Diablo 3 legendary items reddit. you can't hold anything to a new season.
Diablo 3 legendary items reddit Statistically, you will find way more rares than legendaries. No GR level affects the chances of ethereal or primal drops. To augment an Ancient or Primal Ancient weapon, a Legendary Gem of Rank 30 or higher is required. They don’t add together - each subsequent augment in the same gear piece just takes the new value from newest augment gem level. So far I only list Gloves of Worship as act 2, and Royal Ring of Grandeur as Act 1. Nov 19, 2019 · Learn how to farm legendary and set items in Diablo 3, including Ancient and Primal versions of them. This was good - you might find rubbish that drops a lot and you might find an awesome item to get you through Nightmare. The Silph Road is a grassroots network of trainers whose communities span the globe and hosts resources to help trainers learn about the game, find communities, and hold in-person PvP tournaments! I'm never thrilled getting a legendary skin, or proud wearing it. If you have set pieces, check the set bonuses and if the legendary gives bonus of some sort. Item droprate, including legendary droprate, scales with difficulty. and yes, if the bonus on the item is strong its often worth it to use it until 70. Every season starts from scratch. 3 GR90 usually give 1-2 items too much to carry, unless you have "luck" with small items. Instead, salvage it to get back 55 primal essence and then primalize a second copy of a non-primal item. Happy to answer any questions here. Also, items with large ranges for their legendary power often get cubed because the cubed powers are always max rolled(the ring convention of elements is a good example). 5 and normally when one legendary drops I get a set or legendary item a few minutes later. It is exactly the same name wise only with better stats. You can tell if an item has previously been extracted by hovering over an item in your inventory and looking at the "bullet point" for the orange text. My understanding is that 75% is a functional soft cap (that is to say, no matter what your sheet block chance, you can only ever block 75% of attacks) but that the game tracks block chance higher than that for the purpose of other effects that are based on your total block chance % (e. Works the same way for upgrading rares to legendary but obviously the legendary is a random one of that rares item type (1 hand swords give random 1 hand swords). My first set item dropped 3 hours after patch 1. Reddit's #1 spot for Pokémon GO™ discoveries and research. You can use this list to help prioritise which items to cube - https://d3. maxroll. In Warhammer 40,000: Tacticus, you bring some of the universe’s most powerful warriors to lightning-fast tactical skirmishes where you are in full control and only superior tactics can deliver victory. Complete the weekly challenge rift before the original gamer did it, and you get enough materials to cube a couple of items prior to level 60 (some of each bounty materials, plus I think 10 death breaths - enough for at least 2 powers to be extracted) Get the cube in act 3. Keep 2 of the item youre trying to upgrade, wear the best one of the 2 and reroll the other The drop rates for legendary items was something like 1 item per 30 hours, and then it would usually before the wrong class. you can't hold anything to a new season. ) Remaining items go to stash. Before 1. "BIS" means Best in Slot. But I do not think the same can be done for Legendary items - at least their creation as new legendary items anyway. If you convert a set item, you will always get an item from the same set. But in Diablo 2, you could expect a droprate with no extra magic find for the playthrough of a whole difficulty (lets say, Nightmare) would yield say on average, 2-3 uniques and 2-3 set items. The resulting attribute depends on the gem color used. Id say its worth it , and I gained 4 paragon levels. So is like double edge, you can get good legendary later in game with crappy aspect or vice versa. otherwise just fit in items that buff w/e element you're using. Each class has a set or 3 in which the set bonuses vastly outweigh mismatched ancient legendaries. A community all about Baldur's Gate III, the role-playing video game by Larian Studios. Emeralds give dex, rubies give strength, and topaz’ give intelligence. The stats on the Primal item obtained this way are rolled normally and are in no way connected to the stats on item used in the recipe. Later when you can do higher GRs then you could use a level 90 legendary gem. Gather your party and venture forth! Or Reforge Legendary in Kanai's cube until you get an ancient version. The main exception to this is the Gem of Ease, which grants bonus experience and is socketed into a weapon (which at rank 25 also removes the level requirement for the weapon it is socketed into, making it a GREAT way to level new characters by giving them a super powerful lvl 70 There is a reason - know which items other classes will need and only keep them. You want two of each of the usable items. An Ancient item is a better item of all the legendary and set items in the game. If you can’t do lvl 90 GR in 2-3 minutes do the highest GR you can in 2-3 minutes until you’re geared enough for the 90s. Other items it can be beneficial to just randomly find by killing monsters. Just understand that getting a especific legendary is not that bad so you can mostly dissasemble them, notable exceptions are well rolled rings/amulets and ancient items, of course only the ones with useful properties stuff like the ring that haunts enemies, andariel visage that adds a weak nova or items with no legendary effect like the grandfather aren't really useful even ancient, as you If you’re purely looking for the most legendary drops possible do Level 90 GRs as fast as possible, no additional drops above GR 90. There's a period of time between lvl=22 and lvl=70 where you have no option to run at T16 or even T1:( Any increase to find legendary items% during that, gets you to lvl=70 faster. Can I have set items equipped and get the damage bonus as long as I don't get set bonuses? Cheers. It's basically a fresh drop, so it has a 1 in 10 chance to be Ancient, and ~ 1 in 400 chance to Primal (assuming you have Primals unlocked). gg/resources/legendary-item-salvage-list. Non-Hardcore, or Seasonal vs. nice, thorns stat priorities are very interesting. Reply EglinAfarce • Hello. Play the game, there isn't much else to do about 95% of the items do not have either dedicated loot sources nor more likely sources for drops so you are at the mercy of RNG, the only thing that can help is using the death breaths you get when farming rifts to upgrade yellow weapons of whatever type the juicer is (ceremonial knife), shouldn't take to long to get it. By the way, seasons are worth getting into. Welcome to the un official Diablo 4 subreddit! The place to discuss news, streams, drops, builds and all things Diablo 4. guys i think he means if its worth using a lvl 16 legendary at lvl 40 fx. That's the real RNG grind. Then played a new class every season (except crusader, they just never got a buff that looked fun enough to try) and filled in all the gaps each time. Once you find that item you can reforge it into a better more opimized roll. I know there is an "official" post that claims there are no caps on Legendary Items, but people didnt seem to believe it. Same with Diablo 3. All seasonal items will be removed from your now, :"eternal," Yeah don't worry, loot drops like candy in higher difficulties. Or in hardcore not to start from zero. It will transform any lvl 70 rare item into a legendary/set item of the same kind. Also, certain legendaries are universally useful, and keeping a few copies around to reroll can help. This is different from items that There are bonuses (ring set, legendary gem) that gives damage bonus based on Legendary items. You scrap all the ones you are certain arn't usable. 5 minute 110's or 7 minute 120s are all better XP per hour. I've had attempts where nearly every item was legendary and others where none were. You can get power leveled to 70 and beyond in almost no time at all, then get free set items from your Gift and start cranking up the torment pretty quickly. As soon as they're modified OR that time limit expires, the items become account bound and cannot be traded at all. although i've never found a pig sticker rolled that perfectly, you can get relatively close if your lucky. But the procs from the thunderfury sword, blind faith helm, and cord of sherma belt do work. But here low level legendary still can have perfect roll for some aspect which can be useful on higher level rare item. Keep it. I got a staff as level 12 that had an effect I loved. like, really legendary items you know, yeah, ancient legendaries are more So one amulet and two rings, for a total of 3 legendary gems. Plus perhaps: Gem of ease & Boon of the hoarder. Better extract every junk or excess legendary item just in case the devs might change the abilities to make it redundant or the new meta. T16, a 5% bonus would bring you from 1221% to 1226%. That's not how reforging works. Act 5 Death's Bargain pants - Gain an aura of death that deals 750-1000% of your Life per Second to enemies within 20 yards. Best of appreciation for all who can help. I also get a lot more decent plans dropping as well. When should I start augmenting? This is the subreddit community for Diablo 3 and its expansion, developed by Blizzard. GR14 if the 3 gems you use are already rank=15. I’m keeping all my legendary in the stash until I figure out what I’m going for for an endgame build. In diablo 3 your items would be guaranteed to have stat boosts and more often than not, had super useful affixes and legendary effects. If it's not on the list, salvage that sucker for FS's! 20k shards isn't the same as 20k attempts. You can use Act 1-5 crafting materials for extracting legendary powers, crafting some legendary items at the Blacksmith, or for reforging legendaries. Loot is color coded: White for Normal items Blue for Magic items Yellow for Rare items Orange for Legendary items Green for Set items There are 16 visual tiers of gear. This requirement must only be completed once per game mode (Hardcore vs. Most notable 'don't' is the executioner. Go to Icy Veins and look in the Farming menu, then choose the Salvage Guide. The whole, drop, pickup, identify goes from exciting to boring when it happens all the time. That being said, what I usually do to gear up is upgrading rares and converting set items until I get all the pieces that I need. the DR from justice lantern and the bonus damage on blessed shield / shield bash) Statisicaly, if a legendary drops with a great roll on the legendary power, it is highly unlikely for all 4 rolls affix to also be great (or even 3 of them). I have never seen an item like this and I tried to search for cyan/light blue items online and I couldn't find anything, so I thought I'd ask here. The #1 Ultima Online community! r/UltimaOnline is a group of players that enjoy playing and discussing one of the original MMORPG—UO—in its official and player supported form. Come and join the… Hi all, new to diablo style games. Reforging will only re-roll the stats on an item but keep the base item the same. If you reforge an item, you will always receive the same item you input, just with different stat rolls (and possibly quality level, since that's also a roll). The number of items caps at 90, but only all but 2 are guaranteed to be legendary. The rest get junked. Lately I've only been able to game playing one handed (comforting newborn with other) and I've started playing Diablo 3 + expansion since it is much more engaging than peggle :P (with a 12 button mouse though and potions remapped to buttons etc) This is the subreddit community for Diablo 3 and its expansion, developed by Blizzard. Statiscally, you are much more likely to find a rare with at least 3 good rolls. For Paragon, it's always worth going 10 levels higher if your clear time doesn't increase by more than 50%. This is the subreddit community for Diablo 3 and its expansion, developed by Blizzard. The objective is to have every equipped item a primal or at least an ancient. Rare items have 3 affixes. It works better if you are going for a weapon 2 set thing like Bul Kathos blades or Chantodos Click Salvage Item Hover over Legendary Item If bad, Left Click --> Press Enter Move to Next Legendary Item Repeat steps 7 through 10 until you've gone through all legendary items (You don't need to keep clicking the Salvage Item button. You can only extract items with orange text, as it's only the orange text (legendary effect) that can go into the cube. Reply reply Keep multiple copies of the legendary items that you wish to primalize (eg weapons, offhand, jewelry). mainly you wanna prioritize LPH, CDR you can indeed apply the legendary power to your character without the need to actually equip the item in question (you get a weapon/armour/jewellery slot, so up to 3 legendary powers at anytime) it allows you to add more freedom (and powah) to your builds This is the subreddit community for Diablo 3 and its expansion, developed by Blizzard. The "Law of Kulle" recipe is (1) legendary item, (5) each legendary act crafting material, and (50) forgotten souls. This is pretty much end game stuff here. Is there a mod to ease legendary salvaging? In this game you go through so many crap legendaries, that you'll suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome, before you get useful ones. You can extract the essence of e legendary in westmarch. some items may even be good enough to continue using at that point until you get a decent lvl 70 legendary or maybe even the same one. Increasing the GR level increases the chances that the remaining 2 will be legendary as well. You can reforge them and they count as a fresh drop, meaning 10% chance of being an ancient, and about 0. It’s a different kind of gearing system than what you may be used to if you played Diablo 3 — you’ll typically only want the uniques for their effect but not their stats, because you’re right, a well rolled rare or legendary can absolutely be better than a Unique in that regard. The next recipe is called "The Law of Kulle", it allows you to reroll the stats on a legendary item - with the added bonus that the reroll can result in an Ancient Legendary. So I made a list of the items, along with the developer/designer/artist names that they came from. Yesterday was able to get 15 Legendary drops, and it honestly didnt even seem like that much. This made me VERY excited because it seems now that it will be much easier to get "The Furnace"(throw rare 2-handed mace there) and " Aether Walker" (throw rare wand there). You're confusing it with set item conversion, which is a different recipe. Then on top of that he's splitting it by each category so he's really only doing 200 attempts of multiple categories. When I found another staff at lvl 45 it had an undesired effect. Baldur's Gate III is based on a modified version of the Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition (D&D 5e) tabletop RPG ruleset. Come and join the discussion! That said, assuming you're transmuting the right item type, the actual Legendary you get is only guaranteed to be the same type, there is no way to target a specific ITEM, only a specific item TYPE. When you shower players in loot it gets boring. If you don't yet have the legendary gems you want, then completing rifts at lower GR will get you them faster. You'll want lots of forgotten souls for reforging. Level 50-70 Almost all legendary gems will not work on them, with the exception of only two: Esoteric Alteration Mutilation Guard Both gems cap at LV 100 and are used to provide some sustain for your follower and enabling you to swap the immortality item with one of the others. I know I will probably start finding way better gear by then. like those are the only 2 items i'm pretty sure that buff disintegrate directly. but if you're a Barbarian, a bunch of random ancient legendaries with great stats are VERY unlikely to crafting materials in Diablo III, It is used with Kanai's Cube and at the Blacksmith for various recipes of legendary and set items. No point running eg. The orange items, I think they are called legendary, that drop while leveling. It allows you to spend 100 Primordial Ashes to upgrade one non-crafted Legendary or Set item to a Primal. Greater Rift difficulty scales loot up to GR90, which has the highest droprate for legendaries overall, although it only drops from the rift Make sure that the item you are considering for augmentation has the correct rolls, and that those rolls are at least close to being max level. Equip the legendary item with the ability to not let your follower die. If a legendary had a chance of rolling let’s say 30-50% and it rolled a 45-50 save it and use it on something else later. 5 I'd get a legendary every 10 hours or so with MF around 150% but never any set items. Come and join the discussion! Yeah, maxroll is correct (and they are a trustworthy source on up to date D3 info and the latest builds). ever. Then the GR you run needs to be high enough to improve those gems. The same logic applies at any baseline. Then third time maybe a 115 legendary gem. so say u use fire, you want cindercoat, magefist, swampland waders w/ fire, andariels visage w/ fire and amulet/bracers w/ fire. Paragon, Gem levels and items. When you augment an Ancient in Kanai you are effectively adding even more that's to that item. If you can't get what you need by extracting, there's not much you can do except get another item of the same type but superior level. The odds to reroll Ancient are 1/10. the rest of the In the cube you can reforge a legendary/set item, which will yield you the same item with random rolls and chance at ancient. If you roll the bare minimum then salvaging isn’t the worst option. Oct 14, 2016 · The Law of Kulle is a recipe for Kanai's cube that allows you to reroll the stats of a legendary item, so it's in your best interest to maintain a duplicate set of your gear to reroll when needed. But I cant tell their power by their appearance like DB 3, for example, anymore. BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. A lot of people hardly played the game and instead would treat Diablo as a trading simulator that happens to have a ARPG side game. You can only find ancient items if they are level 70 (this even includes ethereals) and reforging an item results in an item of the same level. I haven't played non-seasonal in years. May 24, 2020 · Enchants an Ancient or Primal Ancient Legendary or Set item with additional attribute points. I say visual because the stats on that gear will vary wildly from piece to piece. If it's a set item however, you can convert it to another piece of the same set with the cube (doesn't work for sets with only 2 items). Legendary aspects can be crafted on rare & legendaries. This resource is used only in one Kanai's Cube recipe - Curiosity of Lorath Nahr. g. But you can only use 3 legendary abilities in Kanai's cube. I am relatively new to Diablo and a cyan item namd "The Oculus" just dropped for me. A lot of legendaries that don't have an orange text enchantment have an otherwise more potent regular effect, or roll with more desirable effects than usual. Every set and legendary item used in the popular builds is listed on the guide. Generally speaking bounties are a waste of time once you get your patterns for the smith and jeweler plus a few needed items, and you should focus entirely on speedfarming greater rifts. Jan 15, 2025 · A subreddit dedicated to Diablo Immortal, a mobile Massively Multiplayer Online Action RPG (MMOARPG) developed by Blizzard Entertainment in Sep 5, 2023 · This post gives you an overview over all important item and set mechanics in the game. My list is not complete, and I still need to figure out what act each item drops in. A hodge podge of really well rolled ancient legendaries might be better than a set of Blackthorne's or Invoker's, or Borne's, or Asheara's, etc. There are two reasons why would you want to run bounties - either you need a legendary which only drops from Horadric Cache (such as Ring of Royal Grandeur), or you need Act 1-5 crafting materials. Please note these items drop/ appear only on Torment difficulty or higher. If it's L1-L69. The "Legacy of Dreams" gives a x% damage bonus for each legendary equiped as long as you have no set item bonuses. So, if you're trying to reforge an item to Ancient/Primal status, make sure you use a duplicate item, not the item you're currently wearing, (if it has decent stats), because in some cases a non-ancient item with the correct stats for your build is better than a poorly rolled ancient. You no longer regenerate Life Good day everyone, I've posted this before but I wrote the title in a wrong way, so I'm re-posting it with the right title. I keep seeing people say save your rare and legendary items. Esoteric Alteration and Mutilation Guard are the two gems that work on followers. "Primal Ancients can drop from any source of Legendary item in the game, including Horadric Caches, Kadala, and Kanai's Cube, but only after having completed at least a level 70 Greater Rift. For example. Non-emanating items that work on followers but help you directly: Oculus Ring, Cord of the Sherma, The Ess of Johan, Frostburn, Ring of Royal Grandeur (to emanate Cain's and Sage's 3pc bonus with only 2pc of each equipped). Augment your best items first, and work your way down from there. 200 gambled items isn't anything, that's only 3 attempts at being full on shards for each category. Even ones that are outdated. Note, the effects may not always be as you want as they proc when the follower hits, not you. Once you have the 3 legendary gems you want to use. Come and join the discussion! I'm wondering if set items are considered as legendaries. I probably missed a few, so if you figure out any others, please let me know! Item names: Rare & legendary items can drop, with special unique butcher clever at super low rate. In D3, they had this cool mechanism, that was counting the time from your last meaningful drop (legendary item in that context), and making sure your chances are gradually increasing the longer this timer was on. Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 2 votes and 8 comments yes, basically this. 0. I'm new to the adventure mode, so I just wanted to share with what I've learned about the Kanai's Cube, There's a buff on some of the legendary items (like increasing the damage of a certain skill or reducing the cool down of another), but then this item might not be the Also: best rotation is running 2 GR, identify/scrap (put items you consider useful in your stash without giving it much thought, just see the item you need and store it for later analysis), clear inventory, 2 more GR, then identify and spend bloodshards. " [emphasis added by me] So those 3 items (+RoRG) are 70%. If legendary items dropping was a rare occurrence this would not be a problem, and you would get those dopamine hits. Farmed this route for about 2 and a half hoursgot 5 runs in(yes they take a while) Torment 2 , with a high dps wizgot 6 legendaries(2 worthwhile) 1 green , 7 plans 3 of which were legendary and 2 of those 3 were low low level , and then a bunch of gems. Why is this important if it does not fit my build? Im only level 15 atm, but got that in one play session. If you're playing story on Torment 16, you'll have the exact same drop chances for any item as if you were doing a Nephalem Portal. You can keep doing this until you get an item where you only need to reroll 1 thing at the artisan. I’m assuming I’ll be 50 in about a week or two. GoD DH or WW Barb are your best/easiest options to get speed running 90s imo I quit Diablo 3 before the cube came out so when I came back in S19 I went back onto my monk and cubed every single legendary to completely fill it out. If the first primalized item doesn’t give you the affixes that you want, do not primalize the unwanted primalized item again. You would think one in ten items is legendary, and one in 100 is primal The #1 Ultima Online community! r/UltimaOnline is a group of players that enjoy playing and discussing one of the original MMORPG—UO—in its official and player supported form. Items like rings and amulets cost a lot of bloodshards to gamble for and have a huge list of items on the loot table also making upgrading a yellow more dificult to target. The best to equip and the 2nd to reforge in Kanai's cube. Permanently deleting the item but allowing you to transform any legendary in the future into the one you got the essence for. Would set items count? To augment you need one legendary gem, as high of a level as you can get it, and 3 fully upgraded regular gems of your choice depending on what stat you want. You get 5 points of whichever stat you used per level of the legendary gem you combined them with. Come and join the discussion! 3. Unless you power level. You don't want to spend your gems augmenting an item to have a better one drop a few rifts later. This material is obtained from a Horadric Cache given by Tyrael for completion of Act I-V bounties in Adventure Mode. D2(R) unique items are more set in stone, all know Vipermagi armor what stas will have on drop or Shako. rare & legendary items shares same pool of affixes. Non-Seasonal), which means that for Seasonal All of the legendary items drop in Act 4 - If you want a specific legendary, I'd advise against farming act4 as the chance is diluted by all other possible legendary item drops. The first side of my Cache is full just because of soul shards/gems and legendary gems, there is no reason to keep any item while 80% of all items are never see anyways 226K subscribers in the diablo3 community. That would be the Skeleton Key for Lyndon, the Scoundrel; the Enchanting Favor for Kormac, the Templar; and the Smoking Thurible for Eirena, the Enchantress. Here is the screenshot of the item (and a comparison to how much better it is than my current item): A subreddit dedicated to Diablo Immortal, a mobile Massively Multiplayer Online Action RPG (MMOARPG) developed by Blizzard Entertainment in partnership with NetEase, available on PC, Android, iPhone and iPad. So it might not be worth swapping out a useful orange text from a legendary for an incomplete set. I cant find a way to search legendary in inventory by its power or to sort them by power. Some legendary items proc on the follower, some don't. The auction house was factored into drop rates. In short, don't go from cain's book to your stash. you of course also have the option of cubing the items as others have mentioned. Just now I found out what exactly is the " Upgrade rare item" ability of the Kanai's cube. It really does depend on which set you're using. your season 3 character will be transferred to eternal where those legendaries will be marked legacy and won't be able to take advantage of new features. Maybe now you use a level 50 legendary gem. There are 3 things to farm for in GRs. My magic find with 5 stacks NV is around 225%, MP3. Note that items from Kadala and/or the Cube are account bound by default. Something to keep in mind is that you must have 3 flawless royal gems (excluding diamond) and a certain level legendary gem for the augmentation to work. If you have found any bounty legendary items, please post them so I can add which act they come from! Thanks. I only save extra set items if a) I’m actually going to use them, and b) if it’s a set I don’t use too often I only keep the ancient legendary or primal versions. If it's filled in 100% orange you've already extracted it. Legendary items can only be traded for 2h after they dropped, and only to players who were in the same session when the item dropped. Your best bet is to use kanais to roll a rare into a legendary. You could extract it's legendary power in Kanai's cube and wear a belt with better armor stats. When you reach L70 you can use Kadala or Upgrade rare in Kanai's cube to get a similar belt. While there are many more items you may find (see our Salvage List ), we highlight those that matter the most or are commonly asked about. The stats will change, the legendary power % will change. From character builds, skills to lore and theories, we have it all covered. With 2 minute GR90's as a baseline, doing 3 minute 100's, 4. Keep an eye out for certain items that are useful with specific secondary rolls, such as +essence for some necro builds, +discipline for DH UE build, +health globe bonus for zmonk, items with secondary resistance for some monk builds This is the subreddit community for Diablo 3 and its expansion, developed by Blizzard. Neither of those methods actually level gear up, though. for disintegrate build the main way to squeeze out more damage is mantle of channeling and deathwish. Reforge Legendary is for getting better versions of the same item. Are these just trash once out leveled, or is there a reason to save… Advertisement Short answer is 'it depends'. Yes you sure can. If it’s a copy of a set item you already have, I use the spare for gambling at the cube (reforges) to see if it comes out better than the one I’m using. Legendary items have 4 affixes. I will say any of your legendaries that are not lvl 70 gear can probably go ahead and get cubed because you will want to get lvl 70 versions anyways. Subreddit for Warhammer 40,000: Tacticus, the brand-new turn-based tactical strategy game. I easily got over 20 the day before (7/11) but didnt record the drops/source. I was wondering what should I do with my Legendary items once they become obsolete? I know that with gold and blue items, they can be salvaged and made into new weapons at the blacksmith. 3 Flawless Royal Amethysts will add Vitality. As for the legendary items, those without legendary power are also insta-salvage This isn't true 100% of the time. Endgame isn't about finding a legendary you want, you'll get plenty of those, it's about finding the legendary you want, with the right stats, in ancient. 3% chance of being a primal ancient if you have done your solo GR70. I dont even know how many copies of one particular aspect I already have without going through mousing over every piece of legendary item. "Cube" means extract the item's special mod in Kanai's Cube for the listed build. full? Lol not at all, only head+chest that have a value of 5m+ atleast each, most of those items have crappy lowstats. you basically don't want any CHC/CHD rolls (cause thorns doesn't crit) and on the weapon you can see the build rolled OFF the dmg range for another stat (cause thorns doesn't scale off weapon dmg). Anyway, if you check out the Diablo 3 credits, you start to see that while these names seem made up, they're not actually all that random. On head youc an find a natalya with +crit, on chest +atk spd, for the rest you need yellow items with Dex, Vit, Atk Spd, Crit Chance & Crit Dmg on, on 1 item. Yesterday one I picked up increased all damage to elites by 50%, had like 980 STR, 5% chance to crit, an also added a chance to trigger an AOE ability to damage the enemy. If you already have the item ancient though, and it rolled well, you might want to roll other items that benefit more from being upgraded before you start rerolling ancient items - this is self explanatory. Duplicate can be used to reforge legendary in cube for a chance to get (primal) ancients. Is there something to specify keep specific rolls, ancient status and or specific items and to auto salvage the rest? Kinda like salvage all yellows, but more specific? Why is this upvoted, this is entirely wrong you can only upgrade lvl70 rares and they pull from the entire pool for that item class, low level characters only work for gambling but it sucks for weapons since it pulls from any weapon class that you character can use, there is an extremelly small pool for legendary 1H scytes so upgrading rares is the way to go. jyz llbfcx mfr mmmyg nma vepg lbvo hlgi yknu tltxnn bkts ldf wlyxvywuv smza jtijc