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Set imprint quality command ps4. don't be a JERK https://discord.

Set imprint quality command ps4 These commands including spawning creatures and items, banning or unbanning other players on the server, force taming creatures, set temporary per session rules, gain experience, resources, etc. Jul 4, 2023 · You can set an admin icon to appear above your character’s head, indicating to other players that you are an admin. Thanks! Jun 15, 2017 · Considering the Devs do it perfectlyevery time they have an event that gives 3 times maturation. On Nintendo Switch press + (pause game) then L/R and X/Y. May 24, 2018 · I was tired this morning and did not get up to properly imprint my baby Rex. This is what I want to change. That will give everything 100% on the first imprint as long as mature speed is 35x or higher (tusos & mosas need 100 imprints on 35x with 0. 01 cuddle interval) WC really need to add an imprint amount slider for single player mode on console as it's only possible with ini access Welcome to the Ark: Survival Evolved and Ark: Survival Ascended Subreddit Sep 9, 2024 · How to Access Console Commands on PS4. Items. 1 would be every 20-25min, and so on. Took about an hour for it to mature, with 2 'cuddle' interactions. cheat SetImprintedPlayer "Test" 589563953 Jan 27, 2025 · Gives you a full armor set of the specified tier and quality. additem [item] [amount] , and player sole commands, or "cheats", are commands that players with appropriate permissions can input into the console. all dinos that are imprinted to player A will become imprinted on player discord link peeps don't be a JERK https://discord. Opens the admin manager GUI, which gives you easy access to a number of useful admin things. Not only can you target the dino you’re looking at, but you can transfer all existing dinos from one player to another. 05 on my server (maturespeed=40) which means you have about ~10-12mins between every imprint. Detailed information about the Ark command SetImprintQuality for all platforms, including PC, XBOX and PS4. For example, a baby wyvern would take a fair amount of hours to fully mature but the intervals f Detailed information about the Ark command r. I even unclaimed, set it to babyage 0 after unclaiming and reclaimed, and it is still imprinted on by my old character. 1 interval. There is only a finite amount of exact values that the imprint quality can have. The name of the player to imprint on the dino (in quotation marks). If you keep that ratio you can imprint 100% of the creatures fully. Note that Ark claims the quality parameter is actually an Integer[32], but it does accept decimals (so I called it a float, not sure if that's correct). The first will be how to spawn in creatures. ini add bDisableBloom=True bDisableLightShafts=True Oct 19, 2024 · What the person above said is not true, unless something different happens on single-player for whatever bs reason. What settings guarantee me to get 100% imprint on any dino in yhe shortest tine possible. Sets your client's graphics quality. I looked all over the configuration menu and I can't find it. This command gives you a full set of the specified armor tier, with the specified quality. To enabled cheats on Dec 30, 2023 · The wants attention timer stated the same as wild babies, approximately 3 days. Apr 8, 2017 · Just look at the dinosaur and use the command "setimprintquality 1. Type that long number into notepad or piece of paper. The SUPER LONG number is used to set the imprint. move [x] [y] [z] , player. If creatures or items get deleted, use console commands to get them back. 71 would set the imprint to 71% imprinted. Detailed information about the Ark command SetImprintQuality for all platforms, including PC, XBOX, and PS4. NOT the sample number on your implant in your inventory. 5 - 1. Imprint buffs don't carry over to the next generation, only the birth stats. What I have done is set the babycuddleintervalmultiplier to be at 0. Most dinos mature in about 10 minutes (wyverns take about 30 min) with one cuddle (direwolves take 2, wyverns take 3). Evolved had, what I would argue, or even better controller optimization then Ascended has. Please help keep these ARK commands up-to-date. . The command will set the color of the dino (relative to the color ID and region specified) your crosshair is currently over. If I remember correctly. i think its "setimprintquality 1" and that will fix them and set it 100% Jan 10, 2017 · Tried that. Aug 23, 2019 · in theory you could also setbabyage 0. Multiplier applied to the percentage each of the imprints provide. This allows you to always achieve maximum imprint quality. Imprinter ID Type: UE4 ID: The UE4 ID of the player who is imprinted on the dino. Aug 5, 2022 · Pause the game, then bring up the admin command screen. 10x mature = 1/10 = 0. You can change this number by doubling it multple times if you want the imprints to happen later, like every 30 minutes or every hour. I was playing around with a some of the settings and haven't been able to find a happy medium. Meet your fellow game developers as well as engine contributors, stay up to date on Godot news, and share your projects and resources with each other. Also, it's not necessary to imprint on every dino you raise. Imprint Quality Type: Number: The quality of the imprint on the spawned creature. The number can be an integer, like 2, or a decimal like 1. (had some issues in the past by accident) SinglePlayer | Abberration Detailed information about the Ark command SetImprintedPlayer for all platforms, including PC, XBOX and PS4. Jun 9, 2016 · As far as I know, the boost from each imprint is fixed for each creature, something like total maturation time divided by number of possible imprints times 100. The imprint setting bar thing at the bottom of the stats won't show up until it's set to a player, as a random fun fact. Lb+down on D-pad was attack. I really hope they add a command or something to force imprint by a new character, cause I love the imprint buffs, cause it makes the animals feel more special and unique to me. The number there bring the implant ID on your specimen implant. A capable account manager is assigned to each customer for a seamless and excellent experience. Firstly you'll need to open the cheat console. Since it gives a percentage based on how grown the baby is whenever it could potentially ask for imprint. It lets you input your server's settings and it will tell you the time it takes for dinos to hatch/gestate, maturation time as well as various cuddle information. For example i´ve got BabyCuddleIntervalMultiplier=0. If I ride a creature with 400% imprint quality, it has 120% resistance and thus, will not take any damage as long as I am riding it. Includes examples, argument explanation and an easy-to-use command builder. It's an adult now, but I would very much like to imprint it as well. but now afterwards set a tribe gives problems with the buildings and dinos etc. However, some creatures and items are not so easily recovered. This command is a general command that affects many different graphics settings, all of which will be set to the new value (rounding if necessary). Raising is at 7x so it can be done but we cant miss a single imprint. I have tried with varying imprint levels. But if the timers are set to something that works good for me, I like the extra challenge for imprinting This! Console commands are 'cheat' type commands that players with the proper access (generally admins or hosts of local games) can use. As an example. PlayerID is the player's in-game UE4 ID. Dec 8, 2016 · I made the mistake of wiping servers but saving dinos that I had hatched and imprinted on. Apr 16, 2012 · I am trying to display the date of execution of my command. What settings do I need to tweak to get imprinting to be able to get to 100% during the growing stage, but not so quick that you do one thing and get 100% imprinting right away. This command will set the quality of the entity under your crosshair. Admin Commands Dinos. However there are these commands: cheat SetBabyAge 0. That's the most I have seen with these settings. Just need to lower interval same factor you raised mature. I used the admincheat to set imprint quality to 1 and that worked as far as showing imprinting by my character was 100% but I did not see the stats change at all after imprint as compared to what they were prior to imprint. Rexes and Shadowmanes take 1, Theris take 2, something that I can't recall takes 3. Do not see imprint percentage when I open their inventory. Overall I think your settings look fine. shadowquality for all platforms, including PC, XBOX and PS4. Couple options - jack up your Maturation speed and decrease the cuddle interval, or if you're okay with commands Just look directly at your dino, open your menu/admin console, and use "cheat setimprintquality 1" without the quotes. If you are already in god mode, it will disable it. maxascend This command is a general command that affects many different graphics settings, all of which will be set to the new value (rounding if necessary). Voila, completely restored. Nov 23, 2017 · S+ nanny or other mods works aswell, but its very doable to get imprints working with a wide range of settings. setmytargetsleeping: Knocks out target dino or player. Ark GFI - Ark GFI Codes From here, the admin can use the setimprintquality command on the new, imprinted dino to set it to whatever amount it was on the original dino that was replaced. The following commands are listed below with examples given: SetImprintedPlayer <NewImprinterName> <PlayerID> how to increase imprint percentage ark ps4 About; Location; Menu; FAQ; Contacts So we've ran into this issue a few times on our cluster over the last few days, current imprint quality is set to 30% and we were getting the bug like everyone else. Using the Taming Calculator, you can estimate how long it'll take to tame almost any dinosaur as well as the food and narcotics required for each. This command will make your character enter god mode if you are not already in god mode. Weapon Set # Type: Weapon Set: The type number of the weapon set you wish to spawn (0-3): 0 - a bow, pike, spear and bola; 1 - an assault rifle, shotgun, longneck rifle, sword and grenade; 2 - compound bow, fabricated sniper rifle, rocket launcher, C4 charge; 3 - a tek grenade, tek railgun, tek rifle and tek sword; Quality Type: Number Detailed information about the Ark command SetStatOnTarget for all platforms, including PC, XBOX and PS4. It worked absolutely perfectly and I could command all of my armies from the back of a Yuty with no issue. The table below lists the approximate corresponding graphics qualities. For example, if an imprint usually give 10%, setting this multiplier to 0. I even reset the imprint quality to 0. To shift all of a player's imprinted dinosaurs to yourself, use the TransferImprints command. Mar 3, 2021 · How To Enable Admin Commands ARK PS4. Thus I use PS4 bash environment variables giving here PS1="[\u@\h \W]\\$ " PS4=:\D{%F %T}: ; set -x what gives me the following prompt Detailed information about the Ark command GiveItem for all platforms, including PC, XBOX and PS4. All of the move here and whistle attack commands worked even better than Ascended, as well. This should mean that in 5 minutes or less you can imprint and that imprint will give you 100%. 13 and if memory serves, the last time I raised a wyvern egg it had a cuddle timer of about 30 minutes BUT the imprint quality was only at 87% or so. So you won't get 100% imprint when the dino is only at 30% maturation. 1 so it's still growing then set imprint to 0 do the first imprint again and then setimprintquality 1 for 100% imprint on that character then setbabyage 1 again, you would need to heal the dino up again but that could get around the player character change and reset the imprint to your current character. It will be equipped to your character (not placed in your inventory). Thank you so much! :D I see in the wiki, update PS4 549. May 27, 2017 · (Drive):\Steam\steamapps\common\ARK\ShooterGame\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor in the gameusersetting. In this video I'll be showing you How To Detailed information about the Ark command SetImprintQuality for all platforms, including PC, XBOX, and PS4. 035 ebough. The console can be opened on PC by pressing the Tab key (by default) and on Xbox by pressing LB/RB and the X/Y buttons simultaneously. If Mature Speed is 10, set Imprint to 0. Use the command "setmessage" followed by your message and the time interval. Changes the imprinted player of the target dino to the provided player name/id. The second command will be how to set imprints on creatures! Leave a comment f yes im trying to imprint a tamed dino (wild) [not breed] per console command. Reply reply [deleted] • Lower difficulty makes bosses quite a bit Depends on ur server rates if ur playing kne urowen server you can set mature speed to 10 and cuddle intervals to 0. Set it to a higher number for higher quality and a lower number for lower quality. 010. e. giveitemset: Gives you a full item set of the specified tier. Imprinting Stat Scale- 1, Imprint Amount- 1, Cuddle Interval- 0. Jul 14, 2016 · Okay, so no matter what imprint quality I get on the wyverns, they are essentially unusable. To open the console press: PC- Tab Xbox - LB/RB and X/Y simultaneously So the first imprint can only happen after the baby is more than half grown. This command sets your client's shadow quality to the specified level. Or is it really that the Devs are to lazy to fix this setting after a couple years have gone by. Set the imprint timer to something like . Also there is a setting for graceperiod, which does nothing at all. Nov 20, 2023 · Use the command: enablecheats PutYourAdminPasswordHere Then use the command: cheat ListPlayers. A new screen with a prompt will appear, prompting you to type in a command. Jan 3, 2017 · There is a command that goes in the ini: BabyCuddleIntervalMultiplier=1. 0" without quotes and it gives the dino 100% imprinting. Report a missing/wrong command Ive done it with the set imprint or w/e command, you might have the good one and it did work. Use the command "setshowadminicon" followed by true or false. The creature will always imprint in equal (ish) time intervals, if it only has time for 1 of these intervals before 100% maturation you will get a 100% imprint. maxascend Detailed information about the Ark command SetImprintQuality for all platforms, including PC, XBOX, and PS4. And while targeting the Dino, like the imprint quality command. I have tried with wyverns at lvl 1, 222, and 348. Detailed information about the Ark command SetBabyAge for all platforms, including PC, XBOX and PS4. 232 (I have read online that this is a good imprinting interval that's why its so specific, Wyverns take about 12 imprints for us), Cuddle Grace Period- 2, Cuddle Lose Imprint Quality Speed- 1. Jan 23, 2018 · Learn How To Increase/Change Imprinting Quality On Your Nitrado Server in Ark Survival Evolved in this PS4 tutorial. 'gem' is shared between the Blue Gem, Green Gem and Red Gem, so it cannot be used, but 'Absorbent' is only in 'Absorbent Substrate' so it is fine). I use Baby Mature Speed=5 and Baby Cuddle Imprint Multiplier=. NEW: Added Fantastic Tame Dreadmare. PS4 players will need to press the following buttons in this sequence: L1, R1, Square, and Triangle. well, there is a command to set imprint quality. I use that command when the timers prevent me from getting an imprint, like just now when I played with settings and my baby wolf was suddenly mature without any imprint action. Commands. Example: To dump the g_currentMission table to a file you could use the command 'dtSaveTable g_currentMission currentMission. Parameters. Like 10% imprint every 9 growth. The imprint is still on the dinos, but because the characters are technically different numbers the imprinting isn't technically to me anymore. I do see the imprint percentage when I cryo them. But you really don't have to believe me, just set up a test server and play around with the settings yourself. Example. Most commands will not run if the player does not have cheats enabled. Edit: For clarification, the "setbabyage" command is only used to allow the dinosaur to be imprinted upon . Aug 6, 2021 · Gives you a full armor set of the specified tier and quality. In my single player world (with single player settings enabled) I hatch an argentavis egg and the baby grows up too quickly (all babies do) besides disabling the "single player settings" option is there anything else I need to do so I can 100% imprint on baby creatures? If it helps I am playing on hard difficulty. The Tier numbers are (0 = a bow, pike, spear and bola) - (1 = an assault rifle, shotgun, longneck rifle, sword and grenade) - (2 = compound bow, fabricated sniper rifle, rocket launcher, C4 charge) - (3 = a tek grenade, tek railgun, tek I have just updated my imprint quality calculator. This command will set the taming effectiveness to 100%. Nov 21, 2020 · Dododex a companion app for ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended. 01, for an imprint every 5 minutes or so. Here you will find a detailed explanation of how to use the Ark command SetImprintQuality along with examples, command syntax, and parameter options. 3. 387K subscribers in the ARK community. <0: Low: 1: Medium If a creature has 400% imprint quality, even if I have set that to values lower than the official buff of 20% TO STATS for 100% imprint, the resistance buff just compounds. To exit the Console Panel, hold down the - Baby cuddle lose imprint quality speed multiplier 1. Link to comment Share on other sites Admin Commands Dinos. Best way to double check is to go into the tames inventory and look at the imprint percentage line. Unlike the 'GFI' command, you must specify the full blueprint. 1 or something very low then once the baby is hatched change the setting to 6 then log back on. 01 for breeding and raising. Combining dinos to get a base pair it a bit of a pain This command modifies the player associated with the imprinting of the targeted dinosaur to the one specified by the provided name and ID. 5 abd cuddle multiplier 0. This command adds an item to your inventory, relative to the blueprint, amount and quality specified. Any help would be greatly appreciated. This command will set the taming effectiveness to 50%. Having them fly around me, you can barely see them pass. It involves different actions of caring during the maturation process. If supply crates fall through the mesh, use the 'Ghost' command to go through the mesh to claim your rightful property. 0. I set babies to mature fast (according to a site that calculates this, it's about 2 minutes for a raptor), but I want to be able to imprint them enough to reach 100% imprint. Below are some guidelines for quality levels. This console command sets a specified stat to a specified value for the creature, structure or player behind your crosshair (your target). Set imprint Quality is just a straight up change what their imprint is at, for example SetImprintQuality 0. NEW: Dino Traits – Commands to spawn in any dino trait! NEW: Added Extinction Creature Armadoggo. 1 cheat SetImprintQuality 0. Is there a command to force imprinting to your character when the dino is already imprinted upon? The percent imprint per cuddle (cuddle/walk/food) is determined by how many of the "needs care in" timers fit into the maturation period. Does anyone know what command I can use as an Admin to do this? I have tried SetImprintQuality 1 = 100% , but that doesn't seem to work. It should list "Name, SUPER LONG NUMBER". If not I just raised the imprint quality to 25% so 4 imprints will be roughly 100%. I've tried to set the imprinted player to me using SetImprintedPlayer. To access console commands on your PS4, you’ll need to follow these steps: Pause the game by pressing the PS button on your controller. 025. com/channel/UC7Xea1XvFn2m Dec 17, 2019 · Here's the settings I found work best for 150 Mature speed and 100% Imprint (WITH TIME LEFT) Aug 31, 2024 · A: To enable console commands in Fallout 4 on PS4, you need to pause the game, open the console, and type the command. 1 and in ~15 minuets you will have a fully grown dino and ever 8 minutes you will cuddle it or walk it and it gets 100% imprint if you don’t want that lower the mature rate but if you lower mature rate you have to slightly up the cuddle intervals E. If it happens after 50%, then the baby will be forced to get 100% as it will be an adult before a second imprint. THE QUALITY IMPRINT GUARANTEE: On-Time Shipment Meeting deadlines is important to us so we are serious in delivering your order on time. Jun 21, 2016 · Not sure if this helps at all anymore, might be useful to current players before the egg is hatched set your cuddle interval to 0. g. You can specify only part of the blueprint instead of the full blueprint, provided it is a unique part that no other blueprints have (e. It is impossible with normal settings to get 100% Imprint in one go on every dino. Once your in the admin command part, simply paste the command in the line, then hit the ok button, hit the admin comand button once, and then it should take effect. This guide includes examples, argument explanations, and an easy-to-use command builder. 5 means they would now give 5% each. You can also set a message of the day that all players will see upon joining the server. If Mature is 25, set Imprint to 0. 0 Type: Number: This argument should be set to 0. 0 Those basically accept any value between 0 and 1. Imprinting is a way to improve the stat-values of a bred creature. Lb+up was go there. If this player manages to care for it during the maturing phase, the creature will get stats bonuses and an additional bonus of up to 30% in each damage and resistance when this very player rides it. A bonus is that most babies mature quickly enough that they won't starve. Report a missing/wrong command If you then set the lose imprint speed multiplier higher (or lower) and imprint the baby once. 5. 6) land dino's speed in general is not such an issue Aug 5, 2017 · BabyCuddleIntervalMultiplier=1 is standard so if you´ve got higher maturating rates you have to set the imprint multiplier lower. If you don't get 100% from the 1st imprint then increase the maturation time. Detailed information about the Ark command SetGraphicsQuality for all platforms, including PC, XBOX and PS4. Set it to 0 to effectively disable the system. Actually, as an admin, you can use the command cheat setimprintedplayer "character name" survivorID , and change the imprint to whatever character is needed. It shows your player's current position, some useful server info, key server configurations, a list of currently logged in players, a list of banned players, a list of whitelisted players, allows you to modify the MoTD, and shows you a list of a good amount (but not all) admin commands. The issue: Completing the mission Slide and Glide applies the baby raising world buff, this buff currently overrides your server settings. We're not too sure what it does yet, but it is needed for the Nov 17, 2023 · I raise the babies, get 100% imprint. Full list of all the creatures the GMSummon command will work on to spawn in a perfectly tamed dino in ASE and ASA (if dino available in ASA). I'd like to maintain the default Quality is a number that indicates the graphics quality you want. cheat SetTamingEffectivenessModifier 0. NEW: Added Extinction Creature Dreadnoughtus. Start a stopwatch and stop it when it loses imprint quality Then do it again (if you can get another egg from the parents while this is happening, then great) but with it set the other way and test it again. Oct 24, 2017 · frankly this way youy can change imprint up or down np ! I use classic fliers and if I have a 100% imprint on wyverns they are unfliable in tight areas so in general I will set them after they mature to about 60% ( so setimprintquality 0. The thing is: I love this game but its really really really slow even with boosted settings. May 21, 2024 · setbabyage — set the age of the specified baby dinosaur; setimprintquality — set the imprint quality of the specified dinosaur; setimprintedplayer — change the imprinted player of the specified dinosaur to the selected player; transferimprints — transfer all dinosaurs from the old playerid to the new playerid; Detailed information about the Ark command GiveArmorSet for all platforms, including PC, XBOX and PS4. 0 means they would now give 20% each, etc. Just remeber rounded numbers mean a imprint will pop-up as it grows into a adult on the last second (aka improssible to make that imprint). Jun 9, 2017 · You get an an imprint percentage based on how long it takes for the dino to mature. giveweaponset: Gives you a full weapon set of the specified tier and quality. Jan 16, 2018 · Before the last imprint "fix" we got a random grace period which guaranteed 100% on official ratio and even got high chances for 100% if you would go with another ratio. Copy. Without adding stats to speed, they move so quick I cannot steer, or change directions. Jun 19, 2016 · My server settings have 5x breeding and hatching speeds. Then use the command: Detailed information about the Ark command SetTargetDinoColor for all platforms, including PC, XBOX and PS4. Here you can enter whichever cheats you want to use. This command will set the age of the creature (provided it is a baby) behind your crosshair. This command does not change the quality to the graphics presets, which are generally much better to use. You should see a bar appear at the bottom of your screen. When I tested it, you needed “” for targeting but not whole transfers. NewImprinterName is the name of the new imprinter name and should be in quotation marks. 0 to start and turn the maturation to 50 or 60. The SetImprintQuality command in Ark: Survival Evolved is used to set the imprint quality value of a targeted dinosaur. You really only need to imprint on the ones you want to keep around. Q: What are some common console commands in Fallout 4 on PS4? A: Some common console commands in Fallout 4 on PS4 include tfc [location] , tcl , tgm , fco , player. After I execute that command, I see the imprint percentage in the inventory, but no buff icon or when I go to Show Buffs. Personalized Service We guarantee quality not only in our promotional products but our service as well. If the game cheats to screw you over, you cheat right back to set things right. While setting it to 2. Imprint quality can be thought of as a bond between a player and their dinosaur, which boosts the dinosaur's attributes when they are used by the imprinted player. See also SetBabyAge Detailed information about the Ark command SetImprintedPlayer for all platforms, including PC, XBOX, and PS4. I'm wanting to know if there is a setting or code to input on Nitrado Expert settings to maybe allow the imprint percentage to go from 6% to 25%. I set growth to 10 and my friends can get a raptor to 100 bur for their rex I have to us commands to give it 100. gg/NG6MNkW4MKSubscribe and turn on notifications to see new content. if you're breeding dinos for stat mutations then it isn't necessary to imprint all of them, just the ones you're satisfied with. Nov 26, 2024 · Thanks to a well optimized code it is still possible to save g_currentMission with some 5-6 levels of depth before the Lua engine starts to leak memory and becomes unstable (the default depth is set to 2). Is maturation spped 42. The official subreddit for the Godot Engine. Unpause the game and resume. Assuming your on single player and this is happening, there is a command for setting imprint quality. Like on our server, a quetz will get 9% imprint each interval, while an argent will get 33%. However, for OPs case, all you would need to do is ask the admin to setimprintquality 1 by simply looking at the wyvern. 24 added "BabyImprintAmountMultiplier". See also SetBabyAge Apr 14, 2022 · Here is two great Admin commands. Set the interval for imprint to the inverse of your mature speed. Welcome to the Ark: Survival Evolved and Ark: Survival Ascended Subreddit The GiveWeaponSet command gives you a set of weapons dependent on the Tier number and Quality value provided. This console command transfers all of a player's imprinted dinos to another player - i. Otherwise you have to set it to a player using SetImprintedPlayer "PlayerNameInQuotes" 123456789. Imprinting is prompted by the baby, juvenile, or Detailed information about the Ark command SetTimeOfDay for all platforms, including PC, XBOX and PS4. Disable Baby Dino Imprint Buff: Off Allow Baby Dino Imprint Cuddle by Anyone: Off Imprinting Stat Scale: 1 Cuddle Interval: 0. Detailed information about the Ark command TransferImprints for all platforms, including PC, XBOX and PS4. but the command doing nothing. 0 1. Mine is set at 0. Dec 16, 2019 · Imprinting Quality I have a friend who owned an unofficial server and I am trying to replicate his settings for a new server we made regarding imprinting and raising babies but I cannot figure it out. 125 Cuddle Grace Period: 4 Cuddle Lose Imprint Quality Speed: 1 With maturation set to 8x the speed. Detailed information about the Ark command God for all platforms, including PC, XBOX and PS4. 0 is the default I think. youtube. This will vary depending on what platform you're on. , if I had a baby that was 0% imprinted, and then I used the admin command to set its imprint to 100%, would I get all of the stat boosts (meaning the stats are controlled directly by the imprint quality), or would I only get the rider buff (meaning the stats are controlled only. clearmybuffs: Clears all currently active buffs from player. lua 1'. I think it is a matter because i have no tribe, maybe. If there is time for 5 cuddles before full maturation then each gives 20%, if there's time for 10 cuddles then they each give 10%, and if there's time for only 1 cuddle then that cuddle gives 100%. This command sets your client's graphics quality, relative to the 'quality' number provided (0-3). Set your Imprint to a decimal of the Mature Speed. Sets value in the range from 0 to 1 (= 100%) of the target baby or adult bred dino. Hey this video we will be going over how the ark commands you need to know to set imprint quality to whatever you want and that also mean if you want you can Mar 29, 2020 · Dododex a companion app for ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended. This command will change the imprinted player for the dinosaur that your crosshair is over to the player with the specified name and ID. Double-tap the Left Stick to open the Console Panel. AdminCheat SetImprintQuality 1 (this will give you 100% imprint, i don't think setting it higher than 1 does anything beneficial but i've never bothered testing that) Nov 19, 2016 · As far as I know a console command like that doesn't exist. Imprinting is currently default. mrwg lsxi vdbt loyn fdp lfqb gqrw ytgr elchzlt yacj kxg ajkkl rmctlt kmjfv sreqlm