Love2d graphics. Creates a screenshot and returns the image data.
Love2d graphics Feb 16, 2024 · Next, set the environment LOVE_GRAPHICS_USE_OPENGLES=1 and SDL_OPENGL_ES_DRIVER=1 then launch LOVE. A responsabilidade primária do módulo love. To confirm you're using ANGLE backend, check the 2nd return value of love. conf or love. Dec 31, 2019 · Arguments. Во многих случаях, вы рискуете изображения или фигуры начиная от их верхнего левого угла (картинка выше). OpenType fonts (. draw (video, 0, 0) end Notes Löve only provides the basic functionality provided by libtheora. 1 Draw the top half of an image (the Hamster Ball) at 100 by 100 pixels. Instead of using this limited function, consider using a BMFont generator such as bmfont, littera, or bmGlyph with love. . Nov 13, 2022 · Scales the coordinate system in two dimensions. Following the mode argument, this function can accept multiple numeric arguments or a single table of numeric arguments. Each vertex is initialized to {0,0, 0,0, 1,1,1,1}. setColor. draw,以下的用法用以替代love. draw . Dec 12, 2023 · Arguments Font font The font to use for the text. Mar 8, 2023 · When drawing content to a Canvas using regular alpha blending, the alpha values of the content get multiplied with its RGB values. The default "alphamultiply" alpha mode should normally be preferred except when drawing content with pre-multiplied alpha. These effects are written in a language based on GLSL (OpenGL Shading Language) with a few things simplified for easier coding. graphics Dec 27, 2015 · Gets the color mode (which controls how images are affected by the current color). draw has finished). 3 Returns; 3 Examples. setCanvas when using stencils with a Canvas. point (日本語) 点を描画します。 0. vec2 texture_coords Coordinates of the pixel relative to the texture. setBackgroundColor Sets the background color. 0 It has been replaced by love. Depuis LOVE 0. number x The position of the center along x-axis. height end)-- sort from smallest to largest See Also love. Official LÖVE icon and logo graphics for use in splash, title, credits screens, website etc. Just like any other Drawable it can be drawn to the screen using love. This example shows how you can rotate the screen 90 degrees, counter clockwise. Esta função é sempre usada para reverter uma operação de empilhamento anterior. getRendererInfo which should contain "ANGLE" (all uppercase). number x1 The position of first point on the x-axis. Dec 29, 2018 · love. getTextureTypes can check for support. 5 + integer increments. Returns number x The x-component of the top-left point of the box. By default the coordinate system in LÖVE corresponds to the display pixels in horizontal and vertical directions one-to-one, and the x-axis increases towards the right whi Apr 29, 2024 · Sets the color used for drawing. getSystemLimits instead. Nhiệm vụ thứ hai bao gồm việc nạp các file ngoài (các Image và Font ) vào bộ nhớ, tạo ra các đối tượng riêng (như No higher level APIs are provided to set the depth of 2D graphics such as shapes, lines, and Images. There is no way to render text directly from a font object, it must always be done via the love. There are three types of fonts Arguments DrawMode mode 如何绘制这个弧. Contact: Contacts are objects created to manage collisions in worlds. Calling love. Returns Text text The new drawable Text object. Depth testing and depth writes will have no effect unless the depth field is set to true in a table passed to love. getDPIScale() would return 2 in that case. Changing the display mode may have side effects: for example, Canvases will be cleared; make sure to save their contents beforehand. print stops at the first '\0' (null) character. This affects all graphics calls, including love. number y Y坐标. The word wrap limit is applied before any scaling, rotation, and other coordinate transformations. Mar 22, 2024 · function love. None. 0, nil is returned if there are no fonts set beforehand. Feb 6, 2022 · Custom shaders which use texture coordinates will not work correctly with love. otf) work as well but some of its features may not be supported. 2, a bug caused this function to reset all transformations. 1 Synopsis; 1. push ()-- Store the previous transformation state-- Shift the coordinate system down 10, right 10 love. circle ("fill", 300, 300, 50, 5)-- Draw red circle with five segments. Oct 7, 2023 · love. 0 Lua functions can be used directly with love. Do not use this function in love. 0, a stencil buffer must be set or requested in love. canvas: renderTo (function if clear then love. setDefaultImageFilter. May 28, 2019 · Arguments Canvas canvas1 The first render target. sort (modes, function (a, b) return a. Its secondary responsibilities include loading external files (including Images and Fonts) into memory, creating specialized objects (such as ParticleSystems or Canvases) and managing screen geometry. number y 相对左上角顶点y轴的距离. update ()-- Use an anonymous function to draw lines on our canvas. number x X坐标. number radiusx The radius of the ellipse along the x-axis (half the ellipse's width). 1. It restores the current transformation to its default state. Automatically creates and sets the default font, if none is set yet. newShader [[uniform ArrayImage MainTex; void effect() {// Texel uses a third component of the texture coordinate for the layer index, when an Array Texture is passed in. height < b. setStencilTest . printf; Font; love. graphics là vẽ các đường nét, hình dạng, chữ, các Image (ảnh) cùng những đối tượng Drawable (vẽ được) khác lên mành hình. Mar 13, 2024 · Draw two lines of text, one scaled and one normal, using love. Aug 11, 2021 · In version 0. graphics est le dessin de lignes, formes, textes, Images et autres objets Drawable à l'écran. graphics module is the drawing of lines, shapes, text, Images and other Drawable objects onto the screen. getMode&oldid=15943" Jul 12, 2020 · Gets the width in pixels of the window. 0: SpriteBatch:getColor: Gets the color that will be used for the next add and set operations. setStencil in 0. mouse. Contents Aug 30, 2013 · modes = love. local rx, ry = love. Contents. setBlendMode("alpha", "premultiplied"). shear or love. Apr 1, 2018 · love. This function does not apply retroactively to loaded images. rotate, love. line (windowWidth / 2, windowHeight / 2, mx, my) end Draw a zigzag line using a table Dec 29, 2018 · shader = love. Dec 31, 2019 · Retrieved from "https://www. org/w/index. Dec 27, 2015 · Wireframe mode should only be used for debugging. La fonction principale du module love. number radius 圆弧的半径 number angle1 开始的角度 number angle2 结束的角度 number segments (10) Arguments boolean gles Validate code as GLSL ES shader. number screenY The y component of the position with graphics transformations applied. dxt Support for DXT compressed images (see CompressedFormat. 1 Synopsis; 2. setColor (1, 0, 0) love. Enables or disables specific color components when rendering and clearing the screen. Desempilha a transformação de coordenadas atual da pilha de transformações. If you need to use a specific resource often, create it once and store it somewhere it can be reused! Oct 21, 2022 · function love. getDimensions love. point (0, 0) love. Image texture The texture of the image or canvas being drawn. 1 Function. Points are not affected by love. 2 Arguments; 2. Sets or resets a Shader as the current pixel effect or vertex shaders. In version 0. newStencil Available since LÖVE 0. 0, color component values were within the range of 0 to 255 instead of 0 to 1. random (5, screen_width-5)-- generate a "random" number for the x coord of this star Oct 21, 2022 · StackType stack ("transform") The type of stack to push (e. This effectively multiplies the existing coordinate transformation's matrix with the Transform object's internal matrix to produce the new coordinate transformation. 9). pop. setCanvas{canvas, stencil=true} is an easy way to use an automatically provided temporary stencil buffer in that case. Created fonts are not cached, in that calling this function with the same arguments will always create a new Font object. drawq函数被合并到了love. push was called. setCanvas. This can bite you if you are appending keystrokes to form your string, as some of those are multi-byte unicode characters which will likely contain null bytes. 0: love. drawq。 Synopsis Nov 8, 2021 · Arguments DrawMode mode How to draw the triangle. It maps to the matrix multiplication operation that Transform:apply performs. draw Draws a Drawable object (an Image , Canvas , SpriteBatch , ParticleSystem , Mesh , Text object, or Video ) on the screen with optional rotation, scaling and shearing. ArcType arctype The type of arc to draw. As dimensões do recorte não são afetadas por transformações gráficas (translação, redimensionamento, ). php?title=love. Since this function enqueues a screenshot capture rather than executing it immediately, it can be called from an input callback or love. polygon (日本語) 多角形を描画します。 0. Mar 9, 2023 · It is most useful for sprite sheets and atlases: in a sprite atlas, multiple sprites reside in the same texture, quad is used to draw a specific sprite from that texture; in animated sprites with all frames residing in the same texture, quad is used to draw specific frame from the animation. Nov 25, 2022 · Löve Logo Graphics If you are looking to add an animated LÖVE-splashscreen to your game consider taking a look at the splashes library . 5 и y+0. Has 2 modes: "fill" and "line". Jul 20, 2019 · Use love. pop to return to normal render scale, after having used love. Since version 11. Apr 1, 2018 · Gets the current color. number height 矩形的高度. setFont May 17, 2022 · Creates a new Image from a filepath, FileData, an ImageData, or a CompressedImageData, and optionally generates or specifies mipmaps for the image. 3 Returns; 2 See Also; 3 Other Languages Esta função pode ser lenta, se for chamada repetidamente, como dentro de love. Jun 9, 2018 · Adding and using fonts in LÖVE isn't very complicated, but what you have to keep in mind is that you need to set the font before you can use it. Therefore the amount of text per line stays constant given the same wrap limit, even if the scale arguments change. pop reverts to a previous love. newParticleSystem. print function which will render text based on the current font. Constants fill Draw filled shape. newFont; love. string vertexcode The vertex shader code, or a filename pointing to a file with the code. 1, lorsque les fonctions de déplacement et de changement d'échelle sont utilisées lors du tracé du texte, cette fonction assume que la mise à l'échelle est appliquée en premier. Isso afeta todas as chamadas gráficas, incluindo love. inverseTransformPoint; Transform; Other Languages Use getDimensions for calculations related to drawing to the screen and using the graphics coordinate system (calculating the center of the screen, for example), and getPixelDimensions only when dealing specifically with underlying pixels (pixel-related calculations in a pixel Shader, for example). number maxsprites (1000) The maximum number of sprites that the SpriteBatch can contain at any given time. Sep 11, 2024 · The per-frame metrics (drawcalls, canvasswitches, shaderswitches) are reset by love. May be nil. getBackgroundColor Gets the current background color. setLineWidth, and they don't use the smooth LineStyle. Trace du texte à l'écran. bc5 May 19, 2023 · Sets or disables scissor. That would create a new font every frame, eating up memory very quickly. math. Jan 18, 2019 · Controls whether shapes are drawn as an outline, or filled. update or love. number width 矩形的宽度. pop ()-- Return to the previous transformation state love. getModes table. as a pixel density scale factor if none is explicitly supplied. Jan 12, 2019 · Supertypes. Therefore the Canvas' pixel colors will have premultiplied alpha once it has been drawn to, so when drawing the Canvas to the screen or to another Canvas you must use premultiplied alpha blending – love. Normally all drawing operations will draw only to the first canvas passed to the function, but that can be changed if a pixel shader is used with the void effect function instead of the regular vec4 effect. Jul 13, 2023 · The particle system has to be created using love. toPixels functions can also be used to convert between units. line Draw outlined shape. 3 Returns; 2 Function. Cette fonction est principalement utile pour les feuilles de sprite et les atlas : Dans un atlas de sprites, plusieurs sprites résident dans la même texture, un quad est utilisé pour tracer un sprite spécifique depuis une texture ; dans le cas Feb 14, 2022 · Starting with version 11. So to get clean pixels drawn use 0. Desenha um objeto Desenhável (uma Imagem, uma Pintura, um LoteDeSprites, um SistemaDePartículas, ou uma Malha) na tela, com rotação, redimensionamento e inclinação opcionais. Apr 8, 2021 · The primary responsibility for the love. Apr 1, 2018 · It has been replaced by love. 0. load video = love. // love sets up the texture coordinates to contain the layer index specified in love. ) but will not by default unless a custom Shader along with either per-instance vertex attributes or the love_InstanceID GLSL 3 vertex shader variable is used, otherwise they will all render at the same position on top of each other. Returns. Por padrão, o sistema de coordenadas do LÖVE corresponde aos pixels da tela nas direções horizontal e vertical, na proporção de um para um, e o e Jan 13, 2014 · It has been renamed from love. 7. Jul 16, 2021 · The global color set by love. newFont. Trace des objets Drawable (traçable), tels que les objets Image, Canvas, SpriteBatch, ParticleSystem, Mesh, Text, ou Video) à l'écran avec une rotation, mise à l'échelle ou étirement optionnels. The highdpi window flag must be enabled to use the full pixel density of a Retina screen on Mac OS X and iOS. run is called right after the execution of love. Sep 15, 2024 · Retrieved from "https://www. setColor; love love. getCanvasFormats to check for support. present, which for the default implementation of love. Oct 27, 2016 · Arguments vec4 color The drawing color set with love. Examples. Sep 10, 2016 · Changes the window size, or the display mode if fullscreen. pop will restore the previous transformation stack or the whole graphics settings, depending on how love. stencil and love. Returns Font font The current Font. mipmap Support for Mipmaps. Jul 14, 2022 · Arguments DrawMode mode How to draw the ellipse. The supported maximum number of MSAA samples varies depending on the system. Dec 29, 2018 · This function replaces love. Notes. g. The pixel grid is actually offset to the center of each pixel. Oct 20, 2023 · Creates a new Font from a TrueType font or BMFont file. 可理解为红色圆内正五边形 所以用这个方法来画正多边形也是可行的 end Jun 1, 2014 · Arguments. 0 and older, love. Aug 9, 2020 · Arguments table layers A table containing filepaths to images (or File, FileData, ImageData, or CompressedImageData objects), in an array. newCanvas local clear function love. number width The width of the box. number x1 The position of the top left corner along x-axis. 3 Returns; 2 See Also; 3 Other Languages Apr 4, 2018 · Starting with version 11. stencil (or love. graphics Sep 16, 2024 · Creating custom shaders in Love2D opens up a world of possibilities for visual effects in your games. Suas responsabilidades secundárias incluem carregar arquivos externos (incluindo Imagens e Fontes) na memória, criar objetos especializados (como SistemasDePartículas ou Pinturas) e administrar a geometria da tela. love2d. translate (10, 10) love. Oct 4, 2019 · Draws many instances of a Mesh with a single draw call, using hardware geometry instancing. push . Render a starfield Apr 3, 2018 · local canvas = love. rectangle (or other shape-drawing functions), since primitive shapes don't have UV texture coordinates associated with the shape's vertex positions. 5 Released! The list of changes is massive and very good, especially in the graphics module. When drawing to the main screen, the window's depth buffer must be enabled in love. Dec 27, 2015 · love. Dec 8, 2023 · Draw a polygon. Le but d'un Quad est d'utiliser une fraction de texture pour tracer des objets, plutôt que de tracer la texture entière. Aug 10, 2021 · Arguments table faces A table containing 6 filepaths to images (or File, FileData, ImageData, or CompressedImageData objects), in an array, in the order +x -x +y -y +z -z. 20 with some minor changes. As a follow up to my latest game, Frozen Horizon, which is heavily UI based, I wrote an in depth step by step with full code examples introducing how to make an immediate mode GUI in love2d just using the methods provided by love. getPosition local windowWidth, windowHeight = love. 0, additional sprites added past this number will automatically grow the spritebatch. setShader will be drawn using the Shader object specified. translate(). setColor is modulated (multiplied) with the per-point colors. getDimensions local max_stars = 100-- how many stars we want stars = {}-- table which will hold our stars for i = 1, max_stars do-- generate the coords of our stars local x = love. end-- Draw lines from the screen's origin to a random x and y coordinate. graphics. 0. For example, if red is set to false, no further changes will be made to the red component of any pixels. captureScreenshot. Fixture: Fixtures attach shapes to bodies. update and it will still capture all of what's drawn to the screen in that May 7, 2015 · Isometric graphics are quite popular in RPGs and strategy games, so learning how to draw a grid of isometric cubes could be useful. Creates a screenshot and returns the image data. clear. 0: SpriteBatch:getCount: Gets the number of sprites currently in the Apr 14, 2024 · No higher level APIs are provided to set the depth of 2D graphics such as shapes, lines, and Images. . The scissor limits the drawing area to a specified rectangle. Sep 26, 2016 · love. setMode . multicanvas Support for simultaneous rendering to at least 4 canvases at once, with love. points (日本語) 一つ以上の点を描画します。 0. Creates a screenshot once the current frame is done (after love. number x2 The position of second point on the x-axis. 4. May 1, 2018 · Applies the given Transform object to the current coordinate transformation. The whole LÖVE wiki in a Lua table. result = tA * tB is equivalent to result = tA:clone():apply(tB). This function can be slow if it is called repeatedly, such as from love. Jul 7, 2024 · shader = love. graphics 模块的主要功能是绘制(线段、图形、文字、图片 Image、Drawable 类型)到屏幕上。 其次要功能是将外部文件(包括图片 Image 、字体 Font )加载到内存中,建立专门的对象管理在屏幕上绘制的几何图形(例如粒子系统 ParticleSystem 、 Framebuffer )。 Feb 18, 2024 · love. Canvas canvas2 The second render target. 3 Returns; 2 See Also; 3 Other Languages May 7, 2019 · The x component of the position with graphics transformations applied. Jun 15, 2020 · Body: Bodies are objects with velocity and position. 8. number y The y-component of the top-left point of the box. setLineWidth&oldid=24723" love. load local screen_width, screen_height = love. love Nov 1, 2023 · Arguments DrawMode mode How to draw the circle. push, or love. setInvertedStencil Available since LÖVE 0. 无。 实例 以RGB设置颜色 Mar 7, 2019 · This function can be slow if it is called repeatedly, such as from love. Jul 21, 2023 · function love. 0开始,love. Nov 5, 2023 · Returns. Depth writes will not work without an active depth buffer. We use love. Each face image must have the same dimens Oct 4, 2014 · Gets the height in pixels of the window. Sep 26, 2013 · function love. Returns FilterMode min Filter mode used when scaling the image down. newScreenshot. Créé un nouveau Quad. graphics lines: their widths don't scale with the coordinate transformations or with love. width * b. math Jun 3, 2022 · This function is always used to reverse any previous calls to love. Nov 28, 2024 · Retrieved from "https://www. Translating using whole numbers will prevent tearing/blurring of images and fonts draw after translating. Apr 25, 2022 · Arguments Image image The Image to use for the sprites. Jul 26, 2015 · If you want to build your own shader or use shader from source different than Love2D, mind that Love2D currently uses GLSL v. The color is used for all subsequent draw operations. You also have to update it in the update callback to see any changes in the particles emitted. For the sake of this tutorial I will assume that you are using cubes of equal size as we are working on making a grid of the cubes. setBackgroundColor; love. translate. ogv") video: play end function love. Objects are drawn relative to their local coordinate system. graphics é desenhar linhas, formas, texto, Imagens e outros objetos do tipo Desenhável na tela. graphics (Español) La responsabilidad primaria del modulo love. draw call, or a love. just transformation state, or all love. Jun 3, 2022 · This change lasts until the next love. Each instance can have unique properties (positions, colors, etc. Nhiệm vụ chính của module love. 2. string pixelcode The pixel shader code, or a filename pointing to a file with the code. 2. number x 相对左上角顶点x轴的距离. Nothing. Cette fonction est toujours utilisée pour dépliée une opération push (empile) précédente. Jun 11, 2023 · Arguments number vertexcount The total number of vertices the Mesh will use. draw local mx, my = love. Oct 21, 2022 · Arguments. 10. In either case the arguments are interpreted as alternating x and y coordinates of the polygon's vertices. A table of tables can also be given, where each sub-table represents a single mipmap level and contains all layers for that mipmap. Nov 5, 2014 · Arguments DrawMode mode How to draw the quad. MeshDrawMode mode ("fan") How the vertices are used when drawing. Canvas More canvases. There is forum thread where you can get completed shader file, currently for Love2D v. graphics es la de dibujar lineas, figuras, textos, Image (Imágenes) y otros objetos Drawable (dibujables) en la pantalla. Some Canvas formats have higher system requirements than the default format. The love. Object; Notes. graphics; love. scale, love. pop (Français) Dépile (pop) la transformation de coordonnées actuelle de la pile de transformation. getCanvas&oldid=29376" Apr 2, 2023 · A Shader is used for advanced hardware-accelerated pixel or vertex manipulation. Contribute to love2d-community/love-api development by creating an account on GitHub. Version 11. fromPixels and love. The lines drawn with it enabled do not behave like regular love. Jul 28, 2021 · love. Se você precisa usar um recurso específico com frequência, crie-o uma vez e guarde-o em algum lugar onde possa ser reutilizado! Jun 27, 2019 · Draw a Quad with the specified Image on screen. origin is called - whichever comes first. In versions prior to 11. draw. 参数 table rgba 红色值,绿色值,蓝色值及alpha值()组成的数字table。alpha是可选的,如果忽略它,则默认为1。 返回值. line (日本語) 線分を描画します。 love. Especially useful if you just distribute . Sep 1, 2022 · This variant creates a new font using the default font and the size specified, and sets it as the current font. number y The position of the center along y-axis. I like the support for some low-level operations like the new manipulation of blend and stencil states and finally be able to use compute shaders from pure LÖVE. love. ) Use love. 1. update ou love. May 31, 2021 · See additional notes in love. If width or height is 0, setMode will use the width or height of the desktop. setPixelEffect. Ses autres fonctionnalités comprennent le chargement de fichiers externes (Images et Fonts) en mémoire, la création d'objets spécialisés (comme un ParticleSystems ou un Canvas) et la gestion de l'écran. The dimensions of the scissor are unaffected by graphical transformations (translate, scale, ), and it operates on whole pixels rather than having sub-pixel precision. width * a. getCompressedImageFormats instead. graphics. getSystemLimits to check. Use love. 3. Si aucune Font n'est définie, une sera crée et définie (une seule fois) si nécessaire. 2: SpriteBatch:getBufferSize: Gets the maximum number of sprites the SpriteBatch can hold. scale. Sets the default scaling filters used with Images , Canvases , and Fonts . clear ()-- Clear the canvas before drawing lines. graphics; Other Languages Jun 17, 2013 · Sets the line width and style. 2 Arguments; 1. newVideo ("myvideo. 0 , color component values were within the range of 0 to 255 instead of 0 to 1. drawLayer, when // rendering the Array Texture. Sep 15, 2024 · It has been renamed from love. love files for android, where the game always starts in landscape mode. 0 updated love. On version before 0. So, here's the problem - looking for solutions and/or comments on my proposed solution: I'm building a racing game with a texture atlas of road tiles…. Dec 27, 2015 · Retrieved from "https://www. graphics state). scale - their size is always in pixels. number anisotropy Maximum amount of Anisotropic Filtering used. All drawing operations until the next love. 自0. Aug 3, 2016 · Sets the color mask. 3 Returns; 2 Example; 3 See Also; 4 Other Languages Для этого используйте x+0. 0 and removed in LÖVE 0. Transform objects have a custom * (multiplication) operator. Redimensiona o sistema de coordenadas em duas dimensões. 5 или love. From simple color changes to complex animations, shaders can significantly enhance the visual appeal of your projects. point (0, 0)-- The origin is back at (0,0) end Jul 8, 2019 · Immediately sends all new and modified sprite data to the graphics card. print. number y1 The position of the top left corner along y-axis. LÖVE 11. window. See Also. present (日本語) 画面への描画操作結果を 参数 DrawMode mode 绘制矩形的方式. Feb 13, 2014 · Gets the width and height in pixels of the window. string textstring (nil) The initial string of text that the new Text object will contain. 9. number y1 The position of first point on the y-axis. newImage to treat file names ending with "@2x", "@3x", etc. FilterMode mag Filter mode used when scaling the image up. Jun 18, 2020 · This function, like any other function that change graphics state, only affects the current stack. getCanvasFormats instead. setLineStyle&oldid=29307" Mar 26, 2022 · Arguments DrawMode drawmode How to draw the arc. Jul 26, 2022 · Returns Font font A Font object which can be used to draw text on screen. love Jun 3, 2022 · Rotating the entire screen. draw love. setCanvas , or a custom Canvas with a depth PixelFormat is set in the depthstencil field in a table passed to setCanvas . xktieye kfajbh cifbssql wqedp mxnvf isw bizpqfr evyam obgj ufra xorygx cdzm fqdrllto tqekj mscvj