riverview teachers and administrators, both Jesuit and lay, are more than just academic guides. The student is currently in the care of medical staff and family members. Children attend Mass, once a fortnight on Fridays at St Ignatius Church. Donated by Saint Ignatius’ College Riverview and Chartwells Catering. The Royal Commission has advised that Saint Ignatius’ College, Riverview, is not being investigated for any such matters at the school. 00 application fee due for each individual applicant) After you apply for Admission and the $150. MY FAMILY JUST GOT BIGGER In 1880, Saint Ignatius’ College Riverview was founded as a Boarding School for Years 6-12 under the care of the Society of Jesus. Please see here for the College’s HSC summary and announcement of Dux and Proxime for 2023. View all our St Ignatius' College Riverview vacancies now with new jobs added daily! Dec 12, 2017 · 2025 Term Dates. 00pm The State Significant Development Saint Ignatius’ College Riverview Redevelopment Stage 2 (SSD-10424-Mod-1) Project has been determined by the relevant planning authorities. 1911 West 30th St. Listen below: Uniform Requirements. Context. Riverview is a Catholic school moulded in the Ignatian tradition, where each boy is provided the opportunities to discover the talents God has given him and use them “for the greater glory of God”. When Arcadia was engaged by St Ignatius to undertake a landscape masterplan and detailed […] Take the first step towards becoming a Wildcat and take an Admissions Test. Enrolment. Boarding applications are welcome at any time for students seeking enrolment in Years 7–12. 13. Ignatius Chesterton Academy is raising up a new generation of joyful leaders and saints, educated in the classical tradition and the truths of the Catholic faith. The 16As, 4ths, 3rds, 2nds and 1sts will be playing at Leichhardt Oval from 10:45am (1sts playing at 3:15pm) whilst other teams will be playing earlier Menu. About the College Principal's Welcome Menu. Google Maps : Riverview 1B; enter main gate Tambourine Bay Road. Find your ideal job at SEEK with 2 St Ignatius' College Riverview jobs found in Lane Cove NSW 2066. Term 1 and Term 4: Formal Summer Uniform Term 2 and Term 3: Formal Winter Uniform. Giving; Wingaru; Boarding Roadshow; Calendar; Employment; Licona; College Map Stay updated with St Ignatius' College, Riverview Rugby Club's latest news, match highlights, upcoming fixtures, and match results. The Class of 2024 has excelled in the HSC, showcasing the depth and diversity of talent across a cohort of 235 Year 12 students who undertook a diverse pattern of Enrolment Process; Information Session and Tour; Volunteer at Riverview; 2022 Term Dates. 5,732 likes · 113 talking about this · 15,220 were here. It is never too early to apply for admission to Saint Ignatius' College. PDF 173KB) The Principal, Rector, staff, parents and community of Saint Ignatius’ College Riverview congratulate the Higher School Certificate Class of 2024 on their academic achievements. We warmly welcome you to join us at the Saint Ignatius’ College Riverview versus St Joseph’s College Hunters Hill Rugby Union matches on Saturday, 17th August 2024. Through outstanding teaching and personal formation, the school challenges its talented student body to intellectual excellence, integrity, and Saint Ignatius' College Riverview is an Australian independent single-sex primary and secondary day and boarding school for boys, conducted in the Jesuit tradition, located in Riverview, a small suburb located on the Lane Cove River on the Lower North Shore of Sydney, New South Wales. You will need to get in touch With a boarding student population of 335, [2] Riverview is one of the largest boarding schools in New South Wales. PREMIUM TAILORED MEN’S SUIT An MJ Bale classic or dinner suit with matching shirt and tie, valued at $1,000. Saint Ignatius' College Riverview is a Catholic school in the Jesuit tradition in Sydney, New South Wales. While the founder of the school in the real sense was Father Joseph Dalton SJ, the school does have two other founders: Archbishop Roger Bede Vaughan, who invited the Jesuits to Sydney on condition that they found a boys’ boarding school, and Father JJ Therry, who, on his death The comprehensive evolution (Masterplan) of Saint Ignatius’ College Riverview seeks to provide a multifaceted landscape of learning that taps into each student’s natural sense of curiosity and discovery, where every classroom becomes a hub of collaborative and creative energies that magnifies a deeper, more enduring and applied learning that will help our students to thrive beyond the Menu. DARE TO DO. Ignatius Loyola - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online. Students applying to Saint Ignatius High School are strongly encouraged to take a test at Saint Ignatius at least once on one of the three dates offered - Oct. Drawn from the College’s motto, ‘As much as you can do, so much dare to do’, this edition of the magazine shares some remarkable stories of our students and Old Boys who have dared to “go forth and set the world on fire”. AFR But it was also the one-time stomping ground of convicted insider traders Oliver Curtis and An enrolment application can be be made by downloading the attached forms or by collecting hard copies from the school office. . Code of Conduct. Participating students remain at the College and take part in supervised study, revision and review groups from 3:30pm until 7:30pm conducted by College staff as well as ex-students and external tutors. Students who arrive for boarding at the College overwhelmingly tell the story of becoming part of a large family. Focusing on Jesus the Redeemer, children are encouraged to strive for excellence in spiritual, academic, social and physical activities. Boarders are spread across 3 boarding houses on the College Campuses, including Fr Charles Fraser House (holding Years 6–8), St Johns House (Years 9–10) and Kevin Fagan House (Years 11–12). The Uniform Shop will be closed from Friday 6 December 2024 at 2. Oct 27, 2016 · Biography of St. ENROLMENT FEE. Jan 23, 2025 · Riverview Reads Toggle Dropdown. Applications for new entrant positions close on the 31st of August of […] Menu. At noon, a special bell is rung for the school community to pray “The Angelus”, as is the practice across the Wilcannia - Forbes Diocese. It is these other people living on the margins of our society that Ignatius chose to be with and it is these same people that we are challenged to stand with an Since its foundation in 1880, Saint Ignatius’ College, Riverview has been under the care of the Society of Jesus. This account is managed by the Audio Visual Team within the ICT Department. Saint Ignatius’ College Riverview is a Catholic school in Sydney, New South Wales with a mission to educate and develop ‘men for others’ in the Jesuit tradition. Menu. By December 1882, with an enrolment of only 70 boys, the college extended the curriculum to include English composition, writing, music, singing, drawing, painting, Irish history and oral Latin. This will give you the opportunity to register for Admissions events such as Wildcat for a Day Student Shadowing, the High School Placement Test (HSPT) and create your Parent Portal Account so you can upload grades, test scores and letters of recommendation for the Admissions Application! Sep 1, 2024 · $150. Google Maps : Riverview 2A and 2B; enter main gate Tambourine Bay Road: Google Maps : Riverview 4A and 4B; enter top gate Riverview Street. Volunteer at Riverview Quality Teaching and Learning As an educational institution first and foremost, Saint Ignatius’ College Riverview delivers quality teaching and learning through highly qualified staff, who are committed to helping students achieve their highest potential. St Ignatius’ College, Riverview $4800, Newington $5000 Live video streams from Saint Ignatius' College Riverview. Ignatius Loyola Menu. The Enrolment Bond is equivalent to the cost of one school term’s tuition fee for each enrolled child and will be invoiced two terms prior to commencement. Scholarships at Saint Ignatius' College - Riverview. 30 pm. RERVIEWIV Saint ignatiuS’ College, 2 Wel C Since its foundation in 1880, Saint Ignatius’ College, Riverview has been under the care of the Society of Jesus. While the founder of the school in the real sense was Father Joseph Dalton SJ, the school does have two other founders: Archbishop Roger Bede Vaughan, who invited the Jesuits to Sydney on condition that they found a boys’ boarding school, and Father JJ Therry, who, on his death ReView is the Saint Ignatius’ College, Riverview After School Study Program for Day Boys in Years 7 to 12. For more information about applying to Saint Ignatius' College - Riverview, please visit their website by clicking the apply button at the top of their page (if eligible). The College Prospectus has been prepared to help you on your journey of choosing the best education for your family. Attention 8th-Grade Families, please submit an inquiry form below. parents, firstly at St Aloysius’ and now at Saint Ignatius’ College, Riverview. The Enrolment Bond will only be refunded after all The Arrupe has a long history steeped in Riverview tradition, starting with the foundation stone being laid by Cardinal Moran, Archbishop of Sydney, on 15 December 1885. Monday: 22 January: We warmly welcome you to join us at the Saint Ignatius’ College Riverview versus St Joseph’s College Hunters Hill (and Sydney Grammar 3rd XV) Rugby Union matches on Saturday 3rd June 2023. 115 Tambourine Bay Road, Riverview, NSW 2066 02 9882 8222 | [email protected] Thursday: 23 January New Staff Induction Day #1: Friday: 24 January: New Staff Induction Day #2: Monday: 27 January: Australia Day - Public Holiday: Tuesday: 28 January The Principal, Rector, staff, parents and community of Saint Ignatius’ College Riverview congratulate the Class of 2022 on their outstanding academic achievements in the 2022 Higher School Certificate. Please make your cheque payable to RIverview College Foundation, and include your full name, phone number and address. On the 9 th of October 2018 former Jesuit Brother, Victor Higgs was found guilty of offences committed whilst teaching at the College between 1971 and 1981. Ignatius of Loyola. Fr Jones served as Rector of St Aloysius’ College from 2003 until 2010 and was then appointed Rector of Saint Ignatius’ College, Riverview (Rector and Superior of the Jesuit Community), commencing Term 2, 2011. Giving; Wingaru; Boarding Roadshow; Calendar; Employment; Licona; College Map ‘Helping Souls’ was a primary concern for Ignatius and came from his desire, like Jesus, to be at the service of those who are left out, ostracised, isolated and/or thought to be unimportant. When the Riverview Estate was put up for sale, Father Joseph Dalton concluded arrangements for its purchase on 28 June 1878. edu. The Enrolment Bond will only be refunded after all Since its foundation in 1880, Saint Ignatius’ College, Riverview has been under the care of the Society of Jesus. A Catholic day and boarding school in the Jesuit tradition. Ignatius Chesterton Academy offers a Catholic classical education for students in grades 9 through 12. Child Safeguarding Since its foundation in 1880, Saint Ignatius’ College Riverview has been under the care of the Society of Jesus. To partner with us in developing future generations of Riverview graduates who are “men for and with others”, please contact Claire Lusher, Assistant Head of Philanthropy, at 02 9882 8380 or clusher@riverview. Giving; Wingaru; Boarding Roadshow; Calendar; Employment; Licona; College Map The building has been sensitively and thoughtfully designed and named to reflect the site’s Indigenous heritage, following extensive consultation with First Nations Elders, and unanimously accepted by the College Board and Fr Quyen Vu SJ, the Provincial of the Australian Jesuits. May 29, 2019 · Arcadia Landscape Architecture: Translated to ‘dare to do, as much as you can’, the Saint Ignatius motto encourages students to push their limits and strive their hardest, whilst respecting the qualities and traditions written deep into the fabric of the school. Nov 29, 2023 · A Saint Ignatius’ College Riverview student has sustained injuries after falling accidentally from rocks at Queenscliff beach this afternoon. Named after Athanasius Kircher SJ, a Jesuit of colossal intellect of the late 17th Century, The Kircher Collection is testament to aspirational scholarship that is alive and well at the The Principal, Rector, staff, parents and community of Saint Ignatius’ College, Riverview congratulate the Higher School Certificate Class of 2023 on their academic achievements. From our exceptional phonics program , recognized for its success, to leadership opportunities, STEM and arts initiatives, St. You may apply for a place at the College for your son any time from birth until September 1st when your son is in year 1, for a year 5 entry, and September 1st when your son is in year 3, for a year 7 entry. Ignatius Parish in Springhill, strives to educate the whole child by providing a quality Catholic education in a safe and caring learning environment. Riverview College Foundation C/- Office of Advancement Saint Ignatius’ College, Riverview 115 Tambourine Bay Road Lane Cove NSW 2066. At St. Giving; Wingaru; Boarding Roadshow; Calendar; Employment; Licona; College Map Established in 1880, our Bursary program supports more than 60 students every year to attend Saint Ignatius’ College Riverview. Riverview is a boys school for students in Years 5 to 12. Welcome to Saint Ignatius College Geelong - a leading co-educational Jesuit Companion School from Years 7 to 12. Term 1. Boys from Years 5 to 12 are afforded a high quality education and vast co-curricular options, with boarding beginning in Year 7. Ignatius Catholic School, a ministry of St. 12, Nov. This priority enrollment period is for current St. Leadership Transition at Saint Ignatius’ College Riverview (. 2019 saw the introduction of new syllabus documents, including the introduction of modified assessment regimes. St Ignatius' campus viewed from main building, 1930s. Ignatius of Loyola | Christian Classics Ethereal Library. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: St. [31] St Ignatius' College contact details plus school review covering school profile, school results/ranking, extra curriculum programs, international student programs, It is this ethic that drives the educational program at Saint Ignatius’ College, Riverview and generates the quality of work contained in this publication. Plan your year with the 2022 school calendar. As the only Catholic classical high school in the greater Appleton area and Fox Valley, St. Ignatius Martyr Catholic School ($150. With our Ignatian values at its heart, the Bursary program supports those who are marginalised and facing adversity in our community. Situated on the north shore of Sydney, the College has delivered quality education to both local and boarding students since 1880. The Enrolment Bond is refundable after Year 12 is completed, or if the conditions for Termination of Enrolment (detailed below) are met. By Rev. 2023 Gold Cup RegattaSaint Ignatius' College RiverviewTambourine Bay Road, Lane Cove, NSW 2066+61 2 9882 8222 https://www. # While filming a recent episode of Saint Ignatius' College's official podcast, Ignatius Talking, Olivia Savvas MP (Class of 2013) and current students Gabby and Mehar shared their perspectives on being educated in a co-ed environment. Term Details Term 1 Tuesday 28 January Orientation Day for all Year 7 & new Year 8-12 students I-Apply Inquiry Form. transportnsw. For further information, please refer to the NSW Government Planning Portal: The Principal, Rector, staff, parents and community of Saint Ignatius’ College Riverview congratulate the Higher School Certificate Class of 2024 on their academic achievements. The Junior School, encompassing the Ignatius Early Years (3-5 year olds) and Reception to Year 6 students, is located in the suburb of Norwood. Please use below filters to locate your event. However, the Royal Commission has indicated it will examine: • The response of St Ignatius’ College Riverview to a student who is alleged to have been sexually abused at another school; and, Saint Ignatius College Prep, a Jesuit Catholic school in the heart of Chicago, is a diverse community dedicated to educating young men and women for lives of faith, love, service and leadership. This podcast is brought to you by the 2016 Saint Ignatius' College Archive Club. Quick Links. Please see here for the College’s HSC summary and announcement of Dux and Proxime for 2022. It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to Saint Ignatius' College, Riverview, a Catholic school in the Jesuit tradition in Sydney, New South Wales. We require all applicants to undergo an extensive screening process prior to appointment that includes, but is not limited to, comprehensive reference checks, an identity check and working with children check. The Ignatian is Riverview’s annual magazine featuring news from around the College, the Old Ignatians’ Union and the wider Riverview community. A Guide to Enrolling; Enrolment Process; Information Session and Tour; Application for Enrolment; Bursary Program Founded in 1880, Riverview is an all-boys day and boarding school catering for Years 5–12 and located 12km from the centre of Sydney. Enrolment Fee: $4,800, Non refundable (payable at the time of acceptance of College’s confirmed offer of place) Saint Ignatius' College has a non-selective enrolment policy and currently caters for approximately 1,560 students from Years 5 to 12, including 335 boarders in Years 6 to 12. Thank you for your interest in Saint Ignatius High School! Saint Ignatius High School. riverview. The Class of 2024 has excelled in the HSC, showcasing the depth and diversity of talent across a cohort of 235 Year 12 students who undertook a diverse pattern of Situated across three campuses, Saint Ignatius' College is an extraordinary school, made so by a tradition of educational excellence established by the Jesuit Fathers in 1951. 1908 Father Edward Pigot SJ establishes the Riverview Observatory. View School Tour dates for 2025, booking and enquiry form. | Cleveland, Ohio 44113; 216-651-0222; SIBN-Live; Jan 2, 2025 · From January 1-31, 2025, current St. Ignatius Catholic Primary School [under the Education and Training Act 2020] has a maximum roll of 321 pupils at primary level, from new entrants to year 6. Giving; Wingaru; Boarding Roadshow; Calendar; Employment; Licona; College Map The 140th Annual Gold Cup Regatta will be held at Saint Ignatius’ College Riverview on Saturday, 17th February, and you are warmly welcome to come and enjoy the day. 1885—1889 The first major building project is completed when the western end of the Main Building (Arrupe) opens. Ignatius School, we are more than a place of learning—we are a vibrant, faith-filled community where students grow academically, spiritually, and socially. In school grounds: College ovals Basketball courts Gymnasium Gorman field Tennis courts Swimming pool. nsw. ST IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA. info Riverview 1, 1C; enter main gate Tambourine Bay Road. Situated across three campuses, Saint Ignatius' College is an extraordinary school, made so by a tradition of educational excellence established by the Jesuit Fathers in 1951. 22nd & Wed. Oct 2, 2024 · Saint Ignatius' College Riverview is an Australian independent single-sex primary and secondary day and boarding school for boys located in Riverview, a small s Jul 12, 2018 · St Ignatius College Riverview, one of the country's most elite schools, is Tony Abbott's alma mater. au. 00 Application Fee payable to St. 2024 ; 2023 The Enrolment Bond is equivalent to the cost of one school term’s tuition fee for each enrolled child and will be invoiced two terms prior to commencement. Riverview Reads 2024 ; Riverview Reads 2023 ; Riverview Reads 2022 ; Riverview Reads 2021 ; Riverview Reads 2020 ; Riverview Reads 2019 ; Riverview Reads 2018 ; Riverview Reads 2017 ; Caring for Our Common Home; Newsletter Toggle Dropdown. The 16As, 4ths, 3rds, 2nds and 1sts will be playing at Leichhardt Oval from 10:45am (1sts playing at 3:15pm) whilst other teams will be playing earlier Dear Member of the College Community, This is my first letter to the Riverview Community as Chair of the College Board. Google Maps News from the Chair, Saint Ignatius’ College Riverview. COPYRIGHT; PRIVACY; FACEBOOK; CONTACT; POLICIES; FEEDBACK; CANVAS; VIEWPOINT; InsideView (Login) Giving Volunteer at Riverview Request for Bursary Application For a Bursary Application, please enter your details into the fields below and our Admissions team will respond within 2 working days. dnehktb goqvp ocrlyn yaxr iyqy joazt nzl pqtbpnt isxvie trgwe skfm zoayui towv fnvpy rdwyn