Golang sql exec example. For this, I have used result.

  • Golang sql exec example There were plenty of requests from users regarding SQL query string validation or different matching option. While I was reading the example of "Prepared" statement in "transaction" in golang SQL/database example. Sometimes a prepared statement is not what you want, however. Result) to type string Please keep in mind, this is the first golang app I've ever written so I apologize if this is a simple issue, here is the golang code: Jul 20, 2024 · The db variable in this example is an instance of *sql. Adding an example for the answer from @ithkuil regarding multiStatements for the go-sql-driver package for reference. Directory (". I am running the below query, but only get the first id value:- select * from `table` where table`. For more, see Using prepared statements. Execute a statement in a once-off fashion, without preparing it for repeated use. 13 or higher. Oct 8, 2017 · Has this problem been solved yet? I also have problems with really large complex queries that are dynamically generated. Go talks to SQL databases using the package database/sql. Oct 9, 2024 · The Exec method is used to execute non-SELECT queries like INSERT, and LastInsertId returns the ID of the inserted row. So it takes a lot of time to process db. // Use the DB normally, execute the querys etc Mar 17, 2015 · first off let me say I'm a beginner (started a few days ago) with golang and am in the process of learning how to practically apply the language. gets prepared with the server (SQL parsed, execution plan generated, etc. Exec (db) Apr 20, 2020 · Now, the software will come with both the GUI and the command-line version. Code in the following example uses the ? symbol as a placeholder for the id parameter, which is provided as a function argument: May 31, 2011 · I'm looking to execute a shell command in Go and get the resulting output as a string in my program. Per the documentation: The sqlserver driver uses normal MS SQL Server syntax and expects parameters in the sql query to be in the form of either @Name or @p1 to @pN (ordinal position). Go MSSQL Connection. Feb 12, 2020 · In Golang SQL package there are QueryRow and Exec for executing query. For example go-sql-driver/mysql supports transactions just fine. DefaultParameterConverter. Gunakan fungsi Exec(), contoh penerapannya bisa dilihat di bawah ini: Note here that we did not directly put values inside the SQL query. Exec("call dbo. We aim to support the 3 latest versions of Go. execute(open("setting_up. ExecContext: Execute an already-prepared SQL statement. GORM uses the database/sql’s argument placeholders to construct the SQL statement, which will automatically escape arguments to avoid SQL injection, but the generated SQL don’t provide the safety guarantees, please only use it for debugging. Row, access return values from queries by position:sql. In general a prepared statement 1. sql", "example2. So a python command to run sql file: cursor. Note that we use the method LastInsertId to retrieve the id value inserted in the table. Rollback aborts the transaction. This makes it relatively painless to integrate existing codebases using database/sql with sqlx. For example: an INSERT and UPDATE. The main features are: Splitting long queries into logically separated blocks. DB object by calling sql. Exec(fmt. 2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style 3 // license May 23, 2019 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. Executing UPDATE Queries. Notice that the $1, $2, etc don’t have to be in sequential order in the SQL statement, and can be arranged in whatever order seems best to you. So, we define structure of data that will be used. Time and string timestamptz mapped to golang types time. Sprintf("CREATE TABLE %s", pq. Example 1: Jun 7, 2016 · The differences can be subtle, sometimes important, and sometimes effectively nonexistent. g. To use an SQL database, the we must use the sql package with the driver for the SQL database. All rights reserved. In this tutorial, we are going to see an example program to learn how to do database CRUD operations using Golang and MySQL. Using placeholders will protect you against SQL injections. To execute SQL statements that don’t return data, you use Exec . You can add more user if you need. Select Dataset - Docs and examples about creating and executing SELECT sql statements. CRUD operations are basic data manipulation for database. There might be several reasons for this: Statements that don’t return rows should not use Query functions; they should use Exec(). After executing the query, QueryRow() will return a pointer to a sql. We can use this to control the timeout of SQL query execution and cancel it. Jun 3, 2017 · All of the examples I've seen for using sql. If implemented by the driver the result returned from db. My goal is to build a web Rest API that queries a Oct 3, 2019 · Using "database/sql", sql. Example 1: A Golang library for using SQL. Apr 23, 2021 · How do you get the output parameter value from a SQL stored proc in golang. Exec DB. There is a shortcut for this special case. RowsAffected(). Apr 12, 2022 · Try to put the question marks in the statement without the apostrophes: statement := "INSERT INTO product (id_product, user, field, judul, negosiasi, createdAt number mapped to golang types integer, float, string, bool varchar mapped to any golang types that can converted to string nvarchar mapped to any golang types that can converted to string date mapped to golang types time. It is not an ORM, it is not a query builder. DB). See https://golang. Dec 14, 2017 · We could use QuoteIdentifier. In("SELECT * FROM quote WHERE qid IN (?)", qids) if err != nil { log. 1. sqlx has a great helper for that: In() we just have to prepare the query by taking the args and Rebind, like this: var qids []int // fills qids on query dynamically query, args, err := sqlx. Insert, Update, & Delete Data Menggunakan Exec() Untuk operasi insert, update, dan delete; dianjurkan untuk tidak menggunakan fungsi sql. Here we are using prepared statements. Trying to debug incorrect position binds for 20+ variables is very tedious/time consuming. . Command yang bisa dieksekusi adalah semua command yang bisa dieksekusi di command line sesuai sistem operasinya (Linux-distros, Windows, MacOS, dan lainnya). To bulk-delete books by a primary key: books := [] * Book {book1, book2} // slice of books with ids res, err := db. update product set product_name='AAAA' where product_id='1' update product set product_name='BBB' where product_id='2' update product set product_name='CCC' where product_id='3' update product set product_name='DDDD' where product_id='4' Compatibility with database/sql (slower than native interface!) database/sql supports http protocol for transport. ExecContext: Execute a SQL statement within a larger transaction. Below is my Golang Code Jan 16, 2025 · If a Conn does not implement QueryerContext, the database/sql. Aug 23, 2022 · I don't understand why we would need the Queryer, Execer and ExtededDB interfaces, since it is not really possible to mock the sql. Connection details are provided in a formatted string. A. , PostgreSQL’s libpq protocol). SetConnMaxLifetime() is required to ensure connections are closed by the driver safely before connection is closed by MySQL server, OS, or other middlewares Dec 25, 2014 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. QueryRow("SELECT {{YOUR_FIELDS}} from table_tbl") But the Go database/sql docs recommend not using Query to modify the database because it: reserves a database connection until the sql. Exec. May 24, 2020 · Go MySQL Driver is a MySQL driver for Go's (golang) database/sql package - Examples · go-sql-driver/mysql Wiki. Exec can tell you how many rows were affected by the query, while db. Exec digunakan untuk eksekusi perintah command line lewat kode program. , user queries, order queries) to maintain a clean structure Nov 6, 2013 · It's telling you that the type conversion for argument #2 (zero indexed) of the SQL query couldn't be converted into the type expected by the SQL engine (In particular the function driver. Exec() is used for queries that do not return rows (insert, delete, update) and sql. Exec Tx. DB. Generally it's easiest to avoid nullable fields altogether if you can, which is what we've done here. Last time I made a command-line client to connect to the JSON Service, but today is all about database persistence using database/sql. The sqlx versions of sql. Row. I also want to check the no of rows affected by the query. 7 other than using the context package like described here: Jan 2, 2024 · In this tutorial, we will examine some examples of working with sqlite in Golang. NullStringに変換しています。 Golang Insert NULL Sep 15, 2018 · As @dakait stated, on your prepare statement you should use : placeholders. (I didn't have enough rep to add as a comment). Exec and db. Query(10) say, this and that of your second example were dynamic, then you'd do Mar 26, 2024 · SeedUsers deletes the table, if it exists, then creates the table again and finally adds the users to our table. Scan(). Example. Exec(query) function to execute the query and get the result back. The hurdles include preventing SQL injection, using parameterized queries, managing query complexity, optimizing performance, and maintaining code readability. Files ("example. Query will return the rows object When you perform database actions that don’t return data, use an Exec or ExecContext method from the database/sql package. Mar 3, 2015 · The way I overcame this is by creating a python script (let's call it sql_runner. Your code should work, or you could change it a little to: Nov 3, 2021 · However, before we move forward, it is important that we understand Golangs sql package and methods. Time and string timestamp mapped to golang types time. Exec Stmt. DB methods directly, too, as those will execute outside the transaction, giving your code an inconsistent view of the state of the database or even causing deadlocks. That is the best way to handle SQL database. is executed with the additional parameters, and then 3. Project structure To illustrate, let's create some endpoints with this vulnerability and fix these vulnerabilities, but first let's structure our project, I won't go too deep into the structure, I'll leave the repository link here. ConvertValue(arg) failed. ) In this tutorial, you'll learn how to connect to an SQL Server database from a Go using the Microsoft SQL Server driver. TX, sql. Database structure. I saw the Rosetta Code version: package main import "fmt" import "exec" func main() { cmd, e Feb 3, 2022 · I’m an experienced developer, learning Golang by building an activity tracker. /examples") // Execute the stored queries // transaction is used to execute queries in Exec() res, err:= s. Apr 1, 2021 · In the following example, Using sql driver to connect to db and execute the sql statements: Here a full example using additionally transaction: How to exec Mar 29, 2020 · Execメソッドにprofileパラメータを渡す際には、newNullStringメソッドでstringからsql. (*DB). QuoteIdentifier(table))) Here are the lines from the documentation - QuoteIdentifier quotes an "identifier" (e. Dec 28, 2016 · I want to execute a query like below in golang gorm: select * from MY_TABLE where MY_FIELD in (select max(MY_FIELD) as MY_FIELD from MY_TABLE group by ANOTHER_FIELD) Is there a way besides raw qu In this source code example, we show how to update data into MySQL database table in Golang with an example. I'm having trouble finding some examples that do three of the following things: 1) Allow raw sql transactions in golang. Rows. Next(r) I have this error: cannot use r (type []I) as type []driver. In our Golang web application, the program interfaces with an SQL database using an HTTP route. Conn. Maybe removing it would make the example cleaner. It allows you to connect to and interface with different databases by providing the queries and statements to execute. spGetNext 7,sSSSSS,@card_number;SELECT @card_number;")``` get ERROR - mssql: Must declare the scalar variable "@card_number". In the example above, the connection will never be released again. You’ll again use the Exec method, but this time to modify an existing record: Go Jan 22, 2020 · I have written a Golang code to update the records in a table. Deleting records with database/sql. Executing SQL Statements: CRUD functions execute SQL statements with placeholder parameters (like $1, $2) to prevent SQL injection. Basically what I want to achieve is, that the real insert is longer, and there are many of them like 30K. Exec in a loop. Many functions in the sql package provide parameters for the SQL statement and for values to be used in that statement’s parameters (others provide a parameter for a prepared statement and parameters). SQL. This makes the new blank events table ready for us to start inserting data. For this, I have used result. 49. a table or a column name) to be used as part of an SQL statement. 3+) db. In this, I have used db. This article will show you how to do that. Jan 16, 2025 · Package sql provides a generic interface around SQL (or SQL-like) databases. Prepare(transaction) if KSQL was created to offer an actually simple and satisfactory tool for interacting with SQL Databases in Golang. Connecting to SQLServer with GORM. But I am not getting the correct no of rows affected. Exec("INSERT INTO $1 values($2,$3,to_timestamp($4),var1,var2,var3,var4) ^^ works however if I want to do something like . Rows I have this error: arg: unknown type sql. Let’s build off this idea and create an example database to track analytics Jun 18, 2019 · In this article, we will review on EXEC SQL statement in SQL Server and explore a few examples. ExecContext Aug 5, 2020 · That's just how passing arguments to a variadic function works in Go. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. When using a transaction, take care not to call the non-transaction sql. Go creates prepared statements for you under the covers. Dec 19, 2023 · The article will discuss the use of the database/sql package in Go to connect to a database, execute SQL statements, and handle returned results. `id` in ('1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '9', '11', '13', '14 Oct 26, 2016 · The database/sql package has a NullString type for just this situation. Exec()を使うと、SQLクエリをそのまま叩ける。プリペアドステートメントはクエリのあとにガシガシ置いていくカンジ。 May 19, 2024 · Bun's goal is to help you write idiomatic SQL, not to hide it behind awkward constructs. 2. So, for completeness, you would get it working with something like: package main import ( "database/sql" "fmt" "log" ) // Output is an example struct type Output struct { Name string } const ( dep = "abc" org = "def" ) func main() { query := "SELECT name from table WHERE department= :1 and organisation = :2" q, err Apr 11, 2024 · Go has the sql package which provides a generic interface around SQL (or SQL-like) databases. Exec("INSERT INTO table_name_$1 values($2,$3,to_timestamp($4),var1,var2,var3,var4) It doesn't work, $1 gets appended to the table name instead of the values of $1, how do I add it to the Jul 20, 2022 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. In this example, we are going to create an interface as database front end to handle these operations. Exec statement, db. Query just takes varargs to replace the params in your sql so, in your example, you would just do. sqlx is a package for Go which provides a set of extensions on top of the excellent built-in database/sql package. NullString in place of strings where you want them to be nullable in db. NewWithDSN. It also covers advanced topics like prepared statements, transactions, and connection pooling. In SQL we can do this by limiting our query execution time. This database consists of posts that have id as primary key, name of post and text of the post. Tx. Rows by sql. all leave the underlying interfaces untouched, so that their interfaces are a superset on the standard ones. read()) And part's of a Go code to run this file: Dec 23, 2024 · Connecting to PostgreSQL: Uses sql. Mar 27, 2019 · I would create a query statement with the dynamic fields(use placeholder for avoiding sql injection): rows := db. Query interchangeably to execute the same sql statements however the two methods return different types of results. When executing a statement that doesn’t return data, you can use an Exec or ExecContext method instead. Syntax of EXEC command in SQL Server. Time and string raw mapped to golang types []byte and string blob NamedArg values may be used as arguments to Query or Exec and bind to the corresponding named parameter in the SQL statement. Golang base64 Encoding Example: EncodeToString ; Golang os exec Examples: Command Start and Run ; Golang String Between, Before and After ; Golang os. However in your example are using a SELECT statement then you need to If I try to change driver. Jun 3, 2018 · "Why even use db. Pseudocode (no real code): var query = SELECT * FROM foo UNION ALL SELECT * FROM bar UNION ALL SELECT * FROM other Illustrated guide to SQLX. sql") // Load files in the input directory and store queries written in the files err:= s. MySQL (4. SQL statements you’d execute this way include INSERT , DELETE , and UPDATE . Updating data is similar to inserting. Query() for queries that return rows (selects). The Query() will return a sql. Each time we query a database, we are using a connection from a pool of connections that has been set up when the application has A. sqlx is a library which provides a set of extensions on go's standard database/sql library. Basically just use sql. Result structs using these interfaces and the interface we are actually using for mocking in this example is the TokenStorage interface. Execute a query that returns rows. scan() requires a correctly typed variable correctly positioned in the scan() arguments corresponding to the appropriate column, to retrieve each column value returned, such as in the following example: Example Based on GoDocs (with small mod): Aug 23, 2020 · How can I execute a bulk update query in Golang? For example I want to execute these queries in one query. If this is not the case, prefer the direct . I'm also new in Golang, if someone has an idea :) Thanks a lot! Next we use the QueryRow() method on the db variable (which is of the type sql. If I'm executing insertion query inside transaction, which is better to be used in term of performance? err = tx. You can also use full command EXECUTE which is the same as EXEC. For more, see Executing statements that don’t return data. ), 2. id int . Fatal(err) } // sqlx. You could also use a *string in your code to the same effect. Tx. Query() ataupun sql. Exec executes a prepared statement with the given arguments and returns a Result summarizing the effect of the statement. Sep 24, 2022 · This is a step by step guide to your first database connection with pgx through the standard Go database/sql interface. 3) Rollback on query failures. org/s/sqldrivers for a list of drivers. The SQL driver communicates with the database using a protocol (e. Golang’s sql package comes from Golang’s standard library, and it provides an interface around SQL databases. The database/sql package provides two ways to execute a query for results. Next. Rows is closed. Aug 17, 2017 · After that I want to display the results on the same page using GoLang, however it keeps telling me that: # command-line-arguments . py) which executes a file and then run a go exec command to execute python script (do not forget to make it executable). If you’re curious about the basics of storing persistent data into a SQL database using Golang, this tutorial will be helpful Go 1. Exec function usage examples. 1+), MariaDB, Percona Server, Google CloudSQL or Sphinx (2. 56. is closed. It is a good idea to start writing and testing queries using CLI for your database (for example, psql), and then re-construct resulting queries using Bun's query builder. Select the SQL to execute, maybe based on user input, but never build SQL from user input. Update Dataset - Docs and examples about creating and executing UPDATE sql statements. Prepare a statement for repeated use, execute it multiple times, and destroy it. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the essential steps for performing CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations using SQL Server in a Go application. , pgx for PostgreSQL) to establish a connection to the database and execute the SQL query. Sep 27, 2023 · SQL Server, a powerful and widely-used relational database management system, can be effectively integrated with Go (Golang) to build data-driven applications. The sql package must be used in conjunction with a database driver. type NamedArg struct { // Name is the name of the parameter placeholder. You’ve seen how to use Query and QueryRow with SQL statements that return data. We will assign results to variables, a row at a time, with rows. For the GUI open the pgAdmin software and the passwords that you have set will need to be entered. 2. db. In returns queries with the `?` bindvar, we can rebind it for our backend // query = database. 1. NullFloat64 types instead – see this gist for a working example. If you must set SQL parts like table names, prepare multiple, complete SQL statements that contain ? for the values. Exec() method to execute the SQL creation statement. Oct 6, 2016 · What is the appropriate way to implement a timeout for a QueryRow method call using the database/sql package in Golang? There have been a lot of discussion about this topic and I like to know if there is a solution/best practice in golang 1. Query will first prepare a query, execute the statement, and then close the statement. We use a timeout to make our resource usage more efficient. CRUD is an acronym for Create, Read, Update, and Delete. Open with the pq driver to connect to PostgreSQL. Since there might be unread data (e. 3. See full list on go. Golang database/sql. This package provides a generic interface to databases that use SQL. Go’s database/sql function names are significant. You’d use these methods to, for example, execute SELECT statements. Remove: Delete All Files in Directory ; Golang First Words in String ; Golang flag Examples ; Golang Regexp Find Examples: FindAllString ; Golang Regexp Examples: MatchString, MustCompile The Query() will return a sql. Jun 15, 2020 · One of Golang Context’s usage is to provide control over timeouts and cancelation. You either pass the individual values which can be of any type, or you pass in a slice whose element type matches exactly that of the variadic parameter and follow it with . Rows and sql. dev In this section, you’ll use Go to execute an SQL INSERT statement to add a new row to the database. (Experimental) Marshal rows into structs (ScanStruct, Select) Unmarshal struct to row (AppendStruct) Connection pool; Failover and load balancing; Bulk write support (for database/sql use begin->prepare->(in loop exec)->commit Sep 3, 2020 · I mm running an SQL query to check if a table exists using the Gorm library for Golang. For more, see Executing transactions. 6. The core goal of KSQL is not to offer new features that are unavailable on other libraries (although we do have some), but to offer a well-thought and well-planned API so that users have an easier time, learning, debugging, and avoiding common pitfalls. Provide details and share your research! But avoid …. /sql. File ("example. Oct 26, 2023 · Static SQL queries often fall short when you need some form of conditional query generation. One of the line says, "danger", yet the code example was provided without an alternative. 0. Unable to connect to MS SQL. We have now implemented the QueryMatcher interface, which can be passed through an option when calling sqlmock. DB. For a more concise way to create NamedArg values, see the Named function. Execute a query that returns a single row. Model (& books Jan 12, 2025 · Returns generated SQL without executing. sql") // Load input files and store queries written in the files err:= s. Let’s take a look at an example of how to query the database, working with results. Exec and Rollback functions usage examples. Mar 27, 2016 · This is a question based on absolute no knowledge of golang and the aim is to find if there is a way to make long queries readable. Mar 13, 2020 · How do I batch sql statements with Go's database/sql package? In Java I would do it like this : // Create a prepared statement String sql = "INSERT INTO my_table VALUES(?)"; Mar 26, 2020 · Go MySQL example. Source file src/database/sql/ sql. more data rows), the connection can not be used. Jan 17, 2015 · 標準ライブラリだけを使って頑張る。基本的にSQLを手書きして、変数とのマッピングも手で当てることになる。 sql. In the main() function we initialise a new sql. Exec()": It's true that you can use db. We’ll query the users table for a user whose id is 1, and print out the user’s id and name. 5 Additional reading. Code in the following example uses a transaction to create a new customer order for an album. Value in argument to rows. 2) Use prepared statements. Following is the basic syntax of EXEC command in SQL Server. Deleting records is virtually identical to updating records. DB, sql. You simply need to update your SQL statement that is passed into the Exec() method. Golang SQL interfaces. Dec 23, 2023 · sql := `CREATE TABLE events ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, source TEXT NOT NULL, payload JSON NOT NULL );` _, err := db. Stmt. The package provides automatic connection pooling. Crafting dynamic queries in Golang requires mastery of SQL and the nuances of Golang. Take a look at my book chapter about data storage 📖 Source Code Praktik E-book Dasar Pemrograman Golang - novalagung/dasarpemrogramangolang-example Oct 18, 2016 · golang SQL Server query via go-mssqldb. Open(). QueryContext may return ErrSkip. Like we have done in the past, we pass the SQL statement as the first argument, and any data we want to provide to use to construct the SQL statement is passed in as additional arguments. func createTransactionTable(db *sql. – Expressions - Introduction to goqu expressions and common examples. ExecContext: Execute a single SQL statement in isolation. We used placeholders ?. Exec executes a query that doesn't return rows. rows, err := stmt. Query(sql, param1, param2), for example, works by preparing the sql, then executing it with the parameters and finally closing the statement. Aug 29, 2017 · Go database/sql チュートリアル 04 - 結果セットの取得 "Retrieving Result Sets" from database/sql tutorial Nov 18, 2022 · Step by Step instructions to create and manage QL database using golang sql module. Sep 20, 2021 · If the table contained nullable fields we would need to use the sql. Examining Go idioms is the focus of this document, so there is no presumption being made that any SQL herein is actually a recommended way to use a database. Rebind(query As you can see from the above Go modules import instructions, the Golang application is going to be an HTTP API that exposes GET and POST routes for us to build on the demonstration of a Golang SQL program. This now allows to include some library, which would allow for example to parse and validate mysql Nov 8, 2024 · Best Practices for Using SQLc in Web Applications. QueryRow() untuk eksekusinya. Stmt. Insert Dataset - Docs and examples about creating and executing INSERT sql statements. QueryRow(que Mar 16, 2018 · Never build SQL from strings that come from outside your system. My attempt is to put the sql text in a variable and then execute the variable. Jun 28, 2021 · My table function. Azure Data SQL Samples - Official Microsoft GitHub Repository containing code samples for SQL Server, Azure SQL, Azure Synapse, and Azure SQL Edge - microsoft/sql-server-samples package database/sql. Now, we will take a look at how to use MySQL with Go. If I try to create an interface I: type I interface { NM() string } var r []I err = rows. NewDelete (). Oct 19, 2014 · Consider the db. Dotsql is a library that helps you keep sql files in one place and use it with ease. Rows, which reserves a database connection until the sql. Jul 22, 2023 · #Bulk-delete. go 1 // Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. Exec(sql) We use the db. Aug 13, 2014 · It depends on which driver you are using, some drivers / databases don't support transactions at all. Perform CRUD Operation using GO. Query will fall back to Queryer; if the Conn does not implement Queryer either, database/sql. does anyone have an example pleaseusing sqlx i've tried ( @grade INT, @user_id CHAR(10), @card_number BIGINT OUT db. Keep SQL Organized: Place SQL queries into separate files by functionality (e. DB which represents the reference to our database instance Although pgx provides its own interface for interacting with PostgreSQL, we are utilizing the pgx adapter with the database/sql interface. Unable to query data from SQL Dec 2, 2024 · The Golang application uses a SQL driver (e. Assume you have an incoming query string which you wish to execute, however you do not know whether the query intends to return rows. A simple db. Always use the ? syntax. Stmt, et al. The database/sql interface should be used when compatibility with non-PostgreSQL databases is required or when using other libraries that require database/sql such as sqlx or gorm. Sep 1, 2017 · Per your comment, you are using the sqlserver driver, not the mssql driver, so you are using the wrong parameter format. Penggunaan Exec package database/sql. NullString and sql. New or sqlmock. DB) { transaction := `CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Transaction_history( "rollno" INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL, "isReward" INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL, "transfered_to" INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL, "transfered_amount" INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL, "redeems" INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL, "date" TEXT NOT NULL );` statement, err := db. sql"), "r"). The EXEC command is used to execute a stored procedure, or a SQL string passed to it. go:128: cannot convert results (type sql.