Master clue scroll rs3 rewards reddit. Am i making things up in my mind 0.
Master clue scroll rs3 rewards reddit Goal is all clue scroll milestone rewards! A clue scroll (master) is the highest tier of clue scroll. I just moved onto mediums as I did 600 beginners and 500 easies. The game features a massive, gorgeous map, an elaborate elemental combat system, engaging storyline & characters, co-op game mode, soothing soundtrack, and much more for you to explore! A clue scroll (master) is the highest tier clue scroll in the Treasure Trails Distraction and Diversion, in which a player follows a series of clues leading towards buried treasure. Clues just hit different. If I have a :house: next to the item, that means it can be stored in your POH costume room and you should check to see if you have one there already. Players can obtain a master clue scroll from the following methods: I was reading on the wiki about how to obtain clue scrolls. These presets are indeed optimized for efficiency, so don't feel intimidated. Rumoured requirements for titles are: Easy clues. A. Also, for rare rewards from clue scrolls: most of the items from hards and elites have confirmed droprates which you can find on the wiki. There’s a 20% chance you get a Master from an Elite, and a 10% chance you get a Master from a Hard, so doing clues is probably the best way to get them. "Master clue scrolls are obtainable from any source that can provide an elite clue scroll (high-level boss encounters, Slayer monsters, completing other clues, level 60+ Mining, Woodcutting, Fishing, and Divination, and crystal triskelions). 171 votes, 35 comments. Average elite value is 347k from 14 clues (really small sample, I know). 00. Ranged from 164k to 596k I know I haven't done anywhere near enough to draw proper conclusions, but does the average hard clue reward seem high? Has anyone else kept track of clue values? Hey there just wanna mention that many folks with lots of clue scrolls done have done it without using fancy setups, and that's totally okay. They're even a reward from a clue scroll itself. Clue Scroll Rewards - What to Keep? I have about 50-60 fortunate items sitting in my clue Scroll tab because I'm too scared to disassemble them. wiki Master of Clues is a title which can be obtained by completing the Zaida's Protégé achievement which requires the player to obtain the following master clue scrolls rewards: Any cape slot item; Any piece of Second-Age equipment; Every type of dye; All other uniques (including all masks and glasses) Solve the puzzle box and talk to the NPC again, or tell the NPC the answer to the challenge scroll, to receive the next clue. Why not actually it would be possible reward from each tier clue scroll? I mean the chance of getting one would be 1/512 and from each tier u could get like a document part. For an AFK gathering method, tetracompasses are the way to go. Then Grind all the clues starting from easy and working your way through the elites. 85 Cooking 84 Crafting 95 Divination 80 Fishing 90 Firemaking 81 Herblore 88 Hunter 69 Invention 80 Mining 87 Magic 80 Prayer 77 Runecrafting 92 Smithing 91 Thieving 90 Woodcutting At least one 99 or Quest cape - Max Garden Clue Master Clue Quest Reqs. To know what you should re-roll, take the average time you require to complete a clue, in minutes. To start the clue, you must first right-click the scroll and select the "Read" option to find out which region to search. Hopefully Jagex will read this and put some of the ideas on a list to implement later. Hard clues as well I don't do that many an hour. Start doing your easy scrolls, starting from the bottom is nice, you're going to get few items. After completing Pieces of Hate, the Skeletal horror has a 1/12 (8. So if you're talking to Bob in lumbridge and typing in "69" as the answer to his clue, you have a chance of these spawning. 8 min gathering time and 90 this is my general clue tab though i havent played on this account in several months. Legends Quest could someone please help me i have a master clue scroll and its saying something about the heart of gielnor where do i start so confused? :( also… Think of a re-roll as a free clue reward, that is you are completing an extra clue in 0 seconds. At least someone sees where I'm coming from. The clue scroll collector could be added to the treasure trail reward shop as an item that would automatically collect clue scrolls for you in a similar fashion as the charming imp collects charms. What is the chance of getting a dye from Master Clue? Didn't understand this here, I am often told 1/28 barrows or 1/90 for blood but then there is something in the drop rates with 15,000 in brackets. Examples: (Note: I can't show off the colour of the titles due to colour restrictions on reddit, so I added what their colour would be above). While there's Customer Support clue scrolls which are F2P, they only existed during CS Week, and thus not permanently available even though the event returns from time to time. Upgrade what you want and enjoy yourself. For easy clues pickpocket H. that randomization A beginner clue might ask you to wear a gold ring, while a master needs you to show an NPC a godsword or light the highest level log on fire. The Digging for Treasure achievement now consistently completes when using a meerkat to fetch a casket. A reward casket (master) is an item containing the rewards of the Treasure Trails. Trade them all in! And you get more pet chances. Yes you can. Since the average reward is 200-250k you'd basically never get a reroll if you stick to your 200k plan. I just started doing the clue scrolls on my elite stack and it took me 1 hour and 17 minutes to do 7 elite clues. [1] Alt-1, using a preset like above, using puzzle skipping tickets (pricey), bd/surging at right times, using globetrotter perks to skip longer steps, meerkat scrolls to avoid wizards, and muscle memory. I'm still hoping for the book like this to store teleport scrolls and save bank space. Obtaining a Sealed Master from opening Teasure Trail Caskets Obtaining a sealed clue of any tier through use of the Prosper Perk Whenever I get a rare drop master I cannot complete, I give it 5 chances. Lol and mod ramen wanted a title for full completion of clue logs. " and cheer by the sulphur pit. Feel free to customize however you prefer and enjoy the game. 18% comes from barrows dye chances). Allowing meerkats to be brought into the Runespan, add new rewards to the shop, such as the ability to augment the globetrotter body and legs, the ability to upgrade the globetrotter boots to count as a mobile perk while wearing the entire outfit, a clue aura with tiers, the ability to increase the clue softcap to a number greater than 25, and I also hope that the easy clue scrolls would go F2P too. You need a boater and cavalier for master clue costume steps so those are solid. Clue Tier Indicator+ Purchased Title from treasure trail rewards shop in the colour of the band on sealed clue scrolls of the respective tier. M members, get one stuck and u can get fast easy clues. UPDATE : Got my first dye (shadow) on hard #543 From The clue chasers discord here. Combine that with the 'highest' chance for a dye out of all clue tiers (or so I would assume) they should statistically be the best gp/clue or gp/hour (if not counting the time obtain them). patch 30 October 2023 ():. You can use the memory strands to quick tele to a bank for free, so I just have a TT tab with all my costumes and grab the one I need for each clue. They are obtained upon opening a sealed clue scroll (hard). GREY Novice Enigmatologist Novice Explorer Charos' clue carrier is a reward from the Desperate Times quest. 100 masters, nothing. additionally, before this change, the randomization of slider puzzles was 35-75 steps to solve. It's the only one I can't do and it seems like I keep getting it intentionally. Elites if you have 5x shadows in Psd its faster than priff thieving. What people don’t realize is that easy clue can turn into a master clue at 1/50 chance upon completion and in turn a 1/15 chance for a mimic and in turn of the mimic give you a 1/228 for a 3rd age piece. By player request, we've reverted the sound played during clue scans to its pre-June version. Obtaining the following master clue scroll rewards completes The Clue Addict achievement which unlocks the golden variant of this title: All capes; One piece of each Second-Age style (Melee, Magic, and Ranged) equipment; Orlando Smith's hat; All other uniques (including all masks and glasses) Translations [edit | edit source] Regular Master clues from other clues seem to have the same droprate as they do on OSRS; being 1/50, 1/30, 1/15, and 1/5 respectively (easy to elite). Note that ranger boots are roughly 1/300 man, and people are willing to pay so much for them already. I think you should be able to trade in all clue types to someone like you can at Watson, and receive a “Master Wilderness Clue” with great rewards but really hard wildy tasks, like “Kill Callisto”. Master clues offer generally larger rewards, but do require some higher level quests to be able to reliably complete them. Replace heart teletabs with chipped ardougne and watchtower. Very rare at Easy+, rare at master(?) The digger title - obtained when 200 clues have been done. You get out a preset for the type you're doing, get out a Meerkat with scrolls if you're doing Hards, Elites, or Masters, then teleport/surge/bladed dive around the map like a dimensionally destabilized squirrel with the clue totem from Anachronia active, going where Alt1 commands over and over. A reward casket (master) is received after completing the final clue of a master clue scroll trail, and contains the reward for the trail. Posted by u/odysseus515 - 2 votes and 9 comments For all you clue scroll do-ers, what would you say is your average clues done per broadcast? Still a baby cluer here, got 3a helmet hard clue #291 , currently at 500 (100 unopened caskets) with nothing else. The elites however, it seems like you get a slider every other step with maybe a celtic knot inbetween, just gets so annoying doing 4-8 sliders Clue scroll hat - hat that looks like a clue scroll, cosmetic. And in the end u would combine all document parts together to create document which says u have mastered the clue scrolls or smth like that. You honestly don't even really make much money do clue scrolls this way, but it is a nice way to break up your game play. Master clue trails are between 6 to 8 clues long (5 to 7 with the Totem of Treasure). Easy- God pages Medium - god pages or the boots Hard - shadow dye Elite - 3a dye Master - 3a dye or blood dye (not sure about the prices) From the top of my head, please correct me if I'm wrong! It is a pocket slot item that can be used to store and withdraw sealed clue scrolls and their respective easy, medium, hard, elite, and master reward caskets. Invention provided so much value to clues for rs3 by making all clue specific rewards break down into "fortunate components" that are used for various degradable skilling and pvm buffs. You're playing IM for a reason. i eventually maxed slayer and still do it just for the clue scrolls because So, heres my situation: I started a Master Clue scroll a few months ago, then my gf decided she wanted to start playing RS3, so I took a break from my account to help teach her and train hers. 35m). So I was only averaging 5-6 elite clues an hour. From the new list of items required for Master Clues I have compiled a quick guide on how to get them and any requirements. maybe a 3rd age pickaxe :o Scan clues are a type of clue that can appear during elite and master clue scrolls. All Master Clue Rewards*: (rsn) the Master Puzzler All Elite Clue Rewards*: (rsn) the Enigma All Hard Clue Rewards*: (rsn) the Conundrum I mean, i spend up to 20 minutes doing 1 elite clue, and the reward is usually around 200k, sometimes around 500k. Not a clue hunter, but, from other more experienced clue hunters, I believe that the average is: 35-40 Easies p/hr 25-30 Meds p/hr 22-25 Hards p/hr 12-16 Elites p/hr 8-12 Masters p/hr Let's be very optimistic and think that this person can be super efficient and be in the higher range of clues per hour for each clue difficulty. One suggestion would be to include puzzle and knot skipping tickets and increase the number of meerkat scrolls by scaling to the tier of clue. I just wanted to add to the discussion by throwing out some possible titles that could be earned by obtaining clue scroll rewards, all in keeping with the puzzle theme. Considering how much longer it takes to hunt and solve an elite clue compared to hard clues, I would personally love to see a slight improvement to the elite clue loot table. but I feel it's not really worth doing them. Welcome to r/progressionfantasy! This community is for the discussion of progression fantasy fiction in all mediums. 90 div just being one of them. When determining a medium clue, there is a 19/99 chance for it to be an anagram clue, a 10/109 chance for hard clues, and a 25/100 chance for master clues. The known titles are apparently: the Gold Digger (easy clues) Clueless (medium clues) Double Agent (hard clues) the Clue Chaser (elite clues) Master of Clues (master clues) Picture of the titles. You can only do so many clue scrolls an hour, regardless of how many you have, the couple of hours people grind for the clue scrolls would be removed, so potentially it could increase the supply of clue scroll rewards, but at the same time, if they are getting more rewards than they were initially they will be making more profit Hello, earlier today I got the Orlando Smith's hat as a reward from a master clue scroll and I was instantly overwhelmed by in game messages from other players trying to buy it from me. Elites also have a vastly higher master clue rate which are like a walk in the park think 1:2. View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. That was more personal since I want to grind all rewards and build all holes. Progression fantasy is a fantasy subgenre term for the purpose of describing a category of fiction that focuses on characters increasing in power and skill over time. 1/1000 would be reasonable enough; because you have to have the skills and quest reqs before even doing a damn master clue, let alone the probability of actually getting the clue itself. Crypto The biggest issue would be that they wouldn't stack in the bank if you did this, and would require a considerable amount of item data. The rewards are trash. 44 votes, 74 comments. See full list on runescape. 789K subscribers in the 2007scape community. The closest you could get is having a hidden Series stat starting at 1, and having clue updates make new caskets receive a +1 Series value. When opening clue reward caskets, the following chances apply to get a master 181 votes, 39 comments. The world traveler title - obtained when 750 clues have been done. Theres always a chance of something good. 100% agree. . Another image guide, this time for Elite Clue Solving. (think slayer points and rewards) Its definitely not a new concept that came with leagues. What I would recommend is that you grind some other clues until you can unlock the Globetrotter backpack. Reset the Gower quest - moves them back to near Varrock Lodestone - remove need for disc of returning Remove the Sphere for Dorgesh - this step takes WAY too long and should be skipped, rarely need skips anyway on Masters - same for the Seren stone one. Masters are frequent as clue rewards from other type of clues. Good luck in your clue scroll hunt! How do you get your clue scrolls Prif thieving, Slayer, Shadow Creatures What does your preset look like? Full globetrotter outfit + Nox staff + slayer helm + shard of mah equipped Enhanced Excalibur, Ancient elven ritual shard, attuned crystal teleport seed, slayer cape (teleports), dungeoneering cape (teleports), max cap This would not make sense because they’d have to create a new item ID and they wouldn’t stack with “new reward” ones. Elite clue scrolls are between 5 to 7 clues long (4 to 6 with the Totem of Treasure). 18%(this number is a running sum of the individual odds for each dye, so most of the . I spent about 2 or 3 hours last night doing one master clue scroll, I noticed the text say that I earned a casket at least… It came with a soft cap of 25 max stack with the ability to double to 50 if you unlocked the perk in the clue scroll rewards shop. For hards hellhounds are the fastest. In general though they are much easier than elites in terms of time to complete, but obviously with higher reqs. This value is the maximum value you should re-roll. Hopefully you should get some of the required clue items from yards required in masters such as cavaliers which will help you avoid using skips on master clues. Hard puzzle boxes can now be consistently skipped with a puzzle skip token. One puts you in west ardougne (amazing for that one common hard clue and for ardougne scans), other next to observatory (by far fastest way for that common hard crate). Good to see one of the OSRS updates making its way to RS3. Elites also take forever to gather compared to other tiers even with the Bik book. They are obtained by opening a sealed clue scroll (master). How do you view your Clue Scroll Collection Log? I forget :S Cheers! This thread is archived Here's a link to the clue chasers discord, if you'd like to join. For mediums, cannon the dagannoths in waterbirth island. Players can obtain a master clue scroll from the following methods: Probably include some simple 3x3 puzzles as well. Until you get globetrotter gloves I recommend maybe bringing lighthouse scrolls too. If you have the elites it's way faster than hards for unlocking the outfit considering hards rely on the outfit a lot more for efficient solving. I remember hearing about master clues eventually being in rs3. I average roughly 55 hard clues/hr and 33-34 master clues/hr using tickets and no Alt1. RuneScape Wiki ^^^linker | This was generated automatically. Lots of master clues have high requirements. Just wanted to mention, many people solve clue scrolls without high end setups, and that's totally okay. Clues are supposed to be fun, not stressful. (ranged from 76k to 1. Sure, I use Alt1 because it is a godsend for clues, but I can easily bang out a hard clue as short as 60 seconds, where an elite (even with Alt1) can take 4-5 minutes because of all the running around at the random places, just feels like it's a waste of time. Without hidey holes & having to buy all outfits and getting to all the locations without prepped teleports, it would take sooo much longer That is what I do. These presets are indeed pushing efficiency and are purely advisory. It can be between 6 and 8 steps long, and rewards a master reward casket upon completion. A dye or two is nice to make the helm of tectonic and sirenics repairable instead of degrade to dust. Hards average at about 1m per casket in the long term (without dyes), so it's about half your profits you’re spending in tickets, and then any dyes make up some of that difference. You can get clues in a variety of ways including fishing them, getting them from bird's nests or even opening them from implings. In the event that a clue scroll would require going to member areas, it would just reroll. Join us for game… A clue scroll (hard) is part of the Treasure Trails Distraction and Diversion, in which a player follows a series of clues leading towards a buried treasure. After travelling there, open the scroll's "Scan" interface to automatically scan the region for the correct spot. " 2. Divide this by 60 and then multiply my the maximum amount of cash you can earn in an hour. Join us for game… Maybe in terms of rewards, but i find hard clues wayyyy better to do: maybe 1-2 sliders per clue scroll (across all the steps), they're done crazy fast and the hidey hole ones arent that bad to do. I was wondering what are your opinions on specifically elite clue scrolls, are they worth doing for money or should I just ignore them. So, for every 10,000 clues you complete, you can expect, on average, 18 dyes (mostly barrows, shadow, and ice). Then most masters come from clues of lower “difficulties. After completing 100 master clues, the player will be awarded the scroll sack. Plus elites are better points per clue without the unlocks. | View me on GitHub . The tradeoff for "stackable hards" is a 700,000 gp loss, thus making it justifiable. i did most my hard clues through slayer and sometimes the reward is a master clue. i think if i wanted to optimize for elites/masters/hards etc id make a new tab for them, but usually i cant handle more than 10 clues of any tier at once before i lose my mind Not just curious about one type of clue, would like to see everyone's views on all tiers of clue scrolls! :D At the moment we've got a wide variety of times; hards taking 5-10 minutes and elites taking 8-15 minutes. 939K subscribers in the 2007scape community. I think this would be best if it wasn't a standard coordinate clue and could happen anytime you're trying to complete a step of the clue. But yeah, I'm interested in the new Master clue scrolls and the STASH units. Although I definitely wouldn't recommend it for a Master. 200 elites, nothing. I’m not familiar with clue scroll rewards and was wondering what are some of the most important items/gear I should be looking to get from casket rewards as an ironman. Top elite cluers do elites at 3 min pace. I have TokHaar-Kal-Xil and thought this could count as a fire cape. Am i making things up in my mind 0. no matter what the step was i would do all the quests and get the levels just for that one step of the clue. 5m, and that wasn't even a full hour so its kinda crazy, clue outfit OP. I get my mediums from imps and thieve HAMs for easys. Elite clues kinda suck for normal rewards. In my opinion this is ironman in its beauty. Conclusion Because I was boredand because I couldn't find any accurate information for master clue drop rates taking into account bad luck mitigation - I wrote up a little program that simulated 2,147,483,647 master clue caskets being opened to get the most accurate picture at rates. Please say any ideas you have that will help to improve clue scrolls for the majority of players. Most casual elite cluers are prob 6-8 min pace. [1] When an elite I actually made my account through clue scroll requirements mainly hard clues. Getting a clue drop means spending the next few minutes running all over the game, exploring places you would never normally visit. I haven't seen probably half of the possible master clue steps available. I mean it is a master clue. You can take any non-easy clue to Zaida, the NPC at the Clue Scroll hub outside the GE, use it on her, and she'll offer to downgrade it to a tier below. Triskelion keys should match Tetracompass drop rates and have 1/2 elite clue chance and 1/2 master clue chance. A subreddit dedicated to the MMORPG RuneScape. Sceptre of the gods (basically just an upgraded pharaoh's sceptre), passage of the abyss #1 (games necklace, ring of duelling, glory, skills necklace, dig site pendant and ring of slaying), nature sentinel set for teleports to the elder tree south of yanille and the northen overgrown idols next to the shipyard, portable fairy rings, evil daves spellbook for chipped ardy tabs (west ardy tele They also have a system where you can get Third Age rewards of lower tiers in higher level scrolls, which unfortunately RS3 doesn't have. Hard clue scrolls are between 5 to 7 clues long (4 to 6 with the Totem of Treasure). I have master clue scroll and reached a stage where it says "Equip a fire cape, a Toktz-ket-xil and a spork. It is possible but requires a lot of practice and I understand not everyone mains clue scrolls. with these rates its literally impossible to ever complete master clue log. Personally prefer to do an Elite and a Hard at the same time, since there's a lot of overlap and I can use traveling for Hards to pinpoint locations for a compass clue without using extra teles. Highest Master Clue Skill Reqs. all drops on the easy log patch 4 December 2023 ():. Opening a reward casket requires a minimum of ten combined free spaces in the player's bank or backpack, and it is destroyed after being opened. 0 Easy enough for you to check on YouTube though. That way you'd have a single stack for each Series of Caskets Easy clues can be done extremely quickly, so fortunate component items are good from those as well. It is a pocket slot item that can be used to store and withdraw sealed clue scrolls and their respective easy, medium, hard, elite, and master reward caskets. Sorry for the shit formatting. I would suggest this item would cost 5k treasure trail points but I am open to feedback if this seems to easy to obtain. 933K subscribers in the 2007scape community. 9K votes, 79 comments. the range of prices i received has been significant, from 7b to 12. They take a while, and for me at least they give lower value rewards. Is it safe to disassemble anything that isn't needed for master emote clues (Dragon mask, Cav, etc)? A reward casket (master) is received after completing the final clue of a master clue scroll trail, and contains the reward for the trail. I think the coordinate clue "bosses" should definitely be tribrid though. Your ideas. The meerkat fetch casket scroll now works correctly on master tier clues. Got my first master clue scroll from the free one you get at Varrok G. Which I guess is ok, content like toa is also just a lottery ticket these days, but I do wish there was just a bit more to master clue rewards. 351K subscribers in the runescape community. I also think orlando smith hat should be on medium + tiers of clues to help balance the clues out. Dailyscape Reduction: Let the Fort Forinthry Command Center collect Area Achievement daily rewards and Sand from Bert upvotes · comments r/runescape A clue scroll (elite) is the second highest tier clue scroll after the clue scroll (master) in the Treasure Trails Distraction and Diversion, in which a player follows a series of clues leading towards a buried treasure. It is usually received after completing the final clue of an master clue scroll trail, sometimes players may receive a puzzle casket (master) in its place. A clue scroll (master) is the highest tier of clue scroll. Business, Economics, and Finance. Join us! Then opened 34 easies later and those had 14 (+lots of other stuff, so lets say 15) forts and 2 master clues which is like 22. That and the better master rate makes it better. Sometimes you need to do a quest or obtain a weird item to complete a step. Things that will make my journey easier and especially bossing easier. 8b. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. 33%) chance to drop a master clue instead of an elite clue. Flared trousers step? I'll do 5 easy clues Zamorak Godsword? I'll do 1 trip/5 kills at zammy Phaoroah's Scepter? I'll do 1 runs of Pyramid Plunder If I don't get the item, I drop the master clue, but eventually, I'll get the items, or I won't get the step very frequently. ” My main point is that there is a quantifiable best way to get clues in terms of clue scrolls per hour and almost all the top clue people use the same methods. Maybe the wildy slayer master can act as the clue collector, or one of the team cape sellers. The community for Old School RuneScape discussion on Reddit. For hards it's about half a skip ticket per clue, or about 500k loss per clue. Clue Cracker title - obtained when 1000 clues have been done. E. The task has not been achieved because it seems it requires a normal fire cape. Join us for game discussions, tips and tricks, and all things OSRS! OSRS is the official legacy version of RuneScape, the largest free-to-play MMORPG. The most lucrative option is probably not doing clue scrolls at all, sadly. The below image is what I found (Listed Rates are per casket): You could simply add some of the successful master clue rewards like elemental staff/impetus/golden thread/box of clue scrolls to elite clue rewards that share the rare table just so in the long run you're making more than hards and easies. [1] Im around early-mid game (1730 total) and looking to start a clue scroll grind. Join us for game… patch 4 December 2023 ():. 352 votes, 77 comments. this turned what were properly 5-10 steps into more like 12-15 steps. Average chance of getting any dye from a master clue is approximately . I hope players who keep suggesting a title can realize how impossible this is and how stupidly rare second age pieces are. While players can only have one of each type of clue scroll in their possession, they can possess unlimited amounts of reward caskets, and are eligible to receive clue scrolls again once it is obtained. This is the official community for Genshin Impact (原神), the latest open-world action RPG from HoYoverse. That being said this is OSRS and not RS3 as many like to say and fair enough. Downgrading a clue to a lower tier by using it on Zaida in the Treasure Trail Hub outside the GE Content that guarantees a clue such as Skeletal Horror, POH Aquarium Chest, Triskellion Keys, and Tetracompass Keys. Easys: Pickpocket HAM members Medium: Killing the mobs in Ork’s Rift Hards: Hellhound Resource Dungeon Elites: 5 shadow creatures in the small room of a POSD Masters: Elites have the highest raw chance of providing master clues but given how long it takes to gather and complete elites (~10 min gathering time and 4 +/- 1min completion time per elite) vs hards ( ~1. There's a pretty good breakdown on this from the clue chasers discord. I am hitting my wits end, Ive done 35 clue scrolls (hard) and 8 elites and have had not a single fortunate component, yeah blah blah rng, but its becoming super fucking demotivating and is starting to actually get under my skin a lot!, Is there a better way to collect forts? because fuck me I need a way to do it, 50 is a lot to collect when after 5 hours of clue hunting, opening and re-rolling If you are serious about clues; you want one, since it just, sorta, *spawns* clue scrolls as you are doing normal skilling, and it lets you get more than the clue cap of 25 (or 50 with the upgrade) Do keep in mind: the scripture is untradable once you equip it Most sources of elite clues have a 1% chance of upgrading to a master clue instead, including monster drops, Treasure chest decoration, etc. However if you need to farm the clue scrolls themselves elites are tougher to get. I'd also do sub 500k on hards if i did them, sure you may lose a little bit but clues arn't really meant to be a consistent money maker, i'd rather have a chance at something rare than a extra 200k I like stacking master caskets! I'll open them 10 at a time to celebrate 99s etc with some 1% Bloodhound scratch offs :) I bank all my lower caskets up to ~15+ at a time (that's the hard drop rate for a master) and then open some after I finish a series of 3 masters (master + Watson + elite in bank) until I get a 4th to do, then carry on with my game collecting 3 more elites after that. 7 for elites and 1:18 for hards Masters are the best for gp/h so though elites up front are less gp/h then a hard if you factor in the master clues over a long time elites will pay out more I am really fond of doing master clues lately with the new clue scroll overhaul, but in my opinion it is so hard to get one :( Therefore I wondering what is the fastest way to obtain master clues? For what i now know is that the fastest way of getting hard clues is hellhounds and the fastest way to obtain elites are shadow creatures? Anything that gives fortunates is great cause you need a lot of them. I've done like 20 masters and I've gotten this step in literally every single one I've done, often times multiple times. I saw Maikeru's video and he claims you can do 12 elite clues an hour, and I've seen streamers do 40-50 hard clues an hour. Pulse colours updated to change according to the proximity to the clue instead of always being blue. can't wait to do it tomorrow Master clues have decent regular loot and take like 5-6 minutes to complete. I love clues and those clue scroll ironmen series so much I made a clue scroll only uim. Also that streamer saybay has been stacking elite clues for like 2 years, like over 20k sarachnis kills worth and he’s discussed the elite clue buff with mods on his podcast more than once. Proficient elite cluers ~4 min pace. If you need a specific item, go grind it. The explorer title - obtained when 400 clues have been done. Pre-rework (stackable clues, lotd, etc in 2017), elite clues puzzles counted as individual steps. since that change, puzzles seem to be an "unlocking" part of a clue step as opposed to an individual clue step. The 1/15 chance of receiving a master clue scroll adds another 59,256. 00, for a total expected value per clue of 251,255. Average hard clue value is 356k based on 25 clues. They are obtained upon opening a sealed clue scroll (elite). 83 Agility. ewu xhxb nqul mjbkkiy jbhdxv gitivje pzo guvftec upsfx evjndh ivy kxmcbs jdo daeyc beqh