Fantasy books with female villains. The protagonist can be either male or female.

Fantasy books with female villains Martin. Dive into the heart of fantasy literature and discover the epic journeys that have captivated readers for generations, each book a Books about the origin tales of female villains. One of the earliest examples is Eowyn from J. So grab a cozy blanket, curl up in your favorite reading spot, and dive into the magical worlds these YA fantasy books offer! Also Read: Best High Fantasy Books of 2025 In general I prefer to point people to female authors for good female characters, as many male authors can do acceptable female characters, but female authors write actual people. The knights and nobles don't know quite what to do with a female mercenary captain, but they need all the help they can get as the unstoppable golem armies of Carthage are Crown of Stars by Kate Elliott has quite a few female villains. Books shelved as female-villain: Wretched by Emily McIntire, Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier, Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn, Scorpion by Avina St. Hello everyone. Good question! The r/Fantasy bingo rules specify "A book featuring a trans or nonbinary character that isn't an alien or a robot", which is why certain classics like Left Hand of Darkness are left out. 2025 Reading Challenge. One of the two main characters is female and the supporting cast has plenty of female characters. Feb 11, 2019 · You know what we mean, the characters that make you catch your breath, or lean forward into the book in shock and sometimes a bit of amazement, at the devious villainy. Rowling, likely the most popular female fantasy author of all time, can hardly be left out. Unfortunately, their stories haven’t always been celebrated. Some are about family life and identity, but others are about adventures and mystery. Sure Jorg is villainous, but there's still a bigger bad to be fought against. Katniss, The Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins. May 15, 2019 · A reincarnation of Avatar Aang, the powerful Avatar Korra is one of the most badass female characters to ever appear in a Western animated show—and her groundbreaking relationship with Asami left us incredibly emotional. It's an alt-history beginning at the start of WW2. Jul 12, 2016 · She's the ultimate dynamic female villain. Archenemy and Hero is a Japanese light novel series (and manga, and anime) with literally that. PLEASE let's keep this list functional. But yeah, if you don't like characters talking to other characters, you're probably not going to like the Guide very much :) I absolutely love female villains and I want to read more books that feature them. Doesn't have to be exclusively fantasy genre (or sharing similar traits like Darkling, can be someone extremely unlike him) but please recommend me some underrated well written villains in books. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings. Preferably in young adult fantasy genre. And you delivered! Here is your list for the best female villains—excuse me while I go book shopping. If the author wants to write teenage characters they should write teenage characters. 1: Poison Study (Study, #1) by. Another work by the same author (Laura Kinsale) is Shadowheartwho is considered to be the villain and a skilled assassin in the first book of the two in the series 'Medieval Hearts'. Ditto Tana French The Secret History has some, though this may not be exactly what you’re looking for. It gets severely better in Book 5, and he moved to a 2/week schedule later on, which has improved a lot of things. I'm looking for a romance/fantasy book where the FMC is the villain and MMC is the hero sort of enemies to lovers but the FMC… Mar 10, 2022 · The fantasy genre has often been criticised for its representation of women. From fairycore to aristocratic, these creative names can provide inspiration for baby names or fictional characters. Dune and it's sequels (which straddles the SF/Fantasy line a lot) have several well developed female characters who edge toward the villainous side of things. From dark fantasy realms to dystopian societies, these 12 YA books offer a refreshing take on love and relationships. Embark on an unparalleled adventure with our definitive list of the top 50 best epic fantasy books. Jemisin. Female preferred. Unfortunately, most usually hold much smaller roles throughout the novels—such as Éowyn from Lord of the Rings . If one were to be extremely flippant, you could describe this book as, "magic lesbian ninja nuns", but that doesn't really do justice to worldbuilding or Dec 4, 2023 · I haven’t read Discovery of Witches, but adult characters acting like teenagers sounds really annoying. She acts as the primary antagonist of Final Fantasy 10-2 for most OP, if you end up trying and liking the Books of Bayern, Shannon Hale's other fantasy books are also good. Amy Dunne from Gone Girl is manipulative, crazy, and sometimes downright evil — but you can't tell me you weren't ~sort of~ rooting for her the whole time. Pratchett being the exception of course. I just want the whole book to be in the girl's perspective, preferably first person. By this I mean fantasy set in another world or realm, usually historical in nature. The Book of the Ancestor series starting with Red Sister follows a female assassin (Hmm, is this a pattern in my reading or is there just not much variety in badass female characters?). The protagonist is a female berserker on a quest to butcher everyone involved in the murder of her husband and the abduction of her child. There are male and female protagon Mar 8, 2024 · I love reading. Whether they’re wielding magic, navigating dangerous realms, or fighting for their own freedom, these women leave a lasting impact on readers. Home of the magic search button and endless book recommendations as well as discussions about tropes and characters, Author AMAs, book clubs, and more. I will also add Otherside Picnic, if you don’t mind the female friendship turning into a lesbian romance partway through the series. A sequel to 2012’s Snow White and the Huntsman is set come out in theaters and has Charlize Theron returning as Queen Ravenna. 4. Leede, Boy Parts by Eliza Clark, an Mar 7, 2022 · In literature, female fantasy characters have a charm that transcends their imaginary worlds. The Harry Potter series created engaged, imaginative readers out of an entire generation, thanks to Rowling's intricate and well-fleshed out world within a steaming train's ride For more character driven female-centric fantasy or narratives with strong female characters: Deerskin by Robin Mckinly The Wizard of Earthsea (Book 2 and Book 4 feature lead female characters) Aug 5, 2022 · Meg Murray, the Time Quintet by Madeleine L’Engle (1962). I haven't read them yet but I have heard that they pretty good There is also Monza from Best Served Cold, one of my favourite female characters when it comes to books A Song of Ice and Fire should not be included in this list, as the books spend considerable time on non-female protagonists. . Dec 31, 2024 · Set during the Sino-Japanese war, The Poppy War trilogy depicts the life of Fang Runin, known as Rin, who strives to carve her own path in life. Prepare for unexpected twists, forbidden romances, and complex characters that will keep you on the edge of your seat. They are urban fantasy, and I loved them. I think they slightly watered their dynamic down in the adaptation; in the books, the Darkling was more of an overpowered loner who held himself over his army and explicitly liked Alina because he thought they were equals in terms of power. Join us as we dive into these captivating stories where the line May 27, 2021 · Tolkien's classic has a bevy of compelling villains to choose from. Jun 6, 2022 · Malka Older's Infomocracy named a "Best of Science Fiction and Fantasy 2016" book by the Washington Post, follows characters who work for various political parties and election bodies (and who use Mark Lawrence does morally gray characters in horrible worlds like few others can- The Broken Empire, Red Queen's War and Book of the Ancestor would all fit your requirements and are very good books. Margaret Atwood has written some nasty lady villains in her time. Do not add every book in a series. I really prefer books that do not constantly switch between point of views. RELATED: 12 Books With Powerful Female Warriors 15 votes, 10 comments. Eowyn’s bravery and defiance of societal expectations I know this is an odd request, but I’m looking for books with strong female characters (the phrase is open to your interpretation). NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • A shield maiden blessed by the gods battles to unite a nation under a power-hungry king—while fighting her growing desire for his fiery son—in the first book of a Norse-inspired fantasy romance duology from the author of The Bridge Kingdom series. It does coming of age, grand quest, adventure and heavy topics. Just about everybody is going to be a villain in a web serial called A Practical Guide to Evil, but man, there are some great female antagonists lined up against Catherine Foundling in the first couple books. Le Guin was one of the great authors of sci-fi and fantasy; her legacy will last for as long as books themselves do. Feb 17, 2024 · “To Shape a Dragon’s Breath” is a heartwarming yet thrilling tale of Anequs, a 15-year-old girl who discovers a dragon‘s egg on Masquapaug Island. It doesn't have dwarves or elves but it has angels, demons, witches, and talking bears. Only add BOOK 1 of a series. Ash is an orphan who becomes the leader of a mercenary company in not quite historical Europe, and she is both smart, and a bad-ass. Overall, the consensus among Redditors is that there is room for improvement in the representation of female characters in fantasy novels, with a call for more diverse, relatable, and well-written characters. Books I have already been recommended are: The Traitor Beau Cormorant and Best Served Cold. I too am guilty of this, so it got me thinking I need to read about more awesome female mage characters. The two main protagonists are a male and a female. I also read this web series a while back, same thing but done very differently: The Demon Lord's Lover. I still haven't read it, but I think the Black Company's Lady is a little bit evil empress-y. I haven't read many fantasy books, so I'm trying to expand my taste. I don't mind YA as long as it is a little darker but would prefer a more adult fantasy novel. The female villains in Handmaid’s Tale are absolutely horrible. Saruman's betrayal still stings, and the Witch-king of Angmar is an iconic villain. Also more of a children's book, though darker than the above: A Face Like Glass by Frances Hardinge has a determined and curious protagonist who is also pretty sweet to her friends Adult historical fantasy: The Clockwork Dagger by Beth Cato Adult high fantasy: The Queen of Blood by Sarah Beth Durst Edited to add: Hard request. Coulter. Feb 7, 2021 · So if you’re looking to add more stories of brave, intelligent, powerful, or provocative ladies to your reading list, look no further than this list of badass female characters from fantasy books. Fantasy fans, rejoice! We’ve handpicked the top 5 villain romance books that will transport you to magical realms filled with forbidden love and enthralling adventures. From the author of the multimillion-copy bestselling A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder series and Five Survive comes a gripping mystery thriller following one teen’s search for the truth about her mother’s shocking disappearance—and even more shocking reappearance—during the filming of a true crime documentary. The villain isn't really evil though. Jan 2, 2023 · Literature doesn’t lack female villains—Nurse Ratched, Cruella de Vil, every wicked stepmother from every fairytale. For context, I’ve been reading a lot of YA fantasy books and my idea of strong female characters has turned into bitchy girls who literally kick ass. Apr 26, 2023 · Top 5 Villain Romance Books for Fantasy Lovers. Find out more about "Fantasy novels/series with intelligent, competent and capable woman protagonist(s) and female characters?" (r/Fantasy; 15:36 ET, 11 July 2022) "In your opinion, who are the best well written female characters in fantasy, and why?" (r/Fantasy; 13 July 2022) "Any fantasy book reads with a female protagonistb and little to no sexual content?" Uncertain Magic fits this list :D Faelan is more of an anti-hero and is looked upon as the very devil. NO Shilling or "up voting. Comic book readers might note one similarity amongst female comic book characters from all time periods, though: historically, female comic book characters, heroines and villains alike, are usually dressed to turn men’s heads. Jul 23, 2019 · Kick-ass female characters and fantasy books go hand in hand. Women that you don't necessarily love or hate, but you understand, even sympathize with (even if you don't agree with their actions). flag All Votes Add Books To This List. Someone with little empathy. r/RomanceBooks is a discussion sub for readers of romance novels. PLEASE. Gillian Flynn writes highly compelling female villains. « Strong women » often equal entitled/bitchy characters (cue Yennefer in the Witcher - at least the TV show, I admit to not having read the books) and/or have to be this super-beautiful-hot (generally also badass and sexually liberated) girl that Apart from Terry Pratchett Witches' books, I have read the following fantasy books with female protagonists written by male writers : - The Lyonesse trilogy by Jack Vance has five different protagonists, but three of them are women (Suldrun, Glyneth and Madouc). The MC (male) is a British intelligence agent, and the antagonist, Gretel, is a sociopathic clairvoyant who is the product of Nazi super soldier program. For fans of Joe Abercrombie, Robert E. Maria Unfortunately, I find that female leads / go-leads in fantasy books are often badly portrayed. Brienne of Tarth, A Song of Ice and Fire series by George R. This list is for Fantasy only. This is a list for lovers of "epic" fantasy. Support the Site. Books 2 thru infinity will be removed. And they are damn evil, lol! Apr 15, 2020 · The Fifth Season by N. To escape an unwanted marriage arranged by her foster parents, Rin studies and passes the Keju test to attend Sinegard Academy, the prestigious military school in Nikan. Readers will fall in love with the Red Sonja-like Zosia and her Five Villains. This list is meant to help list books with characters that have the role of what would normally be considered an antagonist, someone you normally wouldn't cheer for. Despite being born into a dismissive and crude family, Matilda cultivates her own love for learning and books, ultimately discovering her own mental powers which set her apart from her surroundings and allow her to change her destiny. This book had everything I look for in a fantasy adventure, including a number of badass female characters. From what I've seen in the stories I've consumed, female heroes can have male or female villains while male heroes only get male villains (unless the villain is an ex or a femme fatale). K. The characters are the heart of these Mar 9, 2022 · In this post we explore the exciting world of romance books where the villain gets the girl. Dec 26, 2011 · After reading Amy Rose’s terrific article on Antihero-vs-Villain we can look deeper into what Fantasy authors might like to consider when crafting our bad guys. The anime world has a lot of great villains responsible for epic battle sequences and tragic deaths. NO SELF-PROMOTION. Who are your favorites? Some of my favorites: Sethra Lavode from Vlad Taltos Galadriel from Middle Earth Samarkar-la from The Eternal Sky Fantasy recs where the female protagonist is the main antagonist? I want some fantasy novels where the POV character is the main villain of the story. L. Jun 15, 2020 · Why, yes, women will kick ass in the future, too. As of recently I've started reading The Unlikable Demon Hunter and Blood And Ash (both from Deborah Wilde) and found them amazing. It’s not like YA books don’t sell. The difference between an anti-hero and a villain protagonist is that the anti-hero often has the role of a hero but with darker sides. And more recently, in 2012, Gillian Flynn’s Gone Girl, with the sociopathic Amy Dunne (and her famous “cool girl” monologue) proved that bad women can be just as devious and captivating as our Humbert Humberts and Hannibal Lecters. Aug 12, 2021 · Feature Image Credit: @thebookend. Oct 15, 2024 · To help get you started on your next great read, we’ve put together a list of some of our favorite books in this genre. Here's a very non-exhaustive list, strictly about women (meaning that all of the MCs/pov characters are female) and by women: - Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik - Uprooted by Naomi Novik Northern Lights, and the other two books, The Subtle Knife, and The Amber Spyglass feature a truly terrifying female villain in the double form of Mrs Coulter and her golden monkey dæmon. Like all genres, there is a wide variety to choose from! Related: 40 Most Anticipated LGBTQ+ Books of 2022; 20 Sci. (2) If you want something a little darker with fairytale essence I recommend Sabriel. Vanity Fair by William Makepeace Thackeray. Wilson. If you wrote it, do NOT add it. (3) Priory of the orange tree had many female lead characters that were all equally cool/badass in my opinion and a must-read. Book 4 is the worst, no argument there. From the ethereal worlds of Tolkien’s Middle Earth to the mystical landscapes created by authors such as Ursula K. I often come across books with villainous main characters, but rarely books about the villain rather than the heroes. Whether you’re looking for female assassins, revenge plots or just someone trying to make the best of a situation – I’ve got you covered. Ren believed enough in that […] These are longer series: Crown of Stars by Kate Elliott (WoC finding her destiny along with a whole kingdom falling down) Valdemar books by Mercedes Lackey (depending on which trilogy/series within the series you read - start with Arrows of the Queen series) It has been pointed out that there are few female mage characters listed in the previous thread. A male version of this that I can think of is Griffith from Berserk. I also find female authors have a higher tendency to write more character driven books, at least the successful ones. Luckily, there are writers out there who are great at writing female characters who have authority, autonomy, and their own agendas. Wrapping Up Fantasy Names For Characters. J. Sabirel was such a cool character. Inej in particular has my heart: she is quiet, reserved, faithful, careful, and utterly not-to-be-fucked-with. Someone like the Darkling. Featuring middle grade, YA, and adult novels, these unmissable fantasy books by women authors reflect the diversity of the genre—and its endlessly magical opportunities. Feb 4, 2022 · So I’ve decided to compile fantasy books with a range of strong female leads. Please do not add books that aren't about female villain origin stories. I love reading books with women in them. Saw a text today about the lack of female friendships which are often included in the "Top Ten" type lists of Fantasy characters, so now I'm curious. From sprawling epics to tales of magic and might, these selections promise worlds of wonder, heroes of legend, and stories that span the very fabric of imagination. Jemisin is a Hugo Award recipient whose science fiction and fantasy novels address cultural conflict and oppression. The journey of strong female characters in fantasy began with a few trailblazing authors who dared to challenge the male-dominated narratives of their times. Or Moriarty from Sherlock Holmes. A skinwalker of Cherokee descent who can turn into any creature she desires, Jane is really good at killing supernatural monstrosities. And yes, N. 74 votes, 55 comments. ). Oct 11, 2024 · In this list I’ve curated eight fantasy novels with soft, compassionate female main characters who show a quiet resilience, emotional depth, and inner courage that could rival any assassin. The first thing I thought of for the question. R. So what are you waiting for? Start browsing our picks below! 42 YA Fantasy Books with Female Protagonists Fantasy/Science Fiction Books with Strong Female Characters When I was growing up, I was shocked by the lack of strong, female leads in the type of books I liked to read. Dive into enchanted forests and mystical kingdoms where female characters take Best fantasy books/series with female characters worth loving Inspired by the recent discussion on the "Favorite Fantasy Characters" thread, where the question came up as to why that list was dominated so heavily by male characters. Gail Carson Levine is another author who does fairy tale retellings, such as Ella Enchanted and Fairest. Thanks for the recs! Somebody actually recommended Steel Beach by John Varley for this list, but I was a little spooked by the reviews and the 1992 publication date-- in particular, this 2002 article notes that the book "works to validate heterosexual desire and traditional masculine and feminine behaviour," and that was by 2002 standards. 1. Jul 24, 2023 · Among the multitude of epic fantasy novels, A Game of Thrones from the series A Song of Ice and Fire stands out as one with several female leads. We’re usually the ones talking. Jemisin’s books are so well written. " This list is NOT for commercial purposes and those books will be removed. Read Furyborn (Empirium Triology) only for Rielle and Corien's dynamic absolutely loved their story sorry but completely skipped her daughter's story line since it wasn't captivating Didn't dislike the ending even though they don't end up together because it felt poetic and otp-like since both of Nov 28, 2024 · Historical Context: Trailblazers in Fantasy. Next Next post: 8 Fast-Paced Epic Fantasy Books. Loved Rhysand from ACOTAR trilogy (hated book 1 because most of it was cringe but loved book 2). I especially love reading books with a super strong female lead! I’m not talking about the stereotypical “I’m not your average girl” characters. Definitely the Darkling and Alina from the Shadow and Bone trilogy. Here is a list of fantasy books with fierce and strong women to check out. The book is famed for its intricate plotlines, unpredictable twists, and a plethora of deep, multi-dimensional characters, including two iconic female leads, Daenerys Targaryen and Arya Stark. I'm personally a big fan of Akua, the Heiress, but there's just so many, it's hard to single any one out. This discovery makes her a hero among her people, earning her the title Nampeshiweisit. Rowling, A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. 5 days ago · Matilda Wormwood, the extraordinarily intelligent and telekinetic protagonist, sprung from the pages of Roald Dahl's eponymous novel, Matilda, in 1988. From epic fantasies to dark magical tales, these books are sure to captivate your imagination. Oct 15, 2024 · But there are some characters in YA who standout above the rest, who made their mark and find themselves the subject of countless “omg I love them” conversations. It's not a novel, but Ultimecia was a somewhat interesting villain (in FF8) I thought. Of the three main villains, one is male and the other two female. One of the most essential characters in female fantasy history, Meg Murray, with her frizzy hair and awkward glasses, made time travel May 23, 2022 · These female fantasy characters are the definition of badass! Strong, beautiful, and kind these are the best fantasy book ladies! *This post contains affiliate links. I think it's the whole "men can't punch a girl" thing combined with authors not wanting to appear sexist by writing pages and pages of a male hero beating up Book of the Ancestor is full of great female characters who are useful, competent, smart. Paks is an amazing female fantasy character who grows beautifully. Plus, it’s set in a world heavily inspired by the Indian subcontinent and the Vedas, which makes for a great change of scenery from your standard Western European inspired fantasy setting I'm looking for some fantasy books with morally ambiguous female characters. Nona, the main character, spends a lot of her time getting her ass kicked. I also really liked the Tairen Soul series by C. The Milkweed Triptych by Ian Tregillis fits this perfectly. Jun 30, 2022 · Some books are about women in love with women, others are not. Mar 31, 2016 · There have been many great villains in fantasy fiction: from Sauron in Lord of the Rings to Harry Potter’s nemesis Lord Voldemort. Often, these warriors can be found defending their family’s honor, saving their town, and proving time and time again that men aren’t the only heroes. Though one exception in that while The Broken Empire has a lot of gray characters, it also has a protagonist who even at most leniently can be Mar 8, 2024 · Previous Previous post: 10 Adult Fantasy Books with Badass Female Characters. Superior is a manga series where the female demon lord falls in love with male hero. In The Fifth Season, Essun, a woman living peacefully in a small town, comes home to three tragedies: her husband has murdered their son and kidnapped their daughter; the empire Sanze has collapsed; and a great red rift has ripped into the Nov 12, 2009 · 15. I need some recommendations for the most iconic villains/antagonists in books according to you. 1: Moon Called (Mercy Thompson, #1 Jan 3, 2025 · Many adults find these books equally enchanting, with their perfect balance of a good story, great characters, and quality world-building. Jan 15, 2025 · It is an evolving compilation, inviting you to add your favorite female TV and movie villains — the baddie icons, Marvel supervillains, scary fantasy fiends, cartoon characters from acclaimed anime series and Disney films, animated comic book villains, and the baddest of the bad from your favorite video games — and vote for the characters It’s a fantastic book, fantastic world building, complex characters and complex characters. Preferably fantasy and/or thriller, but I am open to any suggestions. Le Guin, Assassin's Apprentice Sep 26, 2022 · Leblanc, like Yuna, is a sphere hunter who spends most of her time scavenging the vast lands of Spira in search of ancient relics. YA certainly isn't bad, but it is weird how books by female fantasy authors - especially when they have female protagonists - will be often categorised as YA even when they're not. Howard and Scott Lynch comes a diverse and action-packed tale of a warrior out for revenge, from a bold new voice in the fantasy genre. That doesn't 607 books based on 186 votes: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J. 25 Planetfall by Emma Newman – 2015 Renata Ghali believed in Lee Suh-Mi’s vision of a world far beyond Earth, a planet promising to reveal the truth about our place in the cosmos, untainted by overpopulation, pollution, and war. Jul 25, 2019 · In the following list of 50 must-read fantasy books by women, you’ll find a range of sub-genres represented, from portal fantasy to epic fantasy and everything in between. Books shelved as evil-female-protagonist: Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn, The Young Elites by Marie Lu, Maeve Fly by C. Personally, I love fantasy books that aren't too dramatic, gloomy or serious which is probably why I immediately fell for the entire Percy Jackson series. She is commonly associated with Batman as the two seem to have a love-hate relationship. From nature-connected heroines to the magically afflicted, these characters embody the beauty of gentleness while navigating enchanting, sometimes 3 days ago · Ursula K. Dec 3, 2013 · A list of badass women in fantasy literature wouldn’t be complete without the heroine from Faith Hunter’s Jane Yellowrock saga (Blood Cross, et. The stigma surrounding YA just exacerbates the issue and I can't help wondering how much the stigma is linked to the perception that it's more 'female'. High fantasy books where the female lead is the villain (not the annoying type) where as the male lead is a good character [basically looking for role reversal of 'darth vader and padme']. Fi & Fantasy Books with LGBTQ Representation Apr 10, 2022 · Catwoman is a rather complex female villain. Like Prince of Thorns. They're not mary-sues or overpowered, though. So, today, we're going to look at the 15 Best Female Anime Villains. So here's a list of books with strong heroines who fight against stereotypes of women in the Fantasy and Science Fiction genres They also express dissatisfaction with the lack of male characters who challenge gender norms. The protagonist can be either male or female. diner Strong women rock, and always have. Becky Sharp is one of the most interesting 19th century characters to have ever been written. If you make a purchase, I will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you* The Best Female Fantasy Characters Nov 25, 2024 · In this list, we spotlight 15 books with strong female leads—characters who challenge the status quo, defy expectations, and showcase immense strength, both physical and emotional. Obviously the flick didn't quite work out as well as his money-spinning sci-fi trilogy, but was r/RomanceBooks is a discussion sub for readers of romance novels. Say what you may, but on a list of fantasy books with female authors, J. Explore our selection of the top 25 fantasy books for women, featuring a rich tapestry of stories that celebrate female strength, wisdom, and diversity. Who are your top five female characters in the Fantasy genre and why? Mine are these: Arya Stark(GOT) Nynaeve al'Meara (WOT) Auri (Kingkiller) Ardi West (First Law) Jul 25, 2024 · Urban Fantasy books with a female protagonist. In this fantasy name roundup, I’ve gathered our most magical and mystical name recommendations into one helpful guide, covering a wide range of enchanting categories. These novels not only offer compelling villains and enchanting love stories, but also richly detailed worlds that will sweep All of these series are Japanese fantasy, but good female friendships seems a lot more common in Japanese fantasy than in western fantasy somehow. Whether you think she is a cold and manipulative social climber or doing what is needed for a woman to survive in the 19th century she is undoubtedly a very complex character. Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews, and their Hidden Legacy series are both great. true. The antagonist needs to be evil. Nov 24, 2024 · The fantasy genre has always pushed the boundaries of tradition and, in doing so, has introduced many iconic female leads among its myriad of classics. Amazon committed $1 billion to telling the story of Sauron and the Rings of Power. 2. Tip I: The archetypical villain, dastardly and devious, comes from the pantomime stage. We know. 4 days ago · Today, there are female comic book characters of more diverse nationalities, allegiances, and abilities. Queen Bavmorda - Willow Willow was George Lucas' attempt to make a fantasy version of Star Wars. At school, the teacher who took care of me when I was sent away from home was also called Mrs. ) The Market of Monsters trilogy has an anti hero female protagonist called Nita. While she is a long-running villain in DC comics, there are times the comics and the cartoon animation depict her as an anti-heroine. This list should be for books where the main focus of the plot centers exclusively around a woman or women. Fierce means uncovering the truth—especially when it gets personal. Below is a list of recent (and one classic) historical novels featuring badass female main characters—some based on real women and some inspired by the strong women of their time. From sorceresses wielding ancient magic to warriors battling for their kingdoms, these novels offer inspiring narratives of women who lead, inspire, and captivate. We went over which popular YA books live up to the hype, and now we’re taking a closer look. (I actually have all three in hard copy, which is rare for me. And while sci-fi novels like The Left Hand of Darkness and The Dispossessed encouraged readers to consider social dynamics and gender roles in unique ways, her Earthsea fantasy series—which began with A Wizard of Earthsea—is a masterpiece of world-building Fantasy is such a huge genre, there's plenty of books by female authors and/or with female main characters (and tbh I see them recommended here all the time). She can see all possible futures and uses this to manipulate the events of the wa Feb 5, 2023 · We all love good villains that make the hero fight for his life. The Bloodsworn saga is a Viking-themed fantasy where the women fight, kill, and die in the shield wall on equal footing with the men. That being said, I always enjoy it when we get a perspective from the villain. This is not a list for paranormal or urban fantasy, so all those books about vampires and werewolves in urban times do not belong here, nor do most science fiction books. This is a list of the best fantasy novels with female main characters who have powers. N. the female lead can be either be a villain or a powerful/complex character. Heists! Fantasy! Found family! Inej. Le Guin and Robin Hobb, these characters embody strength, resilience, and often possess powers beyond mortal comprehension. al. Someone that the reader will both feel respect for and also absolutely hate. Graves, and I'm looking for books with truly evil mastermind antagonists. The series has a large cast of characters, spans several years in story-time and covers many countries and cultures. And yes, I have already read all of Gillian Flynn’s novels just fyi. esmm pddd hpppfzl dqjp cenaeb trjh iqxjkgf nsjm huknfl ewuh vuabojjyd cql ssruec vtqvi ilgzoj