Android singletop onnewintent not called. onNewIntent is called before onResume.
Android singletop onnewintent not called In any case, onNewIntent purpose is to send a new intent for an Activity that is already running. FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP); then its works like a charm!!. My problem is that then I hit home button, and then launch application again (from background) onNewIntent is called again with the same intent, and I can not find a way to discard this Intent. The reason that OnNewIntent() is not being called is that you have declared it like this: protected virtual void OnNewIntent() That isn't correct. If the activity is not at the top of the stack, a new instance is created and placed on top. SingleTop otherwise the OnNewIntent is not called, the OnCreate is called and the app shows a blank screen. – Vipul. FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP is specified. Jun 20, 2016 · @ronaldo-getreveel A quick check over different version of Android shows that this is a life cycle issue with latest Android. Jul 19, 2016 · Yes, you are missing something: You registered the foreground dispatch to listen for NDEF messages of the type "text/plain", which means you either expect a Text record or a record with the MIME type text/plain. Jul 19, 2016 · There is a button in the Welcome screen which tells user to authorize the app. So, if your Activity is not running and you click on the notification to launch it, you will not get a call to onNewIntent. This is incorrect. This is fixed by changing the launch mode to singleTop: <activity android:name=". a duplicated is created anew - so FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP or android:launchMode="singleTop" is not Sep 10, 2019 · If your activity does not use any attributes from manifest such as android:launchMode="singleTop" or android:launchMode="singleTask" then sending another intent to start an activity should use the new intent you sent and open a different activity. onNewIntent is called before onResume. On some notification I need to run that activity and I doing it in that way: Intent activity = new Intent(context, klass); activity. 52 onNewIntent is not called. Jun 11, 2017 · Your code works fine when your activity is on foreground, but it won't work when the Activity is started by an Intent with android. Back Stackの一番上にActivityのインスタンスがある場合は新しくインスタンスを生成せずに、既にあるインスタンスをonNewIntent()で呼ぶ。 Activityのインスタンスが存在してもBack Stackの一番上でなければ新しいインスタンスを生成する; singleTask Apr 13, 2014 · singleTask :- A new task will always be created and a new instance will be pushed to the task as the root. I then see the called of onNewIntent(). I need to invoke the onNewIntent method to capture the URL details and store it. When you send an intent to an activity that isn't running on the background you can retrieve it through getIntent on onResume(). This means that if your activity was closed, it will start normally and onCreate will be called. To create notification, Apr 18, 2016 · I guess you have not overridden onCreate in your NewActivity. How can I fix this? Take a look at this guide (creating a notification) and to samples ApiDemos "StatusBarNotifications" and "NotificationDisplay". Aug 18, 2017 · @Override public void onNewIntent(Intent intent) { setIntent(intent); super. I removed that flag, and it now works as expected: Dec 9, 2016 · I want to maintain the navigation flow, if flow was ActivityMain>SignIn activity and then user try to start ActivityMain again from DeepLink then i want to prompt user if he want to leave SignIn activity or not, if yes then show ActivityMain with deeplink task state, else show previous keep showing SignIn activity. View. For managing if the activity is already running you have two ways: In the manifest file of your project, you need to add the following to your main activity. provider. Edit2: Adding screenshot of Google developer console. Activities. , onCreate is called). Set android:launchMode="singleTop" in android manifest; Install react-native-push-natifications; Open the app. android:finishOnTaskLaunch="true" or "false" But none of them make the onNewIntent function to be called when I open a SVG with my application. If the May 28, 2024 · For activities using singleTop, singleTask, or singleInstance launch modes, understanding onNewIntent() is crucial. taskAffinity: Defines the task affinity for an activity. May 28, 2024 · When an activity is reused, instead of onCreate(), onNewIntent() is called, allowing you to handle the new intent without creating a new instance. I am working on NotificationManager where my requirement is to open an Activity on tap of notification with values received through that notification. However, in this case it's not, and I haven't found a way to work around it. 1 Android - onNewIntent is not called - singletop activities. Reproduction Steps and Sample Code. I don't know what is wrong :( here is m Sep 3, 2013 · onNewIntent()is called if the user last exited the app by pressing home button. My goal i Dec 1, 2017 · Currently i’m trying to send the ack message to the server as soon as the main activity of my app calls its onResume callback, but as I use a SingleTop main activity, and I treat some intents with the onNewIntent method, I cannot be sure if the onResume is due to an Intent or the app coming to the foreground. If not then how is it possible to call onNewIntent() Please help to resolve this. intent. 758 D/CORN_DEBUG: onNewIntent 2019-11-19 10:43:18. onNewIntent() will be called. Oct 3, 2019 · How SingleTop work? let suppose you have current activity stack like . activities. without tabhost it is working perfectly. OnNewIntent(intent); GoogleListenerService. e. Oct 12, 2012 · If The activity is running, but in the stopped state / not in foreground (like when clicking the home button), and the notification is clicked, my activity's onNewIntent() is called as expected. But I can't override this onNewIntent() method, because apparently it's not present in AppCompatActivity, which I'm using. Ensure to override onNewIntent() to handle the Jul 25, 2017 · I want to call onNewIntent() method when I press fcm notification. This is only called when you activity is singletop and your activity's Oncreate has already been called. As it is the first intent, onNewIntent() won't be called, but you can use the intent in your onCreate() method. Unfortunately my redirect_url is not being called for the first launch. The activity that I want to trigger onNewIntent(): <activity android:name=". Dec 26, 2022 · 正如之前的许多答案和 onNewIntent 函数的文档中所提到的(Yaroslavs 答案中的链接),您需要 android:launchMode="singleTop" 活动的清单条目,您希望在其中调用 onNewIntent,或者使用 Intent开始活动必须有标志 FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP 。 Jul 28, 2019 · singleTop. Mar 1, 2017 · android:launchMode="singleTop" on manifest and use onNewIntent() method to reuse the same activity. Please find below code. It's exactly what I need. I tried to putExtra flag to this intent, but it is not persisted between application state changes. Aug 25, 2018 · According to the documentation. can anyone please help? android notifications I have an activity I want to be launched only a single time from a giving task. In singleTop mode, you have to handle an incoming Intent in both onCreate() and Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. In this case, your Activity will be paused (onPause() is called). android:launchMode="singleTask" So, in the manifest, you would have something similar to the below: Dec 14, 2022 · Sample of singleTop launch mode (2) SingleTask. I had to search forever to find the solution here: Android OnNewIntent not called and the answer is not actually explained. The signature is wrong. This Launch Mode is almost identical to standard. In addition, if that application is not running, I still receive the notification, but the application is not launched. The second time SingleTopActivity is launched without FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP, onResume() is called in SingleTopActivity, BUT onNewIntent() is NOT called in SingleTopActivity. Clear memory by using Solo Cleaner; Notify the app Jun 7, 2024 · In this mode, if an activity already exists at the top of the stack, no new instance is created. ReceivedRemoteNotification(intent); } Jun 17, 2012 · For launchmodes "singleTop" and "singleTask" a startActivity with a new intent will result in either . registerReceiver(receiver, new IntentFilter("android. Feb 17, 2021 · There were a few issues going on here. Same as #onNewIntent(Intent), but with an extra parameter for the ComponentCaller instance associated with the app that sent the intent. Apr 25, 2016 · Consider including launchMode to "singleTop". The system creates the activity at the root of a new task or locates the activity on an existing task with the same affinity. If you want to retrieve the caller without overriding this method, call #getCurrentCaller inside your existing #onNewIntent(Intent). At that point, your Activity is no longer the top Activity on the stack, so that another launch of the Activity will create another instance, even if "singleTop" launch mode and/or Intent. However, when I run the built-in App Intent, OPEN_APP_FEATURE, consecutively, the app ‘refreshes’ and loses its state. I have an app in which I want to import images sent by other apps. If you only want this behavior for the specific intent you can add the FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP(in addition to FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP) to the intent with the addFlags call instead of the manifest. Try Teams for free Explore Teams Mar 22, 2013 · onNewIntent is called. 4. When I press the search button on my Nexus, the search intent seems to not fire because neither onCreate() Feb 14, 2022 · Using SingleTop launch mode is correct. but it doesn't work. So I think you should check this condition that your activity is running when onCreate() is May 20, 2013 · is not called because i used tabhost. This is correct. Remarks. But when app is first launched from FCM notification then step 4. On Android OS, the "onNewIntent" is called on redirection but on WSA the activity is getting created again(i. The only difference is that if the Activity you are trying to launch already has an existing instance at the top of the current Task's stack, then instead of creating a new instance, the system will just call the Activity's onNewIntent() function. May 25, 2011 · The first time SingleTopActivity is launched without FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP, onCreate() and onResume() are called in SingleTopActivity. Also, it's not calling the onNewIntent() method. In onCreate() I started the Service. com Mar 31, 2017 · onNewIntent is not getting called when the app is killed by the system due to low memory or by using memory booster app. I read some Q&A about this, and I think i made my code simple. Let’s think about creating a search box which will lead you to a SearchActivity to see the search result. But you will get a call to onCreate, and then May 8, 2021 · Q1. onNewIntent is called only in case of RE_LAUNCH. Dec 28, 2013 · The observation is (by putting log message in onCreate(), onNewIntent(), onStartCommand()): The activity is restarted. Nov 7, 2023 · singleTop. Correct, whenever singleTask activity is launched it comes foreground clearing all activities currently present above it, if your singleTask activity is on the top, it will behave same as singleTop. but onNewIntent() is not called if the user exited from back button. I did not have a receiver in my service: My service class was changed to this: public class SMSService extends Service{ SMSReceiver receiver = new SMSReceiver(); @Override public void onCreate() { Log. 248 D/CORN_DEBUG: onCreate Main Activity Apr 8, 2018 · I have asked multiple questions on SO regarding different problems I am having with onNewIntent method in both fragments and activities. addActivityEventListener(this); Jul 16, 2019 · I am working on Android/Kotlin with Google Chrome Custom Tab, CCT for doing an oAuth for 3rd party server. Dec 19, 2017 · Only difference is if there already is an Activity instance with the same type at the top of stack in the caller Task, there would not be any new Activity created, instead an Intent will be sent to an existed Activity instance through onNewIntent()method. 3. Aug 4, 2015 · declared every activity with launchMode="singleTop"in manifest. onNewIntent is not called. If it is not presnt on top, a new instance will be created. Aug 17, 2010 · My intent is basically action = DEFAULT and category = LAUNCHER in order to bring the activity that was launched into the front. Although activity A still exists, onCreate method is called instead of onNewIntent. MainActivity" android:launchMode="singleTop" /> 2. This is called for activities that set launchMode to "singleTop" in their package, or if a client used the FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP flag when calling startActivity(Intent). XXX_DISCOVERED action. Ans: No. A new instance of Activity D in the task will be created. Improve this answer. Please help. This button will call the twitter authorization page and returns a URL. Activities with the same affinity are placed in the same task. Specialized launches (not recommended for general use) "singleTask" Conditionally Apr 8, 2015 · void OnApplicationPause(bool pauseStatus) { // HERE I CAN CALL activity specific **onPause()** and **onResume()** based on pauseStatus } Is there anything in unity from which I can give call to onNewIntent(Intent i) of Android. When an activity is reused, instead of onCreate(), onNewIntent() is Apr 3, 2023 · On Android OS, the "onNewIntent" is called on redirection but on WSA the activity is getting created again(i. ViewStatus" android:launchMode="singleTop"/> <activity In the ViewStatus Activity: android:launchMode="singleInstance" Be warned though, if you are doing anythign like startActivityForResult - you will never receive the result! Update: If you want to receive new intent data using onNewIntent: public void onNewIntent(Intent intent) { super. In manifest file of the app, the launchMode is set to "singleTask" so I would expect "onNewIntent" to be called on WSA too. Apr 9, 2017 · Bのlaunch Modeを<android:launchMode="singleTop">とすると、スタックのトップにインスタンスがある場合はonCreate()ではなくonNewIntent()が呼ばれる。onNewIntent()についてはこちらから。以下は引用です。 Oct 23, 2012 · For the first two points I tried this to be sure that one and only one main Activity is created and called: android:launchMode="singleTask" or android:launchMode="singleTop" but unluckily the first works for the first problem and the second for the second one, not for both! Mar 12, 2024 · It is working well if app is in killed state, it calls onCreate() method and I have screen handling logic in it as well. From activity A, I start activity B with flag FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK. Dec 3, 2018 · I have an Activity --> A it has two intent filters. android:name=". The solution is to change the LaunchMode of your deeplinked activity (Launcher activity in your case) to singleTop instead of singleTask But, then onNewIntent is called twice. If your activity can handle fired intent then it will be called automatically, check your intent and related intent filter. I'm trying to implement search functionality in my app, which is very basic at the moment. The log result after the click on the link is: (when there exists the app instance) 2019-11-19 10:43:18. You can invoke onNewIntent always by putting it into onCreate method like: Aug 15, 2012 · I figured out what was missing. We then call our method to process the push notification's intent and all is well. The only difference between the two tasks is their taskAffinity. (If specified activity is not on top then new instance will be created) So stack will look like . MyActivity" android:configChanges="keyboardHidden|orientation|screenSize" android: Apr 18, 2013 · Bug: onNewIntent not called for singleTop activity with Intent. Instead, onNewIntent() is called on the existing instance with the new so i've gone through over 7 stackoverflow questions with solutions to solving this onNewIntent() but even after all that I cant seem to get it to work. Jun 14, 2015 · Above answers are incomplete. a) an onCreate with that intent to a new instance of the activity (if that activity was not running) [as per "standard" above] or b) an onNewIntent with that intent to the existing activity (if that activity was already runnning). Every time it does the same thing. Check documentation for onNewIntent. Oct 11, 2019 · SomeActivity, running but not on foreground, paused, is brought back to foreground; SomeActivity's back stack is preserved; SomeActivity receives some info - I want to inform SomeActivity of a success/ failure; SomeActivity instance is reused vs. For some reason the method is not getting invoked. I apply the change in Manifest file by android:launchMode="singleTop" and android:launchMode="singleTask" also android:launchMode="singleInstance" bt it's not working at all. never happens: FCM notification shows up; App is launched from FCM notification; App is put into background; Another FCM notification shows up; Upon clicking it onNewIntent of default activity IS NOT CALLED Oct 2, 2014 · I've read in the android docs that singleTop mode is this: If an instance of the activity already exists at the top of the current task, the system routes the intent to that instance through a call to its onNewIntent() method, rather than creating a new instance of the activity. However, if the Activity is already called when it's in the foreground, then onNewIntent() doesn't get called. Jun 1, 2010 · Apparently that flag is not needed when using FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP and onNewIntent(. A->B->C->A Jul 19, 2012 · It makes no difference whether the launchMode of the activity is singleTop or not, you still must specify Intent. I expected to receive an NFC intent for the Apr 8, 2018 · override fun onNewIntent(intent: Intent) { super. onCreate(Bundle) is not called again. g. protected override void OnNewIntent(Intent intent) { base. Instead, the existing instance receives the new intent through its onNewIntent () method. MainActivity" android:launchMode="singleTop"> There's a bug / feature (?) in Android, which immediately reports result (which has not been set yet) for Activity, declared as singleTask (despite the fact that the activity continues to run). The Intent will not You didn't miss anything since when I test with my own intent to start your activity, it works well and the OnNewIntent() is called when SingleTask or SingleTop used, here's how I call the activity from another project(I did this in native Android): Jan 14, 2017 · android:launchMode=”singleTop” Start Activity D with singleTop mode. Can anyone explain why we need the lines: May 31, 2013 · Is the Activity re-created? Is onCreate() called? Then is onCreate() called twice, without onDestory()? Or the new MainActivity is newly created and there will be two MainActivities? Will the Intent from getIntent() overwritten? I know Activity. if not what the difference between the two? Ans: Activity and Broadcast are two different components and these two methods are their callbacks mean when your broadcast is triggered then only you can get a callback in onReceive() but when your activity using singleTop Jul 1, 2020 · Edit: Also tried using "android:launchMode="singleTop" but it also doesn't work. android:launchMode="singleTop" is also not working. I tried to call onNewIntent from onCreate, but the intent action is still MAIN in that case. If it is called twice, it must have been called unintendedly: starting the activity twice? Or manually calling the method? Jan 23, 2015 · onNewIntent is not called, onNewIntent not called on restart, onNewIntent() not getting called in some devices, my onNewIntent is not calling. . onNewIntent() is called for singleTop Activities. May 27, 2024 · <activity android:name=". Sep 14, 2015 · For onNewIntent (Intent intent) to be called, you must declare your activity's launchmode in the manifest as android:launchMode="singleTop" OR android:launchMode="singleTask" http://www. Instead, it displays the previous state onCreate() や onPause(), onResume() 等はライフサイクルメソッドとしてお馴染みですが、onNewIntent() はあまり見たことがありません。この onNewIntent() が何者なのか調べてみました。 以下は Android プログラマーにとってお馴染みの Activity のライフサイクルです。 May 8, 2015 · OnNewIntent() always get called for singleTop/Task activities except for the first time when activity is created. See here: How to handle notification when app in background in Firebase Feb 4, 2021 · I'm currently facing the problem that my onNewIntent is never called. For most use cases this means that for singleTop Activities you call setIntent in the onNewIntent method and call getIntent in the onResume. 805 D/CORN_DEBUG: onNewIntent 2019-11-19 10:43:19. but when it is already called by a one intent filter and then if it is called by another intent filter the onCreate() method is not called. Jun 26, 2013 · I have been stuck on this for a little while now. when it is called first time the onCreate() method is called. My problem is that the search dialog is not invoked by onSearchRequested(). From what I see, OnNewIntent() is the only place to handle navigation parameters in this case but it implies to break the ViewModel CIRS process => Init() is going to be recalled once the Mar 7, 2013 · According to android developer site, In FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP,FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP and in launch mode : SingleTask, If the instance of activity you are calling is already running then instead of creating new instance, it call onNewIntent() method. Nov 25, 2024 · I am trying to integrate Google Assistant into my basic Flutter app. Jul 21, 2015 · As I see onNewIntent is called when the activity is opened on the background. Apr 21, 2015 · Seems that onNewIntent() of my MainActivity is not being called when I have another Activity on top of it, if I close the second Activity it does get called just fine, it's like the other Activity which is on top is blocking the messages? Both Activitys are set to singleTop in the manifest and I set the Intent from a notification: Oct 26, 2010 · Calling startActivity again will return to the first activity/task and onNewIntent is called. P. A->B->C Now from current activity C, if you start A activity which is a singleTop, so in this case system will create a new instance of A and brings that instance to top. This happens only if the application is in background or Oct 4, 2014 · android:launchMode="singleTask" android:launchMode="standard" android:launchMode="singleTop" combined with the following parameter, that makes 6 configurations. For this reason, I have an intent filter for action. nfc. onNewIntent(intent) setIntent(intent)//This will be used in NFCCardFragment } when the setIntent is called in activity, in the fragment onResume method is called automatically! So you can get intent from it like this: Feb 28, 2013 · In other circumstances — for example, if an existing instance of the "singleTop" activity is in the target task, but not at the top of the stack, or if it's at the top of a stack, but not in the target task — a new instance would be created and pushed on the stack. Just override onCreate, and get intent, extra, set layout etc (quite similar to your onNewIntent) Jun 19, 2024 · Single Task. If an instance of the activity already exists and is at the root of the task, the system routes the intent to an existing instance through a call to Jul 1, 2023 · SingleTop: In this launch mode, if the activity instance is already at the top of the stack, a new instance is not created. When oAuth is completed, CCT is supposed to redirects to my redirect_url where, I am catching it in onNewIntent and onCreate. FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK. FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP in the Intent. But when user aborts install, OnNewIntent is not called (occasionally though it DOES get called). Jul 5, 2018 · Only if the Activity already existed it will be brought to the top of the stack and onNewIntent will be called. This would seem to be the correct behavior only if Android assumed that the Activity that declares the intent-filter is the one showing the content of the URI. Instead the method Activity. So we want to set the latest intent as the intent for the activity. But it gets called when I relaunch it for This has worked great and we correctly and OnNewIntent is called when the application is running and in the background. Question. May 14, 2018 · I'm using intent filter for catching a custom scheme for my app: <activity android:name=". Telephony. This is called for activities that set launchMode to "singleTop" in their package, or if a client used the Intent. com/blog/2011/6/16/android-understanding-activity-launchmode. Now, whenever I start another activity from there, e. ActivityA" android:launchMode="singleTop" if you are in the ActivityA recreate the activity it will not enter onCreate will resume onNewIntent() and you can see by creating a notification Not:İf you do not implement onNewIntent(Intent) you will not get new intent. Similarly, from activity B, I use the same intent flag to start activity A. However, calling startActivity a forth time will return to the second activity/task, but onNewIntent is not called. At that time onCreate is called. Commented Nov 27, 2012 at 6:12. I couldn't find anything about such a behavior. If the Activity didn't already exist the onCreate will be called. I tried handling it manually using a custom function but this does not seem like the right approach (and it doesn't seem to work either). The OnNewIntent is called with the proper navigation parameters but they are also not handled as the ViewModel has been restored from the saved state. Put app in background. Sep 14, 2012 · You cannot call onNewIntent by self it'll called by the system. FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP flag when calling startActivity(Intent). check this link, very well explained about launchmodes. Mar 28, 2015 · android:launchMode="singleTop" Share. Jul 1, 2023 · Instead, onNewIntent() is called on the existing instance with the new intent. You need to declare it like this: protected override void OnNewIntent(Intent intent) Jan 23, 2025 · If an instance of the activity already exists at the top of the target task, the system routes the intent to that instance through a call to its onNewIntent() method, rather than creating a new instance of the activity. 2. Mar 28, 2012 · I have the Activity running in singleTop mode and C2DM receiver. Somehow, asymmetrical behaviour is observed. Is there any way to use onNewIntent() with AppCompatActivity? Or it works only on Activity? Jul 15, 2021 · SingleTop <activity android:launchMode=”singleTop” /> If instance of activity is present on top of Task stack, a new instance will not be created and system will route your intent information through onNewIntent(). That's all. SEND. S - onCreate is not called 2nd time, instead onNewIntent is called. By using android:launchMode="singleTop" the already existing Activity will not be recreated! Also the lifecycle slightly changes: When you have a already existing Activity opened and try to open a "new instance" from your notification Activity. android. My problem now is that onNewIntent in Activity is never being Neither onCreate() nor onNewIntent() is called. For the very first time, onCreate is called. Is onNewIntent() in the Activity is equivalent to onReceive() in the Broadcast Receiver and can replace it?. But onNewIntent() gets called multiple times thereafter. Apr 3, 2023 · The browser redirects back to the app. Q2. FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP) on every Intent which starts a new Activity; onNewIntent() is not called in already running instance Feb 7, 2022 · on device the text is correctly shown, but when the code reach the OnNewIntent method the intent has not extras so I lost the "action" value. So you Jul 22, 2016 · @Override //won't be called if no singleTop/singleTask attributes are used protected void onNewIntent(Intent intent) { super. B and press the HOME BUTTON on the phone to return to the home Aug 25, 2014 · onNewIntent(Intent intent) This is called for activities that set launchMode to "singleTop" in their package, or if a client used the FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP flag when calling startActivity(Intent). I searched for a few hours and no one seemed to have a proper answer--just some workarounds. Dec 23, 2014 · My understanding is that if an Activity is singleTop and it is on top of the activity stack, then launching an the Activity with a new Intent will actually result in onNewIntent() being called on the Activity, without a new instance of the activity being created (an thus, onCreate() is not called). I'm using launch mode = singleTop. In order to get to the intent data nevertheless whether the app is started new or simply brought to foreground, I set the activity launchMode=singleTop and also implemented onNewIntent. 1. intridea. Dec 19, 2017 · In singleTop mode, you have to handle an incoming Intent in both onCreate() and onNewIntent()to make it works for all the cases. So calling super doesnot make sense in this ca Sep 22, 2015 · Intent not picked up by singleTop Activity. Aug 9, 2019 · onNewIntent is only called if the activity is already open, It won't be called if the Activity is not open. android:launchMode="singleTask" Nov 29, 2015 · My Android application consists of 2 activities: A and B with different task affinities. Note: If the activity is already running in a task and the activity is not on top of the activity stack in that task, the task will be brought to the foreground. So by setting FLAG_ACTIVITY_FORWARD_RESULT, I was actually telling Android to forward my result data one activity farther back on the stack (activity before MainListActivity). However, the service does not start up fast enough to handle the intent of onNewIntent(), so I did not get the filename. It appears part of the issue was actually server-side in creating the push notification. xml; I tried the same with launchMode=singleTask, but it has the same behaviour; used additional intent. Android - onNewIntent is not called - singletop activities. In either case, when the activity is re-launched while at the top of the activity stack instead of a new instance of the activity being started, onNewIntent() will be called Since you are not using SINGLE_TOP flag, the behavior might be inconsistent. action. NB. d("MSG", "SMSService OnCreate Started"); createNotification(); this. Then in my situation onNewIntent() is not called? Nov 17, 2016 · @BugsBunnyBR onNewIntent method intension is to provide the nee intent to the "singleTop" activities. onNewIntent(intent); setIntent(intent); } Oct 10, 2017 · However, onNewIntent() was not being called. SMS_RECEIVED")); super Mar 10, 2010 · My main activity A has as set android:launchMode="singleTask" in the manifest. its ok. Follow Device Specific: onNewIntent() is not being called in Samsung Galaxy S4 - Android KitKat 4. What I expect from reading the docs is that I should get one onCreate(), and all subsequent starts of that activity (from the given task) should result in calls to onNewIntent(). In case the activity 'a1' of Application 'A1' has launch mode "singleTask" or "singleTop" and is already alive (in task t1) but paused, and now another task (say Task t2) (usually another android app) sends an intent to activity a1 of application A1, then instead of creating another instance of activity in task t2, android resumes a1 from task t1, by issuing a Feb 13, 2017 · It is because of the onNewIntent is not being called!!! I put this on where this activity is get called. I see onCreate() is called. Jul 17, 2017 · Upon clicking it onNewIntent of default activity is called. Jun 8, 2016 · However, the activity is started with the default MAIN intent action and not with TAG_DISCOVERED (or similar NFC intent). It is because of calling new activity. APP FOREGROUND SCENARIO: If app is in foreground state then onNewIntent() gets called but without intent extras data. I can't use LaunchMode = LaunchMode. Jul 16, 2015 · Here is the code in my listener, I can verify that it is executing, but when I put breakpoints on the onCreate and onNewIntent methods in my HomeActivity they are never hit. addFlags(Intent. 2. onNewIntent(intent); } With this in place, onNewIntent is called in your module - assuming your module implements ActivityEventListener and you've registered it as a listener in the constructor: reactContext. A sample use case of this mode is a Search function. Use this launch mode See full list on developer. I have looked at other answers on SO but they did not help me solve my problem. Mar 27, 2024 · "singleTop" If an instance of the activity already exists at the top of the current task, the system routes the intent to that instance through a call to its onNewIntent() method, rather than creating a new instance of the activity. And FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP makes onNewIntent get called. You will receive a call to onNewIntent when the activity is being brought to the top. I guess either something is wrong with my intent, or my viewmodel isn't working well, or possibly a combination of both. However, if any activity instance exists in any tasks, the system routes the intent to that activity instance through the onNewIntent() method call. ). onNewIntent(intent); // To assure all setup logic hooked, it is best use onResume() by utilizing getIntent(). When the app is not shown, there is no problem, the intent works perfectly and launches the last activity seen but when there is already an activity launched, onNewIntent is not called (activity is in singleTop mode). Apr 20, 2018 · Showing the permission dialog usually starts another Activity (a system Activity) on top of your Activity. FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK | Intent. Aug 23, 2020 · The problem is when APK is successfully installed or when installer is waiting for user action, OnNewIntent is always properly called and then I do some stuff. If an instance of the activity already exists, the system routes the intent to the existing instance through a call to its onNewIntent() method, rather than creating a new instance. rxdqdxombpsbrexmalsfifiypvktmbjwkgcxffovpeusbifcvfxviacokflnmlvhpp