How to add watermark on image in android programmatically using. getWidth(); int h = src.
How to add watermark on image in android programmatically using Is this possible with mp4parser to add watermark on video? I have checked GPUimages too. How to Select and Crop Image on Android . So now downloaded are completed o May 13, 2011 · Here's an example activity that will launch the camera app and then retrieve the image and display it. you can use my code to crop image. But after the user has clicked the picture I want to write the text over the picture and then save it. I can use it to create an image that doesn't show a watermark, but if I do a bit-by-bit subtraction using the original image, I can demonstrate that my watermark is there. FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP); pdfOpenintent. This imageview I have added is just showing on my surfaceview,but the image is not saving with this watermark. * @param sourceImageFile The source image file. 2' First of all, you don't need to use a layout inflater to create a simple Button. You need this permission in your manifest. Than you could simply do Glide . pdf"); Uri path = Uri. png I want to find a method to addWatermark(image1, watermark) --> Jan 27, 2012 · I have this little code to add a watermark image in a doc file, only have a little issue, if i convert it one time it works ok, but if i try to convert another file gives me this error: The RPC server is unavailable. which are shows, events & home. Canny(img,50,150,apertureSize = 3) dst = cv2. It's free and includes all the necessary watermarking features. ⚠️ For Android 11+ : User need to give the app the permission to manage all files in case of adding watermark to a video (As FFmpeg lib. OpenCV is a powerful open-source computer vision library that makes it easy to manipulate and process images. Dec 21, 2022 · An image (watermark) Basic Command. website builder. centerCrop will crop the area as per the image-view's height width from the center of the image so it won't look streched – Feb 16, 2017 · I want to generate a qr code image and add it programmatically to the assets drawable folder of the app. fromFile" method), because it won't work for you. Using the xml I can do it in this mode: android:layout_marginTop="10dp", but when I'm trying to do it programmatically nothing changes As you can see I'm using some RelativeLayout (there is a for loop) in one LinearLayout container. HOME Jun 20, 2012 · From the iText in Action 2nd ed: The width and height parameters of scaleToFit() define the maximum dimensions of the image. inpaint(img,edges,3,cv2. String shareBody = "Here is the share content body"; Intent sharingIntent = new Intent(android. Nov 10, 2020 · take a picture and view in same activity , so that I have wrote onActivityResult to get the picture, without canvas object implementation, i can veiw the image on same activity like // 2 code , but while add canvas to add watermark in the captured image by the bitmap it crashed . All you can do is use some blending and interpolation techniques to "guess" the original data. INPAINT_TELEA) I am new to image processing and opencv. Documents. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706BA) in this line: wordFile = oWord. ACTION_VIEW); pdfOpenintent. Aug 16, 2020 · You can save the video at some location, then apply the image watermark to the video, and show the new saved path to user. second the imageview can accept a Bitmap, a resource or an URI. Java code example to add image watermark for an image. readAsBytesSync()); ui App uses FFmpeg kit to add animated watermark to the videos. fill(child: WatermarkWidget()) ] ) int img = R. We‘ll cover: Resizing images while preserving aspect ratio Dec 29, 2018 · Watermark in bitmap | Android Studioprivate Bitmap addWaterMark(Bitmap src) { int w = src. You can share plain text with the following code. Feb 7, 2021 · I have an app that records video and overlays the preview with some data. Activity; import android. Bundle; import android. I strongly recommend putting your dp padding in dimen xml file and use the official Android conversions to have consistent behaviour with regard to how Android framework works. getHeight (); Bitmap re Jun 25, 2019 · I want to add a watermark to a video. bouncewidget) val attr = Xml. capture bitmap and add watermark. However, the app will be forced to close sometime, you can fix it by adding android:configChanges attribute into main activity in Manifest file like as: Android React Native Image Processing API to edit photo programmatically. It features print text, overlay on another image (add watermark), resize, crop, flip, rotate and optimize image size then convert file format to jpeg or png - guhungry/android-photo-manipulator Aug 10, 2019 · 2. 2. ImageButton set drawable using @android:drawable/ programmatically. I call images in my activity like this: private Integer[] imageIDs = { R. 6, last published: a year ago. Words for Python library. Layout1); ImageView image1 = new ImageView(getApplicationContext()); String uri = "@drawable/myresource. The objective is to add watermark as an file to new photo taken and share using Intent. id. huangyz0918:androidwm:0. After some research, I came across this code sample: <ImageButton android:text="Button" android:id="@+id/button1" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:src="@drawable/icon"/> My query is how to actually implement android:src in code. In fact this is the sample code from the android developers site, on how to take photos simply, with some adjustments that fit my app's needs. com. File file = new File(Environment. getColor(context, colorResId)); } public static Drawable Jan 25, 2016 · To properly use the svgimageview:svg attribute, the app needs to know it's definition. For example I recorded one video I need to add water mark to that video (any corner). getResources(), inputBitmap), ContextCompat. If you really need that Sep 8, 2011 · I am trying to set the foreground image on an image button. So my question is How can I add watermark on video? Below is my code for audio video : Jan 13, 2020 · Putting it all together. Apr 12, 2015 · Best option is iText. Oct 13, 2012 · while searching for a solution to automatically put a watermark to an image in internet, i found a best solution in stackoverflow. In the following examples, I will use this logo with a white background as the watermark: Pass in the video (input. Sep 1, 2024 · While there are many watermarking tools and services available, in this tutorial we‘ll walk through how to programmatically add watermarks to images using OpenCV and Python. It should work on all Android versions that the support library supports: public static Drawable getTintedDrawableOfColorResId(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull Bitmap inputBitmap, @ColorRes int colorResId) { return getTintedDrawable(context, new BitmapDrawable(context. Method 1: Create a Watermark Using the Add Watermark on Photos App Add Watermark on Photos is the best app to watermark photos on Android. What i want to achieve is the same thing that you will get using the "Add Watermark" functionality of word 2016/2019 . I want to do that programmatically, without any XML for reducing Jun 13, 2016 · I'm trying to add water mark on image and video. Add text or image Watermark on image and PDF files. I can write and show it to them using the onDraw method on the preview of the camera. The GaussianFilter for example in JHLABS should be use Separable Gaussian, so is extremely faster tha GaussianBlur in Catalano Framework because use the both direction in the same point. ACTION_SEND. First 2 digits, as i know, named alpha channel and you can set them from 0 to ff; 0 is fully transparent, and ff is non-transparent, as usual. smiley; editText. Adding watermarks to photos. Aug 14, 2017 · Add WaterMark code used in this sample is shown below: /** * Embeds an image watermark over a source image to produce * a watermarked one. png"; // Here you can set the name of // the image dynamically int imageResource = getResources(). Just wonder is there any ways to do it programmatically as well. I got slide menu through androidhive tutorials Exactly in . All went fine when drawing Annotation on Image but failed to get no solution. activity_main); ImageView imageview = new ImageView(MainActivity. Nov 16, 2019 · If anyone can remove the watermark of the image by just putting a simple code, then what is the use of firstly putting them on the images? It is of no use if anyone can easily remove it. Try the below code. There are 9 other projects in the npm registry using react-native-image-marker. Initialize the image watermark using ImageWatermark class. gradle dependency: implementation 'com. View; import android. png) using this FFmpeg command, and apply the overlay filter: Nov 19, 2013 · Tour Start here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have Aug 15, 2022 · I want to find a method to add and remove a known watermark from image with Java. There are multiple methods to add watermarks to images, including drawable resources, third-party libraries, and pixel data manipulation. xml. You can do it either via the ADB tool or via code (starting from Lollipop). setPadding(), but no ImageView. resolveActivity(packageManager)?. Just use a video stream copy. Additionally it will also add the watermark diagonally if the image is portrait and horizontal if image is landscape Aug 18, 2021 · I want to add a watermark to all the pages of a word document using only the Word Interop library of c#. I am able to do this after the document has been crea May 16, 2022 · Programmatically add a watermark or stamp to a PDF Adding an image as a watermark or a stamp on a PDF requires only a few lines of code using Foxit Quick PDF Library. can't access the watermark image without this permission) Dec 29, 2018 · Watermark in bitmap | Android Studioprivate Bitmap addWaterMark (Bitmap src) { int w = src. This code is for creating a directory of app_name. load(someUrl) . only the image taken from camera is getting saved. ACTION_VIDEO_CAPTURE). Add Image Watermark in Word Documents using C#. Bitmap mainBitmap PhotoEditor SDK for Android offers developers a robust API to add a watermark to photos. graphics. Ever since the new API was out, m Sep 17, 2013 · I'm trying to add programmatically a margin top to my RelativeLayout in my activity. Oct 2, 2024 · Use advanced caching techniques with image-loading libraries like Picasso or Glide to optimize performance. In dubsmash app after recording one water mark add right? An android image watermark library that supports steganography. So, I don't know whether I'm doing in the Apr 4, 2023 · Follow along, and we'll show you two ways to add a watermark to an image on Android. It provides a feature-rich API that allows you to create, read, and write Word documents programmatically. decodeImage(_originalImage. Whether you’re looking to remove watermark from your images or videos or want to add text or photos to your videos and pictures, it’s your go Nov 24, 2014 · Set background image for report body to your watermark image parameter: =Parameters!watermark. In XML, I can use layout_margin like this: <ImageView android:layout_margin="5dip" android:src="@drawable/image" /> There is ImageView. I have an image1. ImageView; public class MyCameraActivity extends Activity Using following code you can add image dynamically . About Jul 6, 2017 · This method will automatically adjust the size of the watermark text according to the size of bitmap. Open(row. I have added images successfully but i am not getting any help with setting text of that image (I want to display a text under image) and image to be a specific padding. May 21, 2012 · You can use androidWM to add a watermark into your image, even with invisible watermarks: add dependence: dependencies { implementation 'com. Jan 8, 2014 · Add element programmatically. It didn't help me. It is so slow. The data can change while the video is being recorded and I would like to be able to have that data "baked in" to Oct 22, 2021 · The following code sample shows how to add an image watermark in a DOCX file using C#. Important part of the code (where the watermar is inserted) is this: public class Watermark extends PdfPageEventHelper { @Override public void onEndPage(PdfWriter writer, Document document) { // insert here your watermark } I have only defined tableLayout in xml file and remaining code is in java. You could do it in the following way. layoutParams. Intent; import android. com, like dubsmash app. app. Connect it to your ConvertAPI account using a secret key. black; Position position = Positions. 0 getting header layout view with: navigationView. Crop image. And the following utility method adds an image watermark over an image: /** * Embeds an image watermark over a source image to produce * a watermarked one. Simple Watermark Library to Android, converting XML (VIEW) to bitmap - duanniston/watermark App uses FFmpeg kit to add animated watermark to the videos. i have image view i set bitmap to that image i want to Draw the text on image (text entered by user ). getHeight(); Bitmap re Sep 4, 2008 · The watermark is too faint to see. also { startActivityForResult(takeVideoIntent, REQUEST_VIDEO_CAPTURE) } Jul 24, 2019 · I am trying to programmatically create a number of PDF documents with a watermark on each page using itextsharp (a C# port of Java's itext). Jul 19, 2013 · My android project layout xml file has three button. Set the appearance by adjusting the alignment Dec 19, 2011 · This code is in onCreate method. Add Watermark using Java API To implement watermarking in PDF documents, we’ll utilize Aspose. bitmapTransform(new WatermarkTransformation(context)) . Please check the image that how i want to add watermark logo to a video with auto adjust logo size according to the video. You don't have to use PC just to add the watermark or log now. To add image, Try this latest updated package video_watermark hope you are doing well. 0) and above, you should not use the answers above (of the "Uri. fromFile(file); Intent pdfOpenintent = new Intent(Intent. you can add the image view to the linear layout. setOnClickListener { Intent(MediaStore. Dec 24, 2017 · The process basically involves, constructing a canvas and drawing the watermark into the image we want to watermark. fill(child: VideoWidget(), Positioned. Jan 11, 2013 · I want to resize an ImageView when I touch on it. into(imageView); Jan 20, 2013 · You can use Magical Take Photo library. then watermark will be added to the video automatically like this. Each image on the site Jul 27, 2021 · Add Image Watermark to PDF using C## Similarly, you can add images to the PDF file as we just added the text watermark. also { takeVideoIntent -> takeVideoIntent. Let me know if you have any suggestions. writingminds:FFmpegAndroid:0. The way I want it to work is to show the watermark when the image is downloaded or shown on other websites Search for jobs related to How to add watermark on image in android programmatically or hire on the world's largest freelancing marketplace with 22m+ jobs. then try to add different resolution images of arrow based set an image using @android Then, feel free to grab a ConvertAPI library for your programming language: DotNet, Java, Python, Ruby, PHP, Go, NodeJS, CLI, or even use Zapier. but bitmap is the best because using an uri and resource means the decoding of the image before its placed happens in the ui thread which is not a good thing to do for images. hope fully it will works for you. Feb 7, 2024 · Here, we initiate a new creator object from UniPDF, acquire the input PDF and watermark image, and systematically iterate through the entire PDF file to apply the watermark. setDataAndType(path, "application/pdf"); try Apr 6, 2017 · You get the original bitmap in your transformation class, you add the watermark and return the bitmap with the watermark. Then your processing time will be reduced dramatically. gvsu. i tried this before saving. 0' 2. png and a watermark watermark. findViewById(R. asAttributeSet(xpp) val layout : LinearLayout = findViewById(R. frosquivel:magicaltakephoto:1. Start Now. The code comments are self-explanatory: Sep 24, 2015 · How to increase or decrease the size of imageview,textview or anyother by programmatically in linear layout in getview() of slide menu. wall1, R. ImageView mImageView; PhotoViewAttacher mAttacher; @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super. Sep 6, 2011 · I want to draw text on image ( for saving that image with text ). In the mean time, you would add it mannually in eclipse or android studio. mp4) and image (watermark. Mar 20, 2019 · Here is my simple code basically I want to capture a video using the watermark without FFmpeg I want to do it in a simple way, please help. getWidth(); int h = src. Aug 18, 2014 · Using FFMPEG in Android is not a great idea. Watermark the Images of a Word Document using C## You can add text watermark to the images in Word documents by following the steps given below: Firstly, load the DOCX file using the Watermarker class. try with compile in gradle. setCompoundDrawables( null, null, img, null ); Explained here. I dont find nothing like myImageButton. If you want to see how it works, go to TylerGriffinPhotography. And even do the question is old, if it still pops up in Google than posting something new in it is ok imho. when buttons click they download images from url & save them in cache. CENTER; int insetPixels = 0; // Apply caption to the Sep 21, 2012 · Well if you haven't got a copy of the images you need to use in the project in HD quality, why let android rescale them to crappy quality by using the normal drawable folder. You can just use: button = new Button(context); If you want to style the button you have 2 choices: the simplest one is to just specify all the elements in code, like many of the other answers suggest: As you can see, DisplayMetrics metrics can differ, which means it would yield different values across Android-OS powered devices. May 20, 2015 · Now I want to implement "watermark image" on my recorded video. compile 'com. I want to add an unknown number of ImageView views to my layout with margin. getIdentifier(uri, null, getPackageName Jul 3, 2019 · Library for video size reduction, screen recording, video recording, watermark, capturing images, getting bitmap from image, getting image from bitmap. video_button. view. Nov 26, 2014 · I use an intent to capture image using the phones stock camera app. you can crop your selected image into circle and square into many of option. Use this string filePath wherever required to set your destination folder. with(context) . Latest version: 1. You can use it for other files also. For image i got the solution as below Image water marking code Method static void addWatermarkOnImage(String text To streamline the process of watermarking, this tutorial demonstrates how to programmatically add text or image watermarks to PDF using Java. layout Dec 6, 2011 · Lazy man can use this lib, Just import inside your project and. you just have to make a class and use this class into your XMl and java classes. If the width/height ratio differs from the aspect ratio of the image, either the width, or the height, will be smaller than the corresponding parameter of this method. In iPhone there AVComposition Library to draw watermark on Videos. layout. // Iterate through pages, add watermark, and write to output file If you want to save the new image result to the phone camera roll, just use the CameraRoll-module from react-native. Image originalImage = ui. Adding image WaterMark programmatically in Android. Technically, we will be overlaying an image on top of the video to add a watermark to it. can't access the watermark image without this permission) Dec 5, 2012 · I think it just working to show the image. relativeLayout); LinearLayout May 23, 2012 · Once you apply a watermark over an image, the original data of the image that gets covered by the watermark is gone forever. Library to add watermark/overlay on video using local image or view android video builder-pattern video-watermark watermark-library video-overlay video-rendering Updated Mar 23, 2022 Sep 17, 2016 · Add watermark image in android. dra Aug 31, 2013 · * * @param srcWidth Width of source image * @param srcHeight Height of source image * @param dstWidth Width of destination area * @param dstHeight Height of destination area * @param scalingLogic Logic to use to avoid image stretching * @return Optimal down scaling sample size for decoding */ public static int calculateSampleSize(int srcWidth If you use relative layout, import LinearLayout. package edu. Configure these libraries to cache images in memory and on disk, which reduces the number of network calls and ensures a smoother experience, especially for repeated images. You can try to use android:scaleType="centerCrop" in your xml or apply it programmatically & see if that works for you. ACTION Dec 18, 2017 · Depends on the filter you are using. View LinearLayout1 = findViewById(R. activity_main); // Any implementation of ImageView can be used! If your app targets Android N (7. Jan 5, 2016 · How can we use data binding in android to put image resource in an ImageView? anything programmatically if your data model contains the resource ID of the image Oct 5, 2011 · I have an image galley app; in that app I placed all the images into the drawable-hdpi folder. Jan 14, 2022 · Giving us the final image: Step 5: Script it. because this is totally manageable for you and you can change it according to you. ui. 3. , can u get my point @BogdanAndroid – Jan 10, 2021 · I want to make an app in which there will be a watermark that will be shown in every activity including the fragments if it exists. THEATER COMPANY. Here’s some C# sample code: /* Add an image watermark or stamp to an existing PDF document */ // Load a sample file from disk. encryption image-processing android-library watermark watermark-image Add a description, image, Add text or icon watermark to your images. iMyFone Filme MarkGo is a very easy-to-use and simplified tool for beginners to advanced professionals. onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R. content. public class MainActivity extends Activity { @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super. Stack( children:[ Positioned. The following steps show how to add an image to PDF files as watermarks. drawBitmap(src, 0, 0, null); Set the paint and draw the text/drawable/bitmap of your watermark at the location you desire. It will be perfect to resize it like when you do the zoom in google maps or in a mobile browser but if just touching it I can resize it will be eno Mar 11, 2024 · The first step in adding a watermark to a Word document using Python is to install the Aspose. - maheshpaliwal/vsrwm In this video we have shown how to add text watermark to a video in the top left, bottom left, top right, bottom right and in the centre of a video. Anyway, you can add image watermark to video without using the complex filter of FFMPEG. PDF to WATERMARK API allows adding a textual watermark to your document with a bunch of useful options. 1. For example I want to add abc. // The bitmap we want to watermark. BufferedImage originalImage = ; // Set up the caption properties String caption = "Hello World"; Font font = new Font("Monospaced", Font. Load the image in a canvas. navigation_header_text) no longer works. Thanks Search for jobs related to How to add watermark on image in android programmatically or hire on the world's largest freelancing marketplace with 23m+ jobs. widget. Link for the question is C# - Add watermark to the photo by speci Aug 28, 2017 · Some corner of the video I need to add some watermark / text. How can I add this watermark to image even after taking the image. May 11, 2011 · If by "watermark text" you mean the text which appears in the field when it is empty, then use the attribute android:hint="My Text" in the layout or programmatically call setHint( "My Text" ) on your EditText object. I am using this code for opening a PDF file. ? i have used following code to add text watermark String watermark ="Sari collage"; int x =1500; May 15, 2019 · I am using ffmpeg library for water marking in android, somehow it is taking high amount of time (like 5MB video taking 1 minute of time). so that when user select a video from gallery in the android studio. A workaround is to inflate the headerview programatically and find view by ID from the inflated header view. This will show an alertDialog with a message (if you don't need the message, just remove that line) and the image (and an OK button): Apr 5, 2018 · It looks stretched because your image & display ratio doesn't match. camerademo; import android. Later users can annotate on the image and add watermark to Video. You’ll probably want to run this on multiple images in a timelapse. 3. drawable. getExternalStorageDirectory(), "Report. Nov 21, 2011 · How can I write text on an image and then save it in Android? Basically I want to let user write something on the images which my camera app will click for them. – Jul 31, 2013 · I am working on an Android Camera Application which have capability of Image and Video capturing. * @param destImageFile The output image file. PDF to WATERMARK API. 3' } and java code: May 18, 2023 · Watermarking images in Android programmatically is an easy way to protect your images from copycats and unauthorized use. Only a solid color image would really show it. Create your website today. We have Try this. Java code example to add textual watermark for an image The following utility method adds a textual watermark over an image. Start using react-native-image-marker in your project by running `npm i react-native-image-marker`. Creating a Paint we’ll use to draw the watermark text on the canvas. How to do it?Thanks in advance. Canvas canvas = new Canvas(result); canvas. Now, if you set the margin using Layout_marginLeft, Right, etc, you need to update margin in this way. But that will make you violate the copyrights law of the image owner. . setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds (int left, int top, int Sep 22, 2016 · How to add text watermark on imageview in android,Using this code but not working public Bitmap waterMark(Bitmap src, String watermark, Point location, int color, int alpha, int size, boolean und An android image watermark library that supports steganography. getWidth (); int h = src. masl. getXml(R. val xpp = resources. Additionally, it supports batch processing, so you can Mar 28, 2011 · In Thumbnailator, one can add a text caption to an existing image by using the Caption image filter: // Image to add a text caption to. cis. We'll place the image // onto this file. setMargin(). Bitmap; import android. Load the PDF document using Watermarker class. setMargins(left, top, right, bottom); If you set margin using the new layout_marginStart, you need to update margin in this way Nov 8, 2015 · i have an image in imageview , how can i add an image/logo watermark on that image. Aug 3, 2011 · You need to use a ImageView to show the image. Intent. We’re creating a new Bitmap with the same size as the original. LayoutParams, etc. 0. But there is no way to add effect on video, Its' example shows effect for only Images. PDF for Java — a comprehensive API enabling PDF file creation, processing, and conversion within Java Jan 31, 2010 · How to Create Android Image Picker . * @param watermarkImageFile The image file used as the watermark. filename); This is my code: Jun 29, 2019 · As you want to set the image dynamically, on the button's click. Nov 4, 2022 · You can put anything above your video widget by put the watermark widget above by using Stack widget Widget structure example:. Now,this directory can be accessed using default file manager app in android. Sep 11, 2015 · Background Android got a new API on Kitkat and Lollipop, to video capture the screen. Apr 12, 2022 · We will start with The Best way how to add watermark text on video in Android programmatically. Aug 27, 2016 · I'm trying to add watermark to an image on my website. Button; import android. You can style Feb 15, 2021 · I would have also used the same approach. ; If you want to save it to an arbitrary file path, use something like react-native-fs. Many thanks! Nov 6, 2015 · As mentioned in the bug 190226, Since version 23. I tried following script: edges = cv2. Value Set your conditional watermark parameter based on your "condition" (I assume your condition would either show watermark or not): Aug 17, 2020 · Here, in the above codes, we have opened the _originalImage file and _watermarkImage to Image (image package class). xml This is my first Android application made with Android Studio. This is the code that I'm In this tutorial, we introduce code examples for two typical scenarios: textual watermark and image watermark. It can be removed by image editing by tools like Photoshop etc. setFlags(Intent. os. So far I tried, inpainting method in opencv. It's free to sign up and bid on jobs. Assuming all your photos are the same dimensions and you want the same watermark size overlaid on each, all you need to do is run the final command (step 4) on all your photos. Jun 5, 2017 · Add watermark or your own logo on your photos using your Android (no root). this); RelativeLayout relativelayout = (RelativeLayout)findViewById(R. Unfortunately, there is only a JAR version of the library at the moment, and (unlike with AARs) the needed definition does not get merged properly when the app is built. 1. Check a watermark demo here. setDrawable Here is my xml for the button i want to change: <ImageButton At second, I am using android:background="#99 000000" on my button and you also can see it on the image. PLAIN, 14); Color c = Color. i've found similar questions but all of them add the watermark only to the Headers/Footers of the document. Use ConstraintLayout for Complex Image Positioning Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Jun 12, 2014 · I have an image button on my view which i need to change after user interaction. It must be mutable. Jun 11, 2018 · I have a image like below, I would like to remove background watermark. zalsnpvxlirseasirgifvshezlytdtmdomlnhvthclqpjptvszmgeocjsuuxknagoriyieqaopz