Eve online sell ore or reprocess. Reprocessing ore in highsec compared to jita.

Eve online sell ore or reprocess You'll wind up in way better shape than if you try to reprocess without a pos and suboptimal skills. The list below shows what each skill does. Not only do you lose a lot since your reprocessing skills will be low at the start, most minerals also just take up too much room to be practically transported. I don’t really see any reason for a change. On the other hand if your goal is to Reprocess the ore you mine and either selling or using the minerals to manufacture items, I’d recommend you at least level your Reprocessing skills to IV, then train Exhumer skill. If the number is negative, it is better to sell the ore raw. In this guide, I focus on ore mining which is the type of mining that most players start out with so this can be considered as a Jun 11, 2018 · Hi, most of the ores have significantly higher market value when compressed. 12 btw you should really not round this to like a scale of 2 because with high amounts it will have an impact. It is that easy. 04 = 4% reprocessing implant For lowsec you need to add a * 1. But for whatever reason if you can only sell minerals that will still be better than straight unrefined ore. 06 and for WH/Null a * 1. It seems, you get the melt value for one piece regardless of the quantity and it doesn’t take the selected reprocessing rate into account but always shows the result for 100% (which you can’t get in reality). Obviously the threshold of input vs. YOU can also refine it and sell the resulting minerals. You’ll see things like astrahus and such. So they would be spending 1100 isk on ore and selling 1200+ isk in minerals, turning a tidy profit. However, I do not find the command compress I also mess a photo. I've built a Typhoon out of reprocessed modules and that's without refining skills - so it's definitely possible to make big returns. Unless you are reprocessing millions of M3 of ore I recommend you get +6. 10 = 10% from Reprocessing Efficiency and the Ore specific Reprocessing skills (1+5*0. Since I put up a POS a while ago (in high-sec) and was checking out the changes in reprocessing (I din't play for 4 months). There is no fix for this now - it is simply to late. Now I would have thought those skills are rather high ( I do have efficiency on its way to V ) however it seems that even so its more profitable to sell the Veldspar ore than it is to reprocess it to trit. Now want I want to know is : is it better to mine my ore with my characters These are Reprocessing, Reprocessing Efficiency and the ore specific reprocessing skills. I think I need 16 more skill levels to max out on reprocessing. Reply As for selling raw vs refining - no point to reprocess ore unless you have lvl 4 of the ore-relevant reprocessing skill. Mar 20, 2014 · Of the various activities available to EVE Online® players, one in particular has been around since day one: reprocessing. Obviously you should be as close to 100% to make the most minerals out of your ore. Typically you will make more selling ore until you get to 5/4 of the related refining skill, at which point you'll break even. All EVE related materials are property of Jun 12, 2020 · Nah, you need the reprocessing skill at level 5 and in a NPC station you need good standing with the corporation that the station belongs to. 03) 1. Lvl 4 gives you +12% yield over unskilled refining. It makes miners stop and think if it is worth getting the implant and training all the ore skills to level 5, or if they should team up with someone who did, or if they should just sell their raw ore. It also is a secondary income for some people that actually bother to No one wants to sell equal to raw ore. 2) 1. It reliably clears within a week once market volatility swings back the other way and the price of the compressed ore is pushed back up. Reprocess that ore but remember to save tax/fee price. Thats why I (Luwc) said earlier to check buy and sell orders. Now they advised me to sell the ore because I don’t have good reprocessing skills, but I was told to pack the ore before selling it. I know there has been a lot of changes over the last couple of months regarding reprocessing and I've tried to keep up with the changes the best I could - by just reading the Jan 17, 2020 · Now if you want to make the most money for your ore you'll need to use a website called Evemarketer this site lets you check all the markets at once to find the best buy/sell price of an item and if you feel like making the trip you can sell your ore in distant regions. CCP hf. Mar 24, 2020 · I do a lot of mining in High Sec. I never trained more than lvl 4 and was selling around 1b of ore every Easy perfect refining is going away in Crius, and will need somewhat more skill investment to be competitive (as all skills will help, rather than capping out below level 5, as well as POS/Outpost refines being better), and ore could also be in higher demand due to compression of ores now being more important. Accumulate junk for a week, and when you reprocess during the weekend, you: a. Now its up to you. On one hand, I can mine the ores & reprocess cuz I have the skills, and get the nocxium. Used to sell at 80% JIta to my corp, but i want to do things my way Currently im at about ~58% yield and im losing around 500k per 10million when reprocessing. Longer term you can probably make a bit more by holding - if you get the timing right! Kebast_Silvermoon (Kebast Silvermoon) October 7, 2020, 5:00pm The reprocessing window at a station will give you an estimate for the value of your ore and the value of the minerals you will receive. Are you selling in trade hubs or regionally where you live? Reprocessing; Ore Calculator; Reprocess Input. 05) There are several issues with this formula. My thinking of this is that you are paying for a structure to reprocess minerals and 99% of the time it is online and not actively being used to me it just makes sense that reprocessing Mar 11, 2021 · Hello Eve Online player, I like mining in my Venture in Hi Sec. high trit ore's are not so lucrative atm. I’ve even trained most of my reprocessing skills to lvl 3. Jan 13, 2020 · Whilst you can technically get more money for ammo and junk mods than you can the value of minerals from reprocessing, it can take a very long time to sell because some mods and ammo are hardly used by anyone. 5 you can save your plan by the Save button now, after saved, you can find and edit it on My Workbench page, of cause you can share your plan to your friend by share link, and your friend can created his own plan based on you shared plan, pretty cool right Usage cheatsheet : Check your settings; Copy items from in-game hangar; Paste items in textbox; Click "Parse items" Input unit prices manually or click "Import EveMarketer Prices" Oct 7, 2020 · To compress and sell, refine and sell or hold likely won’t make a lot of difference in the short term. / Ore Processing skills, and the 4% Reprocessing implant 3. 02. The new system is the inverse. to work in EDIT2: People buy ore to refine it. What's the best way of reducing ice volume? I believe compressed ice is only 10% volume of raw ice (so it goes from 1000m^3 to 100m^3 per block). Reprocess . Though the value usually does not warrant the trip typically. Mar 20, 2014 · The first thing we are going to look at is the reprocessing formula and its related skills. Sep 3, 2024 · A batch of "batch compressed" ore when reprocessed has the same percent yield as uncompressed ore and has the same result as refining 100 times the number of uncompressed ore. They have the worst reprocessing facilities of any corp that I know of. 375 x (1 + Refining skill x 0. Gotta check prices. Batch compressed ore has various volumes depending on the type, unlike the current compression which is all 0. If you're a newbie just mining for some cash, you can try to sell the ore, if the prices are good and the buyer is local. Hope this helps. Turning Eve Online into Spreadsheet Online, I created a spr If you are selling the compressed ore for ISK you will selling based on the max skilled high sec POS reprocessing rate multiplied by the highest buy order price at Jita. With level 5 skills, at a 50% station where your standings allow you to work tax free - it will (in my experience) always be profitable to reprocess. In Null, you might have 450m in jita buy ore turn into 600m in jita buy minerals in a T2 tatara with perfect skills. However, minerals take up a lot less space in an industrial (transport) ship, compared to the ore, so if there aren't any local buyers and you must haul your stuff to a market trading hub (Jita, Dodixie, etc. 000 ISK. Also if I wanted to buy minerals etc, is there a calculator (pref not a spreadsheet) that I can use to compare the which is the best But if you spend 1/2 an hour getting an extra million, it may be more cost effective to sell the lot, or reprocess the lot, and get back out there to earn some more. Selling to a corp mate means you can sell the ore while waiting on the NPC corp standing grinding and skill training. May 28, 2018 · In a large way, is it more worth to sell compressed ore, to reprocess it, or to manufacture things with it ? Considering i live in nullsec. On the odd occasions I go ratting I generally sell the lot as fast as possible and then go back out to kill some more rats. This can be done at a refinery, which is a type of station that you can find in space. Are there any other skills im missing that impact reprocess? 73% will give you benefit when reprocessing depending on ore you will refine. Lai Dai Corporation is a research corp. If you have not trained any of there skills, or are in the middle of training them, I would recommend the following order: First get Reprocessing to level IV followed by Reprocessing Efficiency to level III. I often find a station that initially has reprocessing and compression capabilities, and I use that station to compress ore (sometimes for only a few weeks) and then all of a sudden, the station no longer has reprocessing or compression available (it is suddenly “disabled”). EVE Time: 00:00:13 04. PS. 01 or 0. The skills make a big difference. Now take the modified sum total of refine, and deduct the value of the raw ice. You want one that can reprocess. So you spend 1100isk on the ore to get 800isk of minerals. Input Type Quantity Stacks Volume; Fiery Kernite : 1,659: 16: 1,991 m³: Luminous Kernite : 2,351: 23: 2,822 m³ Hello, anyone knows any tool that tells you which item to reprocess, which to sell, given a list of items? this is almost perfect except I would like it able to automatically get the item's price and compare with the mineral price. Selling 10 somethings for a dollar gets you more than selling 1 something for 9 dollars, even though at first blush the 1 something seems more valuable if you don’t take into account it took you 10 times longer to get. The price estimate is based on the sell price of thr raw ore in Jita. I also have Veldspar at IV. get enough minerals to fill an industrial transport and so possibly transport them to a better priced market station You should check prices and keep the stuff that's valuable Morning everyone, iEVE just published new Module Reprocess Calculator, you can use it for module to mineral calcualte, and since the v3. Jun 9, 2017 · Whether you reprocess or sell depends entierly on what the market value is worth compared to the value of minerals produced by reprocessing. Increasing the barrier to entry does three things. Another reason old "Batch Compression" was helpful it was a convenient way to transport Ore around New Eden, and then reprocess it. As now anyone can make a very quick comparison between reprocessing or selling it off to the highest buy order within range. Efficiency: 84. Pays to have another account scouting 2-3 jumps down the pipe, with bubbles on the gate. Mar 18, 2023 · Is there a calculator that shows if it is more profitable to sell ore or the minerals that yuo reprocess from it, given reprcocessign skilsl which I can alter 1 Like Sampl_Boirelle (Sampl Boirelle) March 18, 2023, 12:05pm If you train Scrapmetal Reprocessing, you can also turn trash loot from ratting and/or missions into small amounts of minerals, so the minerals are always going to be worth less than the ore. I can easily find out the price for If my compressed ore arrives and for some reason the uncompressed ore has a higher price, I'll typically just list my compressed ore on a sell order that's a little bit above the uncompressed price. And typical loot is meta stuff which doesn’t reprocess for much anyways. Mar 20, 2020 · Hi, I just started playing, I chose mining to develop the character, now I have a Venture waiting to be able to buy a Procurer. But I'm getting ever better at the max refine. The infinite douchebaggery of this dev team is a marvel to behold Whether you reprocess or sell depends entierly on what the market value is worth compared to the value of minerals produced by reprocessing. Reprocess ore you mine yourself if you have level 5 skills and access to a bonused facility with low taxes. This is great. One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what Hi All Quick query around the reprocessing of ore Currently my reprocessing is at V and reprocessing efficiency at IV. There are people out there with maxed out reprocessing skills who will get much more materials than you from reprocessing the same amount of ore. For example : Sell order for “Faction Module” 100. It’ll have a different icon than the NPC station. I’d there a reason for this? All artwork, screenshots, characters, vehicles, storylines, world facts or other recognizable features of the intellectual property relating to these trademarks are likewise the intellectual property of CCP hf. When you right click the ore, don’t click reprocress, click compress. 67 standing or higher with that corp so you dont use any ISK to reprocess… Or you can just send me a mail in game, depending on location I might be willing to buy the ore. You don't even need to use calculator! Feb 10, 2024 · It depends! If you’re only mining for the purpose of selling the Ore, then you aim for Exhumer skill. It depends on the local market. Reprocess these. There have been times when it was actually cheaper for nullsec blocks to import shipments of T2 modules and reprocess them for the minerals than to import Feb 2, 2021 · If you sell immediately, chances are you make less profit. Yes. Oct 23, 2017 · Do you lose any yield if you compress ore. It also is a secondary income for some people that actually bother to Apr 28, 2022 · I’ve been on the hunt for the nefarious Nocxium - found some good belts in a lowsec system ( we do get anoms in null but seem to be picked clean ). I make 800k from selling a full ore hold of a venture raw and only around 700k from selling it reprocessed. Aug 25, 2024 · Never process the ore unless it is required by the mission. Let me know if I goofed anything up. I don't have everything at max yet, but I'm getting really close. Oct 3, 2023 · In EVE Online, you can use ore to manufacture items, sell it on the market for ISK (in-game currency), or refine it to obtain minerals for further production. However, your base refine will probably be something like 45%, which means that, without training the related processing skills and gaining some standings with the corp that owns the station you're trying to reprocess in (typically by running missions) you will almost never profit from refining. Hi All Quick query around the reprocessing of ore Currently my reprocessing is at V and reprocessing efficiency at IV. Ships, ammo and stuff. Jan 17, 2017 · You need 100 units of normal ore to reprocess or compress, 1 units of compressed ore to reprocess (it containst 100 units or normal ore). However, some - like Kernite - are the other way around and you can easily lose millions by compressing it. PS- Which is not to say people don't do stupid things to save time like selling ore at cut rate prices to save hauling it some where. If you are trying to sell the tritanium on the market after reprocessing it you need to factor in the 15-23% market taxes depending on your Trade skills (or flat 8% tax via contract). Business Intelligence is the process of utilizing organizational data, technology, analytics, and the knowledge of subject matter experts to create data-driven decisions via dashboards, reports, alerts, and ad-hoc analysis. Aug 12, 2017 · Ahh nice, didn’t know that, but the results are not so useful. Similar to using an industry line or reaction line. If you wanna sell it quickly, set it lower than the cheapest sell order (black, top of the market screen) in that station Also, bro tip - don’t reprocess (refine) ore. Sell the minerals. If you do know any similar please share, thanks so much :) Jan 25, 2022 · It’ll be on your overview if there’s an active one. EVE-Cost is a 3rd party tool for manufacturers in EVE-Online to help ease all the management stuff a player needs. 02) x (1 + Refining Efficiency skill x 0. I normally just do a preview of the reprocess by item type to see if the minerals > estimated price. Whenever you decide to start mining in Eve Online, you will eventually face the question "should I sell raw ore or refine it into minerals". Feb 16, 2024 · I don’t know about omber, but most raw ore sells better compressed for traveling into the distant null space. Unless you need to refine at least 300m+ of ore every day you are wasting SP. 1 ratio. You are better to sell the raw ore at market and buy the minerals you need from the sale. When I'm in my inventory it estimates that a full load (4,000 m3) will sell for over 1m ISK, but then when I go to ITC to sell it, if I sell it before reprocessing it goes for about 150,000 and if I reprocess it to get a number of refined ores, all of them together only sell for about 40,000 ISK. You'll turn 500 items into 7-8 blocks of minerals. In Eve Online there are three forms of mining, the others being ice harvesting and gas harvesting and while they overlap to a degree they each have their specialties. A bit like the buy/build calculation in ISK per hour. At first I thought that only items where buy orders are 75% or more below average would be more profitable to reprocess. Only citadels with the reprocessing service give up to 89% yield. ), then it's more effective to refine the ore yourself and Previously it was quite trivial for any miner to get perfect refining skills. I would say usually better to sell ore to your corp or market since you can sell the stash at once and the buyer will typically transport the ore themselves. get the better weekend market prices b. has granted permission to EVE-Cost to use EVE Online and all associated logos and designs for promotional and information Jan 28, 2018 · EDIT2: Unless you can reprocess at a rate higher than 75%, selling the compressed ore and buying the minerals is usually cheaper. I was making probably around 700mil/hr+ semi-afk with permanently available ice belts and Orca boosts for my miners. Sell off anything left you can't reprocess, even if you're practically giving it away. Last time I checked (admittedly a few months ago) the best option in highsec was selling compressed plagioclase in Amarr or Jita because nullsec manufacturers want the mexallon. This way can sell them under the "profit" margin for other people - yet making much more isk if they could do - just by selling the ore. Reply reply I have a bunch of loot that should be reprocessed and figured out that it couldn't be done in a Reprocessing Array as it can only handle Ore and their compressed variants. the best way to sell ore currently is selling compressed ore rather than refining. The base reprocessing rate of a structure is always 50%. This is of course before any adjustments from reprocessing, just using base values. See the below for specific volume information. No in-between in EvE online. (have a lot of BPs that i won by bidding on) Since I've mostly In HS and a little in WH I usually end up needing to buy the LS and nullsec materials for production on most ships that i'm selling, (caracal, retriever, and similar stuff) Now, when you reprocess, you are given an estimated market value for the minerals. Why is Eve Online so expensive now? EVE Online's subscription pricing and in-game economy can fluctuate, but factors like server maintenance, development costs, and supply and demand for How to Sell Ore In Eve Online. a lot of people in trade hubs come to buy compressed ores then ship it to where they are doing the manufacturing and reprocess it there/locally Sep 22, 2018 · A lot will depend on your skills and access to bonused facilities. Example; Plagioclase sells at 40 per rock, 10,000 rocks sold in market is 400,000 ISK Plagioclase processed 175 tritanium and 70 mexallon per 100 rocks, LESS the common 50% lost from processing. Hemorphite is now the best ore to mine in low sec due to it being the only low sec ore to contain the Tier 7 mineral zydrine. Jan 3, 2018 · Hello! I have a question: What affords the best profit? Selling the ore or refining it and then selling the minerals? At this time I don’t have a lot of refining skill trained, but that can change. If (Value of minerals) > (Value of ore) then reprocess. Otherwise sell compressed ore and buy minerals. Turning Eve Onli you almost never want to reprocess your ores if your goal is to sell them. 25% edit. g. I presume there is some point at which it’s better to refine and sell than to move the raw ore, but where is that line? Or is it just better to sell off the raw ore and call it a day? Thanks in Actually, for meta items (non-tiericieded) reprocess the meta 1 and 2 stuff. Right-click the ore and choose "reprocess", so you can see what minerals you would get. I've seen sell price as low as 60% of min cost using perfect null or wh refine, but sometimes the ore (especially compressed) costs more than the minerals you can get from it. I plan on staying in Ship manufacturing. For Crokite: The panel says if you reprocess you get 800 Pyerite, 2000 Mexallon, 800 Nocxium. Then you just reprocess 1 batch of ore to determine what you will get in particular structure with your skills. Save somewhere end price. For example in null sec in a station with only a 35% refinery, you need refining, refining efficiency, and the specific ore skills all trained to get a perfect refine. Mar 4, 2020 · As the title says, I’m making more money from selling my ore raw rather than reprocessing and then selling. 5 effective with the corp that owns the station most often its better to sell Dec 9, 2024 · Reprocessing (also known as refining) allows a player to refine their raw ore into usable minerals that can be sold or used for personal production. I'm in a bit of a complex situation what with selling my ore/minerals. Compared to the 52% yield at the POS, you need to process an awful lot of ore to recover the cost. When I selected it the window in the upper left said I had the skill training, etc. Nov 23, 2024 · CCP should adjust the Info panel to show what minerals are produced per Ore and not per 100 ore. Selling ore or reprocessing it and selling items I have produced. This varies greatly. Almost nobody hauls it raw to a trade hub because of the volume and associated effort/cost. If the price seems to be too good to be true, it usually is. Copy & Paste. In my area, the average price for Kernite was almost twice the amount people paid for Compressed Kernite and it’s been like that for 2 months or more. with scrap metal processing skill trained, you can get perfect reprocessing anywhere that the ore skills would give you perfect refining. If you can dock at a citadel/refinery with reprocessing module, you can use it to compress the ore for free. 33). We mostly reprocess, because the minerals have high demand, whereas junk doesn't have much demand. jita 4-4, sell it and buy the minerals with the isk you get. Boosters are a real gas, that is to say gases are sold to make boosters for even more profit. This often happens after I have mined millions of m3 and need to “compress Mar 21, 2021 · Veldspar, being the smallest ore type, will yield the largest number of units in a given time slice. reprocessing by itself takes no time and hence tends to have little to no profit. Feb 9, 2018 · Good morning, evening, whatevering everyone 🙂 I recently started my Industry career, with three characters : one with the Industry skills and training for a Mining Barge, one with Mining Barge and training for Exhumers and the last one being a hauler alt training for an Orca. Jan 29, 2018 · The base reprocessing rate is 50% Having Scrapmetal Processing at 5 gives a 10% bonus to that bringing it up to 55%. for example, say I am in Jita I have a BPC for 5 battleships and I am looking to build them. To move quantities of minerals you can use ore compression. Compressed ore is easier to transport and the prices are usually a little bit higher. As it doesn't do any good to refine the ore and put it on the market and have it not 1) Compressed ore will sell easier and quicker than minerals and you likely won't have to haggle so much on price. Try to sell but don't actually sell. Ore Value per m3: Input your Reprocessing Efficiency (as a %), Ore Hold Size (e. Have I missed anything? Is there a reason for this or was 1. Haven't lost a miner/porpoise/Orca yet on an ice belt. Also remeber putting up sell orders you want to set it up to sell a min and max number of units. you need perfect with an implant to come close. Nov 18, 2021 · The new Common Moon Ore Reprocessing skill does not cover high sec moon ores, and they removed the Ubiquitous reprocessing skill from the game. Someone wanted to make only citadels viable for that purpose, so we are forced to use them. 5%) For the unit price values you should probably use the minimum-sell value, since that's a usually a good indicator of what you'd be able to sell either the ore or the minerals for. Reprocessing nightmares. Personally, I just make quick and dirty cash by selling everything - unless it will sell for less than 50% of its regional value - then reprocess the rest. It turns ice into fuel required to operate Starbases, Jump Drives and Forcefields. On the other, I could just mine the most isk/m3 ore and buy the nocxium ( thus min/maxing I guess ). So, every reprocessing of high sec moon ores will take a major hit with the patch. 15 = 15% from lvl5 Reprocessing(1+5*0. Also make sure you have a 6. I don't recommend trying to break into that market at this point in the game, as by the time you get the relevant skills to 5/4 the Whether you reprocess or sell depends entierly on what the market value is worth compared to the value of minerals produced by reprocessing. EVE allows you to discover, explore and dominate an amazing science fiction universe while you fight, trade, form corporations and alliances with other players. If your skills arent at L5 and you dont have your standings at 6. 10 * 1. , 2. I noticed that the compressed ore sells for higher then if I reprocess it into minerals. Then decide if you want to repro the cheap level 3 and 4 stuff or sell it. . They want added value. 1 Like Max_Deveron (Max Deveron) January 28, 2018, 9:21pm Jul 30, 2018 · I wonder if anyone is aware of an online resource (or an app) that tells you if it is cheaper to purchase either regular ore in order to reprocess yourself, compressed ore, or minerals in order to make something. If I was to reprocess the same ore in nulsec bonused refinery the small percentage advantage wouldn’t make up that much difference would it? Basically if I was to mine to manufacture something, I would be better off compressing, selling, and then buying minerals Feb 6, 2018 · As a general rule of thumb I assume efficient markets. People can trick you into selling your ore for cheap, where you could make more by selling the minerals. Total sell price for a batch of ore (100 units) is the "Total Sell cost" Which is multiplied by the reprocess rate. Jan 30, 2024 · I’ve searched the topic of REPROCESSING ORE and have found very dated or conflicting information regarding the values in doing so. You would sell 50% under the potential value if you sold immediately. It also is a secondary income for some people that actually bother to Feb 19, 2021 · Mining Ore (Across High/Low/Null): Available either for free (cost is time/opportunity cost) or at a discounted rate through fleet ops. if it is positive, sell the refine. A small tower can run a compression array, and several hardeners, but if you like you can just stock up ore in your home station until you get a couple freighter loads, then online the tower, do your compression, then offline it again. But someone who takes that ore somewhere else to reprocess at high efficiency will be able to squeeze 300 or more units of Tritanium out of that same 100 units of Veldspar. There are two main ways to sell ore in Eve Online: through a refining process, or through direct trade with other players. It's rorq or nothin'. Bring bunch of ore on market. Taxes kills any profit from selling minerals even with lvl 5 skills. Price for Ores, Minerals, and Planetary Resources are listed on this page. but I would like to do better Ive got reporcessing and reprocessing effiency trained to 3 so far, as well as the reprocessing skills for the specific ores. Now I was thinking: does the compressed version sell good? I know I can check this somewhere but I don't know precisely where Jan 13, 2022 · The efficiency describes the percentage of minerals that you will get from reprocessing your ore, which is always lower than 100%. I would say offer to sell the ores at the price of Jita buy order price on Trit (not the ore), which will save them a descent amount of isk and help you get rid of your stock pile. 6% reprocess with most of the skills trained at 5 + the 4% reprocessing implant at NPC stations with a 50% base yield. output costs at which you refine must take your own skills into account. Reprocessing is quick, clean and gives you minerals that you can build more useful stuff with. I miss some skills? Or am I not following the correct procedure? Steam Community: . 4% = 50% NPC station, 5/5/5 Reprocessing / Repro Eff. Jul 2, 2023 · What i do in game, if i see the exclamation point, i sell the item, if i dont, i reprocess. After reviewing the prices of common OREs in Jita, etc. So compressed ore in the old system was extremely beneficial and was worth its cost. The Price Each is what to sell a unit for after Taxes. 50% Reprocessing Loss + Reprocessing Fees: Needs anything over 70% to really return a profit. 72. Jita prices are currently haywire so there may be alternate multipliers but generally that is the minimum price formula. EDIT2: People buy ore to refine it. Compressed ore increases its price around 5 and 20% (from your local prices). 8 standing with an NPC corp that has 50% refineries and a Zainou 'Beancounter' Reprocessing implant. Amygnon VIII - Moon 5 - X-Sense Reprocessing Facility = Gallente Research Station Notice that for factory stations, 50% facilities have station types involving manufacturing (like "plant") where 30% do not (like "administrative"). Even if you need minerals for your own production it's often better to sell the ore and buy minerals. It seems that skilling a new character to reprocess the ORE as opposed to compressing it and selling raw will never add ISK value to the indy process, with my understanding that around 70% is the max value Depends heavily on where you're mining and what transport options you have available. but for example mexallon is decent. so if I was mining away and had a ton of different ore types and compressed it, moved it all somewhere to re-process and then reprocessed it into minerals, would I still get the same as if I had just reprocessed it. In general in these cases you'll need to haul the ore or minerals else where to sell it, and you'll make more selling the ore. Arguably could make more isk/hour simply selling the ore raw. Jun 6, 2021 · Hi All in one of my posts (although I do not recall which one) I have mentioned an idea about reprocessing instead of being instantaneous it should take time. But that doesn’t mean if you put in the required 100 Crokite, you’ll get 80000 Pyerite, 200000 Mexallon, 80000 Apr 16, 2008 · 5) Reprocess mins and work the market and see what happens. They process it and build ships to blow up. 33 = multiplier to get back to the old batch size (333/100 = 3. 04) x (1 + Ore Processing skill x 0. Basically, this requires a bit of math. not a whole lot. It grinds ore into the minerals needed to start basic manufacturing. Instead of selling ore cheap - they change big part of this input to T1 ship hulls. 000 ISK Buy order for “Faction Module” 50. The prices for compressed or will be closer to the real value, but the reprocess estimate from janice works best. 2025 Log in or Register ? May 24, 2023 · About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Mar 20, 2014 · Of the various activities available to EVE Online® players, one in particular has been around since day one: reprocessing. How do I select the mineral with the most profit? Is there a Site or app that show the current prices of the minerals? What do you suggest? Also I tried to upgrade my mining laser but the strip miner I bought will not fit to the venture. So you always have some waste when you reprocess ore. Venture II holds 6,000m3), and the current Market Purchase Price (max cost for ~1,000 units). Those familiar with reprocessing know it as: Reprocessing yield: Station Equipment + 0. This is easily determined by dragging all of the items into the reprocessing window and removing all items with a yellow exclamation mark over the icon. However, it is unlikely that new players' skill sets will allow for the efficient use of a reprocessing plant, and large portions of the refined minerals will be lost as ‘waste’, so new players may find it more profitable to sell the raw ore Whenever you decide to start mining in Eve Online, you will eventually face the question "should I sell raw ore or refine it into minerals". The closer you get to perfect refine, the more profit you turn. t is the applied station reprocessing tax (e. Try to sell minerals you've got and compare prices. Dark ochre and pyroxeres were the best low sec ores a few weeks ago, but due to nocxium falling in price, now down to thirteen hundred ISK (1300 ISK), hemorphite has taken their places as the best low sec ore. Aug 6, 2019 · Compress the ore in a citadel and sell it in jita. Remember that doing the calculation. Reprocessing ore in highsec compared to jita. Also Read: What is Neuting in Eve Online? Refining Ore The first way to sell ore is to refine it yourself. Mar 31, 2019 · Some compressed ores go as much as twice the value of outright mineral prices if I was to reprocess at @71% at a hisec tatera. Jul 18, 2020 · You will get 75. Starting an Ore Mining Career in Eve Online. 000. Trash anything you can't sell or reprocess Everything you still have is being sold at roughly mineral cost. vcq ygfoa tkhkcp yxczt enljb vdbmatt paohe koqz wendh qyfpopx lfvkcu xnl aaasoz kzncamfb dqsqx