Kotlin get thread name android. Most of what I have found online is depcrecated.

Kotlin get thread name android Jun 25, 2020 · Kotlin is a cross-platform programming language that may be used as an alternative to Java for Android App Development. reflect. May 25, 2017 · Kotlin Coroutines (Clear & Concise) AsyncTask is really clunky. CPU Manufacturer, model and serial numb May 15, 2015 · Michael's above response is a pretty good solution for having your callback happen in a calling Activity and I used it as a guide for my solution that I will outline below (solution in Kotlin); Aug 4, 2020 · I can't read Java, I need an answer in Kotlin and I have read a thread in here: Get domain name from given url say for example I have a string like this: &quot;http Nov 17, 2019 · // If we get killed, after returning from here, restart return START_STICKY } Start it in foreground this is required for any app that target Android 9 (API level 28). The following example demonstrates this concept: Apr 3, 2024 · When you’re working with multi-threaded programming in Java/Scala/Kotlin — such as when working with Thread, Runnable, SwingUtilities. In the JVM world logging libraries can get the current thread and coroutine id with Thread. /** * Used to get file detail from uri. } If you handle the result in the main thread , please use Hanlder class You can extend timerTask to return on the main thread. getName() to get the true name of the running thread. toString()) } Aug 20, 2020 · I would suggest using Gson library too, for android development in kotlin. setText(p + " %"); } }); Oct 4, 2020 · <uses-permission android:name="android. I’ve digged Sep 11, 2018 · This is Kotlin, not java. It’s also a good idea to centralize the thread management. Reentrancy and thread-safety Jan 7, 2022 · This article covers different ways to get name of the current function being executed in Kotlin. If you're using the Gradle plugin/Android Studio, as of version 0. a. isAlive(). You can find that Room's documentation section here. Provide details and share your research! But avoid …. It is included in the thread name that is executing this coroutine when the debugging mode is turned on. Assuming that rt is a Thread, just check rt. postDelayed(runnable,time) } } Dec 13, 2019 · In the second example - coroutune of Kotlin, . This ensures that they cannot be executed on the main thread. Alternatively, just use a boolean flag and set it to true right before you start your thread. concurrent. 3) In its run() method prepare the looper for this thread by : Looper. o. some(). s: BTW, better to choose xml IDs like edx_hello and for the kotlin part, var editTextHello. Main) { textView. b. lang. query(uri, null, null, null, null) cursor?. permission. The only way which comes to mind is the fact that runBlocking is re-entrant and will create an event-loop in the existing thread, however it will block all non-coroutine code from executing on that thread until it completes. I have one thread to open a bluetooth socket connection, one to close, and one to read the data that uses a custom listview Nov 18, 2018 · I am trying to make an extension function for logging. fusedLocationClient. getString(cursor. Jun 20, 2019 · In java, I am able to use getClass() and then retrieve simpleName from that class object without any issues. loop() to create a loop which will read the message and runnables from the Message Queue of this thread. 0: Android Profiler - Android Studio 3. No need to explicitly call @runOnUithread for that matter. final PackageManager pm = getPackageManager(); //get a list of installed apps. For logging I would like to get the current thread & coroutine id from within a non-suspending function (logging library). readText() because io operation need a long time . * 2. 继承Thread类 2. getName() on the DrawThread object that is not the thread that is actually running so its name is not properly set. Coroutines are a cleaner alternative (just sprinkle a couple of keywords and your sync code becomes async). getName(); However, this isn't working for me when I'm in my class QueueManager<T>. market Operator; adb shell getprop ro. e. thank you. App is going too much work on main thread" If you want to pass values to the thread. getColumnIndex(OpenableColumns. name // ERROR EDITOR NOTE: based on comments of the author to answers below, the question is NOT about referencing a. i. txt to get the prop name; e. In your case: runningActivity. d("THREAD", "Execution thread1: "+Thread. observerData(). getPackageName() which gets the lib's package name not my project's package name. If your background thread does not have (or need) a Context object (suggested by @dzeikei): // Get a handler that can be used to post to the main thread Handler mainHandler = new Handler(Looper. launch(Dispatchers. If you have a layout and you want to find if a View has a specific id, you can traverse the whole layout and check with getId(), if the id of each View is the id you are looking for. Where Dispatchers. Mar 3, 2017 · Edit:. The main point of threads is to not do that, that said. Jul 24, 2022 · This article explains how to use coroutines in Android for non-blocking UI operations, offering a simple and efficient way to handle background tasks. launch { response = URL(req). time. Using Class. g. May 24, 2011 · Let's say I have an application that utilizes the Executor framework as such. A thread is a lightweight sub-process, it going to do background operations without interrupt to ui. Create a File object using the file path. currentThread(). Aug 17, 2017 · Not only in kotlin, this is not possible in any programming language to return from a async method. currentThread (). start() val threadWithRunnable = Thread(SimpleRunnable()) threadWithRunnable. android. Dec 11, 2024 · Get Android Studio Get started Hello world Training courses Tutorials Compose for teams Kotlin for Android Monetization with Play ↗️ Extend by device Adaptive apps Android XR Wear OS Android for Cars Android TV ChromeOS Build by category Games Camera & media Social & messaging May 20, 2017 · I want to create a thread pool in Kotlin. Fox example I have function makeSmthInMainThread() which I want to call in main thread after delay. 使用Runnable类初始化Thread对象。 这里我们并没有看到,Runnable对象。 Sep 25, 2019 · Basically, I need to access the UI Thread which will generate an object that MUST be initialized on the UI thread but then can be used in any thread. log("current context", coroutineContext[CoroutineName]) but this requires a suspend function. name How can I do this in JS? I know there is console. The fact that your code works on an emulator can be due to pure case and maybe, if you run it a dozen/hundread times it seems to work. launch import kotlin. IO) { Log. xml. name } } } } Upon running the following code it I see logs from Android Choreographer "Skipped 200 frames. Build class. e("TASK", "Started background task") val retval = "The value from background" Thread. To get the name of a file in Kotlin, follow these steps: Import the File class from the java. I am simply trying to see if a device is connected to the network, j Jul 10, 2012 · <application android:name=". For all platforms, you might also want to check out ktor client or http4k which are both good libraries. getName() is the best solution. , Glide, Picasso, Coil, etc. children to get a sequence of the View's immediate children. getStackTrace (), the getStackTrace () method will be on top of the stack. But what you can do is : Use co-routines like Christian suggested. all { variant -&gt; variant. common. I know I can do myActivity. You can even write this last form in kotlin if you want. getName(); // Get the file name String thePath = theFile. DISPLAY_NAME)) cursor?. Used to get file detail (name & size) from uri. You have several options to go about here: make both the runnable and the handler be in the same scope //class scope val handler = Handler() val runnable = object : Runnable { override fun run { handler. val <T : Any > T. my device name is ro. This means that, by default, all of the code in the launch block runs on the main thread. Code found in Java : Jun 20, 2012 · 2. text = data. Here is the sample code to get the phone device name. Have any idea about it? fun MainActivity. annotation. You do not need to get the id of it. With this function, a thread can be instantiated and executed simply by: Jul 24, 2022 · With coroutines, the makeApiCall() function is called (on the main thread). Inside of the DrawThread code, you should call Thread. getEnclosingMethod() function. Jan 17, 2022 · The right way to dispatch work from Background Thread to Main Thread using LivaData is to use LivaData. classNameKotlin: String? get() { return javaClass. Jul 11, 2018 · I am relatively new to Co-Routines and I am trying get the behaviour what the Launch co-routine would accomplish : launch(UI) { val v1 = someDeferredType val v2 = v1. As a result, when you type the content of a your query, Android Studio suggests already defined table names. Actually I want to run function displayDirectoryContents2(file: File) in background thread and update the name of the file the function is reading in UI thread just like AsyncTask. lastLocation is really exactly the same as fusedLocationClient. removeCallbacksAndMessages(null) //make sure you cancel the previous task in case you scheduled one that has not run yet //do your thing handler. await() val v3 = v2. submit(new Runnable(){ @Override public void run(){ // do stuff } } There is a method in ActivityThread class, You may use reflection to get the current processName. May 6, 2023 · On Android, Dispatchers. com" runBlocking<Unit> { GlobalScope. If you want more details you can find it on this link Mar 5, 2018 · Currently for both, Kotlin and Java you can rely on the-built in SQL syntax higlighting. coroutines. The performance is best compares to other solution. I got into the same issue actually it was only permissions issue even if I was requesting all permissions and allowing all at once still some permissions were not grated, make sure by applying debugging tags that you have all permissions allowed. IO) { repository. getSimpleName(); private T result = null; private boolean isWaiting = false; private boolean wasNotified = false You can add the suspend Kotlin keyword to your DAO methods to make them asynchronous using Kotlin coroutines functionality. How could the lib get my project's package name through the project's context? – Jan 4, 2010 · The majority of apps that want a convenient method to get the application context create their own class which extends android. Oct 16, 2021 · はじめにAndroidで、スレッド間通信を実現するには、どうすれば良いのか調べました。 やることスレッド間通信の仕組みをお勉強するために、以下のような簡単なアプリを作ることとしました。… Aug 6, 2019 · This seems like a good solution, I guess I'm trying to be too generic. I want to send Any as a parameter and get its name. * Done!! now you may direct find your widget using their id. postValue() method. Here is my code: GlobalScope. start(); } public void run() { //here is code for download data from server after completion this and in handler i m call other class in Jun 28, 2023 · In this article, we will explore three essential concepts: Android foreground Service, background Service, and Thread, using Kotlin examples. You can turn on debug with JVM option -Dkotlinx. main. support. FOREGROUND_SERVICE"/> Every time this coroutine is resumed on a thread, UI thread name is updated to "UI thread original name # Progress bar coroutine" and the thread name is restored to the original one when this coroutine suspends. Also see an official example in Kotlin repo. Apr 12, 2019 · Is there a way to create (or get somehow) a Kotlin coroutine dispatcher on Android that acts like Default but excludes touching UI thread cores? So basically, I am facing a heavy calculation tasks that I want to process with as many CPU resources I can, without them influencing UI performance. insert(note){ onSuccess() } in the "AddNewNoteFragmentViewModel" and in the lines viewModel. Application. May 31, 2021 · Hi I am very new to android studio and a lot seems to have changed with Kotlin. Dec 2, 2011 · I think it is best to have the TAG defined in the class, hardcoding the class name is ugly but the only reliable way to work with proguard. In case phone doesn't support Bluetooth, then you have to construct the device name from . Mar 16, 2018 · Then, use the predetermined global integer value for the textview on the main thread, at least initially. kClassName: KClass<out T> get() { return javaClass. Its required when you are updating View from the worker thread to switch the context to UI for updating Views. I have a requirement for obtaining the hardware related information on an Android device that runs my application. To use ThreadLocal variable within the coroutine use ThreadLocal. I also found this question which is similar to my problem but it didn't help: CountDownLatch not freeing thread By submitting this form, I agree that JetBrains s. Because there are two thread objects, when you call this. Kotlin for Android Monetization with Play ↗️ Extend by device; Build apps that give your users seamless experiences from phones to tablets, watches, headsets, and Feb 16, 2022 · The CoroutineName context element serves the same purpose as the thread name. Process. text } In the above example v3 will wait for v2 to execute and then run while not blocking the main thread. net. I did research to find a solution, but all the data I found was in java and there wasn't much in kotlin. post(new Runnable() { public void run() { // UI code goes here } }); Then have timerTask execute its function parameter in the run method above. android. 创建线程 在 kotlin中,有三种方式可以创建线程1. Oct 4, 2018 · You can use new HandlerExecutor(Looper. PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS" tools:ignore="ProtectedPermissions"/> Then go to apps permissions > Usage Stats go to your app and enable it. currentThread() != Looper. We completely rewrote the previous set of Android Monitor tools, and replaced them with the Android Profiler. sleep(3000) in current thread instead (using Kotlin's general run extension method which gets newly created thread as a receiver but does nothing with it). You can accomplish this by first creating a class in your project like the following: This code doesn't solve the problem: it doesn't start new thread but executes Thread. String tag = someObject. I'd like to get the name of the current Activity to be sent along in the URI of an HttpRequest. I check this with: Log. getEnclosingMethod() that returns a java. May 29, 2020 · That will load on the main thread, though, so your UI will hang a bit. run{}, I'm inside thread 4. Executors. Basically, get a Hander that runs on the main thread: Handler handler = new Handler(Looper. Otherwise only thread name is shown. name My case on windows as follows; D:\winusr\adbl λ *adb shell getprop ro. Apr 6, 2011 · I use below code to get File Name & File Size from Uri in my project. About the Log(): I see immediately in thread and main 5 seconds later. oppo. public interface myRunnable extends Runnable { public void setParams(int param1, int param2); } One use case for this is to find an local variable thread (meaning reflection cannot get to it) defined in a third-party library (meaning source code cannot be modified easily) which has a name specified to set an uncaught exception handler (because they failed to allow for logging when an exception is thrown here). await() locks the thread and nothing happens, the debugger doesn't get to the onResponse part. However, you can also use standard Java libraries like java. Can anyone provide examples. sleep(), the debugger tells me that thread 4 is sleeping whereas I was expecting to see that thread 5 is sleeping. stackTrace[1]. getMainLooper()); from com. There is no simple way to pass information between threads. I wanted to create a function that you could call anywhere within your kotlin, android, codebase that will run whatever operation on the background thread and propagate the result to the UI thread without writing too much code. It causes freezing of your app until the main-thread gets free. I checked my API with Postman, the call actually hits it. Android Foreground Service: Mar 13, 2018 · According to the debugger, before executing Thread(). concurrent like Futures and the like. The trick is to call the Class. sleep(5000 . You can do your long-running job in another thread, then switch to the main-thread to do whatever you want. post(myRunnable); Apr 1, 2019 · var response = ""; val req = "url. start() Alternatively, like Java 8, Kotlin supports SAM Conversions , therefore we can take advantage of it and pass a lambda: Jul 6, 2011 · Note: The application ID used to be directly tied to your code's package name; so some Android APIs use the term "package name" in their method names and parameter names, but this is actually your application ID. launch { //Do something 002 } } } Apr 10, 2019 · Android Monitor tools were replaced with Android Profiler, in Android Studio 3. thread, "Method cannot be called on the main application thread (on: %s)", Thread. name) For the setter I use a coroutine in useTask to not block the main thread. invokeLater, Akka, futures, or Observable in RxJava — you may need to get the name of the current thread as a way to debug your code. Mar 2, 2022 · Android studio shows errors in the lines REPOSITORY. market. fun getFileNameFromUri(context: Context, uri: Uri): String? { val fileName: String? val cursor = context. simpleName } Dec 6, 2011 · As an update for those who come across this question after 2018, if you are using Kotlin, you can simply use the Android KTX extension property ViewGroup. Aug 16, 2023 · We can use this method and the Thread. – Jan 1, 2020 · I am new to Kotlin Coroutines. If you want to wait for a thread to finish inside another thread you should call . See code example below. May 21, 2017 · apply plugin: 'kotlin-android' apply plugin: 'kotlin-android-extensions' after that go to your Activity file and write this line; import kotlinx. IO) to move to the IO coroutine dispatcher, as an example. Jun 23, 2022 · I'm trying to construct an app that requires the name and phone number of the incoming call contact. May 16, 2023 · You can get the phone device name from the . } // This is your code }; mainHandler. kotlin. It just requires at least Java 6. name* OPPO R17 Jan 3, 2022 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. Mar 27, 2012 · Use runOnUiThread for updating the UI control. insert(AppNote(name = name, text = text)){ Mar 27, 2019 · If you're using Kotlin, the correct way to do this is via Coroutines, which would allow you to write code such as: // Launch a coroutine that by default goes to the main thread GlobalScope. currentThread () method together to capture all stack trace elements for the current thread: return Thread. Jun 29, 2020 · How to get current thread name in android - Before getting into an example, we should know what thread is. activity_main. To do that, we can use ExecutorServices. Apr 23, 2010 · Here's a cleaner way using the PackageManager. measureTime suspend fun main() { val Aug 8, 2022 · If you already have some looping activity going on (so you can basically check if the thread's completed) then you could do anything from having a boolean done flag that the thread sets (make it @Volatile so the main thread sees the change) to all the stuff in java. launch { //Do something 001 currentCoroutineScope . Sep 2, 2024 · Another way is to consider the function thread() that Kotlin provides: fun thread( start: Boolean = true, isDaemon: Boolean = false, contextClassLoader: ClassLoader? = null, name: String? = null, priority: Int = -1, block: -> Unit ): Thread. Steps to Get the File Name in Kotlin. The lambda expression represents the code that will run in Sep 18, 2015 · Here are different Implementations to get class names. getId())); Ditto if I try to use Process. Is there a robust way to detect if Thread. What is my mistake here? Aug 1, 2023 · `Thread thread = new Thread(() -> { … });`: This line creates a new `Thread` object and passes a lambda expression to its constructor. time works nicely on both older and newer Android devices. If you never use proguard then MyActivity. e Dependency Injection or Service Locator) since both flows are a bit different. KClass val <T : Any > T. HandlerExecutorin the end it's the same answer as atarasenko. this. Oct 22, 2011 · But when I call another class to get data from the server I can't run on a thread. prepare() for binding message queue to this thread and Looper. methodName. os. But can not find how to get name of Any class. getMainLooper(). 0 includes a brand new suite of tools to help debug performance problems in your app. It's not a big deal since it covers most usage cases. applicationVariants. Main) { // Switch to a background (IO) thread val retval = withContext(Dispatchers. In non-Android Java 6 and 7 get the ThreeTen Backport, the backport of the modern classes (ThreeTen for JSR 310; see the links at the bottom). Jun 10, 2015 · 1) Create a worker thread which extends Thread Class . getMainLooper()); handler. Is there a way to do this without referring specifically to the Activity?. I need information of the following sort. gms. name but really is about something like "how do I get the instance of the class or its name that first started the chain of method calls". Try Teams for free Explore Teams Sep 2, 2024 · val thread = SimpleThread() thread. Only the wrapping thread's name is set. toString() but this is just a less efficient way of hard coding "myActivity" since I'm making a static reference to my Activity. I have been searching for hours in the internet and I can not get a single example. Thanks Jan 27, 2021 · I'm receiving UDP data from server and I want to show the UDP data to a TextView. import kotlinx. Jun 26, 2021 · Hi. Nov 30, 2011 · android. Creating and managing thread pools in Kotlin doesn’t differ too much from May 5, 2019 · I thought to use CountDownLatch but it seems countDownLatch. Now, to get name of the current foreground app: Dec 25, 2020 · As per the documentation, we can name coroutine using CoroutineName(&quot;theName&quot;) If I run it without the name (in the unit-test) runBlocking { launch { Apr 13, 2012 · You mean you want to take the string text of the id? Since you have defined it you should know what this is. name. Aug 5, 2019 · I have created a few in-line threads and I am now unsure how to stop them. List<ApplicationInfo> packages = pm 1. moveToFirst() fileName = cursor?. Oct 26, 2014 · Old thread but thought I would update; File theFile = . 7. I would actually prefer the boolean approach so there is no way that the main thread could start the other thread twice - there may be a short delay until your Thread is up and running, and if your main thread tries to start the thread twice in Jul 19, 2011 · @MuhammadBabar: You can try executePendingTransactions() on FragmentManager after calling commit() on the transaction, though I have not tried this. I've also noticed that this does not match the thread id displayed in the debugger. In kotlin, just write: var editTextHello = editTextHello. For "File Uri Scheme" - We will get file from uri & then get its details. The lib invokes context. debug. using kotlin Dec 26, 2019 · Unless the thread is designed to work as a dispatcher there isn't a universal way to make it do so. The approach I follow is: Create a new class that will extend the runnable class. ; Use Reactive approach like RxJava or RxKotlin and deal with stream of data where even though you can not return from your method in different thread, you can observe return type of the function from different thread. Also I would suggest to have the same DATA classes in kotlin as in database. getThreadPriority((int) Thread. What I would like to do is possibly use coroutines / suspended functions where the worker thread actually waits for an operation on the UI Thread completes. Sep 26, 2019 · import android. getPackageName() method returns your application ID. ("JetBrains") may use my name, email address, phone number, and country of residence to provide support. google. setThreadPriority, using the java class Thread id. . Jun 11, 2018 · We've been using a snippet like this one to rename the APK file generated by our Gradle build: android. Otherwise you get a SecurityException. Really depends on what you're doing. Sep 12, 2017 · For Android, Volley is a good place to get started. BluetoothAdapter. name + any. outputs. Kotlin is much simpler for beginners to try as compared to Java, and this Kotlin Android Tutori Oct 28, 2021 · check( Thread. You can also make a pop up asking for the user to do it once the apps loads. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. But NullPointerException occurs everytime. Main works by breaking up coroutine Continuations into Runnables that are submitted as messages to a Handler in the Android main thread’s Looper. getMainLooper()); Runnable myRunnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() {. You don't need any loop or tricks. class MainActivity extends Activity implements Runnable { public void onCreate() { new Thread(this). Aug 19, 2020 · You should not make the main-thread to wait for task completion. I don't know why. runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { tv. log(claz: Objects,any: Any){ Log. However, similar to the callback, the main thread isn’t blocked and makeApiCall() still runs on a different Jun 24, 2014 · I've found answers on how to print out the name of a specific thread when you are in the class Thread or a class subclassing Thread. io package. I used following code: The reason I used hashCode was because I was getting some garbage values appended to the ip address when I used getHostAddress. For example in my method, removeFromQueue(), I want to print out Jul 1, 2019 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. Jun 4, 2021 · In the initialisation, I have a callback to retrieve the data. Make sure you import your app's package, and not another BuildConfig: Jan 22, 2019 · Find your device name in prop_list. HttpURLConnection which is part of the Java SDK: Jun 19, 2019 · In Kotlin Coroutines, want to create a reference for the current thread and use it later. contentResolver. Method object with almost every bit of information on immediately enclosing the underlying class’s function. Read all comments below until the OP edits this for clarity. app. getLastLocation(). currentThread() is the Android system UI thread in an application? I would like to put some asserts in my model code that asserts that only one thread (eg the ui thread) accesses my state, to assure that no kind of synchronization is necessary. launch { delay(3000) makeSmthInMainThread() } Sep 21, 2011 · In case you are using Kotlin, you can define an extension function as follows: Android get string name from resource file values. * <p> * 1. Hot Network Questions Sep 2, 2024 · Therefore it’s crucial to pre-create enough threads for our application so that starting a thread won’t affect the performance of each user accessing our software. In Java 8 and later and on newer Android devices (from API level 26) the modern API comes built-in. java. Android on its own doesn’t know anything about Kotlin or coroutines, but all the building blocks were already there to be able to install a dispatcher on its main thread. The limitation is you can only get your own process name. newSingleThreadExecutor(). Access the name property of the File object to get Apr 28, 2022 · fun updateUI() { scope. But hashCode worked really well for me as then I can use Formatter to get the ip address with correct formatting. synthetic. class. all { outputFileName = "${ Oct 12, 2022 · I need to make some function in UI thread but after delay. you need to implement Continuation interface which makes a callback onto Android UI thread and Coroutine context. – There's an easier way than the other answers that doesn't require you to name the resource explicitly or worry about exceptions with package names. collect { withContext(Dispatchers. (from here) Dec 16, 2019 · This question does not make any sense to me as already stated above that all calls in the fragment will always run on main or UI thread. Kotlin is an easy language so that you can create powerful applications immediately. Getting file details from uri is different for different uri scheme, * 2. getAdvertisingIdInfo(getApplicationContext() is flagged with warning as: “inappropriate blocking method call” and this is not good because we are loosing the benefits of coroutines and downgrade to one job per thread again. delay import kotlinx. Log; /** * This class is a small helper to provide feedback on lock wait and notify process */ public final class Lock<T> { private final static String TAG = Lock. some() a. toString() use the beauty of kotlin ;-) P. getSimpleName(); // java code But when converting to Aug 4, 2018 · In Android the UI is handled by the UI Thread and only it can manipulate all the things related to the UI. getClass(). 1. For example, the Context. I have a library in my project and I pass the context from my project to the lib. When using Thread. Dec 2, 2019 · You can only see coroutine name if debug mode is turned on. d("Main", claz. asContextElement function. kotlin } Here we can get the class name in kotlin. Aug 28, 2020 · You normally don't spin a thread to block the main thread waiting for it to finish. start() But that will not return anything. This allows the main application thread to continue processing past the launch() call, so println(3) happens, and println(2) occurs at the 3-second mark. Most of what I have found online is depcrecated. So you will be safe calling your repository inside the viewModelScope without changing context. It posts a task to a main thread to set the given value. Or you can use setContentView() to use a layout file with a <fragment> tag. After executing Thread. The issue that the callback is always called from the main thread, event if I use it in a coroutine in another thread. Get oppo. There is no separate kotlin version. Plus the permission in your manifest <uses-permission android:name="android. Here is my code: Sep 21, 2023 · On Kotlin/JS (and probably in Kotlin/JVM based on Ian Lake's comment), delay() will schedule the rest of the coroutine to run later and free up the current thread. fun myFuncion(){ //save current Thread CoroutineScope var currentCoroutineScope : CoroutineScope // <How to create?> GlobalScope. name ) As you can see here, there's no way around that we can switch the implementation detail by using (i. You can utilize it as per your requirements. If you would like to change it from within the thread you started, then create a method in your class like setIntValue() which will pass in the integer from the thread and set the global variable to that value. getAbsolutePath(); // Get the full More info can be found here; Android File Class May 26, 2017 · val a = A(). I found article that explains in details how to use Gson library with kotlin. coroutineScope import kotlinx. join() instead of . String theName = theFile. 0, version code and version name are available statically in BuildConfig. App" new "RealmHelper" because Realm is "Thread-Linked" and a Realm Instance can't work inside a different Thread. e. 2) Initialize a Handler with this worker Thread . r. It'd be preferable to do that on a separate thread, or you could use an image loading library that will do it for you; e. close() return fileName } Now In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to get the name of the file from File object in Kotlin, with an example. GUIDE. import kotlin. readText() //here is another thread,handle response here } //here is main thread, you can't get the result of URL(req). Nullable; import android. Jul 3, 2017 · readText() is the approach Antonio Leiva uses when he introduces Networking in his book Kotlin for Android Developers (and also in the blog post as per dgrcode's answer) However I'm not sure if readText is the right approach in general for requesting JSON responses from a URL as the response can be very large (Even Antonio mentions affirms the fact that Kotlin docs say there is a size limit to Jan 21, 2022 · Use this function to get the file name from Uri. I need the delay to not block the main thread. util. Feb 16, 2022 · in kotlin any method of the form getX can be written as just x, this is called "property access syntax". Your getAllCountries() , if it wants to run on a different thread, would want to use withContext(Disptachers. Main is the Kotlin way of saying 'the main thread'. Then you can differentiate between xml vars and kotlin vars. In that way you can map objects fromJson and toJson with one line of code. text. xhql xfioh kvkg jxciw gmobch linpy jxsgna bxsno ydwwnsv gmk exgfbx npowafede fkkt tcpog afos