Android listview set selected item programmatically stack overflow. Bundle import android.

Android listview set selected item programmatically stack overflow Notify the adapter that he has changed. May 22, 2016 · But the problem is that if an item in the ListView is already selected and another item is attempted to select (programmatically) then both the items are deselected as a result. I am setting the background color using the " Feb 6, 2015 · At first remove attribute: <ExpandableListView android:listSelector = "@drawable/selector_categorie_item" /> and also remove background selector from ExpandableListView. I want to set the background color just below the line: row. Jan 10, 2016 · I'm making a game which will use a Listview to display some text as a chat. getCheckedItemPosition(). These flags correspond to the attributes android:focusable, android:focusableInTouchMode, android:clickable, and android:longClickable. Only one item is highlighted at a time. In this section of tutorial, we will learn how to customize an Android ListView. My problem is that I need to highlight the selected listview item. When I click on one item it is highlighting that item, but the problem is if I click on another item it is highlighting that one too. I have set up an ArrayAdapter that is currently using android. setStroke(STROKE_WIDTH_PX, ContextCompat. taxi_array, taxi_address_array, taxi_phone_array) then Mar 18, 2016 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Mar 9, 2013 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand I have a ListView with hundreds of items in it and about 20 are visible at a time. getResources(). setItemChecked(position, true); (position being an integer indicating the rank of the item to select) Now your item is actually selected but you might see absolutely nothing because there's no visual feedback of the selection. ② Use an adapter that uses views which implement Checkable interface, like CheckedTextView (inside simple_list_item_single_choice layout). For example if, in the spinner I have the following items: Category 1; Category 2; Category 3; How would I programmatically make Category 2 the selected item when the screen is created. Oct 14, 2014 · I have the following situation. (If in touch mode, the item will not be selected but it will still be positioned appropriately. Is there any way to programmatically select a list item (so you can choose whether to set it selected, or not), and at the same time use the CHOICE_MODE_SINGLE because this ensures that only 1 item in the list is currently selected ? Apr 18, 2014 · I would like to select an item from a ListView by default (when the view is created). If a user presses the period key i make my here is my code that populates ListView with data stored from firebase. Apr 15, 2011 · Without sounding like a lazy @ss, I'm a novice eclipse user and would not know how to go about such a procedure without time something I do not have a lot of at the moment!I have narrowed the problem down to a strange occurrence - setting the image resource cannot even be done the "simple" way, by that I mean by the conventional icon. Mar 16, 2015 · The problem I am facing is : when the listview is populated, it shows first item as selected and since I have used a selector, it highlights the default selection. setItemChecked (position, true); (position being an integer indicating the rank of the item to select) Oct 2, 2017 · Tool Used: Android Studio. If in choiceMode="singleChoice", use AbsListView. my doubt is while clicking on this button i want to get selected list items TextView text, may i know how to Feb 20, 2011 · Other solution (mostly in XML) 1) set the choiceMode of the ListView to singleChoice <ListView android:choiceMode="singleChoice" /> 2) Items of the list must be a Checkable View and use a Color State List as Background Mar 30, 2012 · I have a SelectedQuote property on the AllStockQuoteViewModel bound to the listview on the AllStockQuoteView and I can select one of the items and my SelectedQuote property is set fine. listView. If yes,Is there any workaround to achieve this. point where i want to set focus on listview item, at that point i have the position of that item. Click on File, then New => New Project. Some of these texts represents events, so I want to change their background color according to that specific event: EX. But it should work the same as you have it now. ① Set the view's attribute choiceMode via xml or programmatically. CHOICE_MODE_SINGLE); Then select programmatically your item with : Mylistview. Once the user selects an option it gets highlighted and it is saved on Apr 1, 2018 · I'm trying to set the row height of a listView item programmatically in the Processing language (a java wrapper for art work) In the code below I tried to do that with the commented lines. widget_row_root). May 19, 2014 · My Problem is, I am not able to start CAB programmatically on a FragmentListView after orientation change. text1, myList); if you're using custom ArrayAdapter then refer to this thread, it's clearly explained there. NOW, i do know that if the device is in touch mode the highlighting of a selected item won't occur. The TextView uses its CompoundDrawable to show an icon. tiger), very strange, very Jun 17, 2012 · I can't find out how I can set the selected item programmatically from the list. pink)) shape. When the user selects the any item in the listview, I want to increase the font size of the text in the textview. I am also able to properly get the clicks on this item. setBackgroundColor(context. So is there any way to deselect previous item (if it is selected) and select new item in ListView programmatically? Feb 24, 2015 · I have a ListView of items that need to be checkable/uncheckable. 2) If you select an item, scroll down and then scroll back up, what you see is the selected item has no background color now! :( Please help. R. I was created layout but i didn't create an activity. I have a ListView with 10 items in it, when i set the 4th item in the ListView as selected then my ListView gets scrolled and 4th item in the ListView gets placed at the top of the screen. color. getColor(R. May 28, 2012 · In my list view inflator i have an image and a textview. FocusedItem = lvw. Note that it only needs to set single item, not multiple. Change color of selected and pressed listView items. A ListView uses a BaseAdapter instance to manage its items. Mar 22, 2012 · this will actually create a new view just so performItemClick will work, yes it will work, but this will not be the same view as intended, getView in adapter is misleading, it actually creates a view, and listView is using it in order to populate the views and recycle them Feb 18, 2019 · Let's say we have ListView of basic text items: package cz. In your click handler in main method, safe the selected ItemPosition. Jul 11, 2019 · I want to set different background colors for each item (not random). 1] set choicemode as "SingleChoice"to listView and use a custom "Checkable" View find here . text1, arrayList); int selectedPosition; userTypeListView. widget May 6, 2017 · The problem with the extra height is likely the result of the layout_marginTop and layout_marginBottom set on the LinearLayout. Everything works fine but I want to start CAB again with selected rows. 3. If you have stable ID, you could also use the getCheckedItemIds() method to get the selected IDs. addState(new int[] {android. I can't seem to find any way to set a selected item from the code, nor to retrieve an index of currently selected item; it always returns -1. I have a database with the table Companies wich has one-to-many relotionship with another table Divisions ( so each company can have many divisions ) and division will have many employees. Count > 0 Then lvw. dpToPx private val CORNER_RADIUS_PX = 5. toFloat() val shape = GradientDrawable() shape. Like any other view, ListView in Android can customized by color, background, selection color, etc. The problem was the "android. Can anyone please help me with this. When the item is physically clicked in the emulator it will highlight (I am using CHOICE_MODE_SINGLE), but it does not highlight upon calling performItemClick(). The problem I want to highlight item on a ListView programmatically (in a source code - without touching item on the screen). 2. setItemChecked(1, true);//position 1 lv. Later on though it will be just a set of selected contacts stored by the app (need a suggestion for this storage and retri Jul 12, 2016 · I can't highlight all the selected items. MarginLayoutParams marginLayoutParams = (ViewGroup. Jan 28, 2025 · How to add a ListView in an Android App. The user doesn't want the animation of smooth scrolling. 2] Override getView() and change the background based on some member variable. requestFocusFromTouch(); listView. android:state_checked="true" and android:state_selected="true" seem to do nothing. test import android. This isn't really required, there is a way to link to the functioning of the ListView in a platform agnostic way. The previous selection should go away when I click on another item. I wrote this for coloring the row: View v; v. final result is : Nov 3, 2017 · I am using a checked ListView in a dialog. Sep 17, 2014 · The previous answers either suggest custom renderers or require you to keep track of the selected item either in your data objects or otherwise. I also want to click on item of the To get the selected items of a ListView, use the getCheckedItemPosition() for a single selection method or listView. Changing ListView Selection Color. Step 1: Create a new project. row 0 = red, row1= white, row3= blue etc). ListView default selection color can be changed using selectors. 4. i want to highlight selected row with different color in listview. in this case: seq[which] will be the selected item. Here i using CustomAdapter for populating rows in listview. label. Any thoughts? My question is similar to: Android: disable ListView selection Jan 4, 2011 · Like so many other things, multi-select ListViews are a real problem in Android. How can I select these items in the list view all_list programmatically by checking the ArrayList<String> List contents? for e. setMultiChoiceItems(arr, null, new DialogInterface. But I can't find a way to highlight it via code. May 22, 2014 · I'm a building an expandable listview. attr. getSelectedItems(); we are forced to use this stupendously ridiculous API: May 10, 2013 · im newbie to android development. Feb 20, 2017 · I have to get the background color of the selected row in my listview programmatically. Oct 5, 2012 · In my application I want to do something similar to gmail app on tablets, in the left to have the list of items and in the right to have a fragment with the content of that item, like for gmail app Oct 10, 2013 · i know there are other questions about this, but i cant do it well. Focus() lvw. Sep 18, 2009 · Listview of items from a object selected in another listview. findViewById<LinearLayout>(R. layout. Jan 11, 2016 · I need your help. I have this code: StateListDrawable sld = new StateListDrawable(); sld. getView(17, null, null), 17, 17);) the item is not highlighted event if I add this 2 call : Nov 19, 2014 · Selecting Items Programmatically. I've tried everything but nothing seems to work. To ensure that a ListView stays selected, you should. However, the Checkbox in the UI does not toggle when the item is selected Dec 22, 2019 · I found my problem. setSelection(position); Aug 19, 2017 · I want to select an item by position in adapter programmatically in my project i have an activity that get categories , now i want to select an item form this adapter automatic. Put your ListView in a RelativeLayout (rootLayout) in the RelativeLayout(rootLayout) first item should be your ListView and the second can be another RelativeLayout(coverLyt) with height and width set as match_parent and clickable set to true. xml and listItem. Programmatically select item ListView in Android May 19, 2011 · To highlight the selected item, you should request focus for the listView and run setSelection() in the UI thread. I have a problem with making negative margin for view of item which belongs to listview. In other words, I am not trying to set the colors of a single item in the listview. FocusedItem Is Nothing Then If lvw. I have a default color. The checkbox is in the Listview and i am using android. I want to highlight the selected item only. But it gives the error; Any idea? Type mismatch: cannot convert from ViewGroup. LayoutParams Jun 24, 2010 · EDIT after Stan comment. For the Toast not showing, I would suggest to always use the "MyActivity. g. Any help would be nice, thank you. I do not know which items you want to change in listview, so I set the position in 1,3,5. Jan 29, 2013 · Chris, note you don't actually need to track the index of the selected item(s). Thanks. i want to be able to highlight an item or few items in itemlist programmatically based on my previously selected items (that Oct 12, 2012 · I have added a drawable selector for the listview which highlights the selected element. setImageResource(R. Manually setting which items are ‘selected’ is done with the SetItemChecked method (it can be called multiple times for multiple selection) Customizing A List View's Appearance. Oct 6, 2012 · I want to select a row of a ListView. getCheckedItemPositions() to get the set of checked items. I tried the answer from this Question, but it does not work for me. ListView consist of TextView. Upon this tab being selected, I'd like to select a certain item. I wish to know ,what needs to be added in code, so that none of the items is selected by default. Any help would be appriciated. Apr 9, 2019 · Xamarin Android ListView select item and change row color. The two ways that are on top of my head are : Disable touch on the list. getCheckedItemPositions() for multiple selections. HideSelection = False lvw. xml. Feb 14, 2018 · Am working on a Android SDK 17+ app. OnItemClickListener() { @Override public void Apr 11, 2012 · i'm trying to add a contextual action mode to a listview, but i'm having some problems with the selection, if i make aList1. The final effect should look like this . Each item is a simple layout which only includes a TextView. They also ensure the appropriate item is on the screen. I would like to change the selected item in my listview by using the up and down arrow. You could change code in the GetView method of listview adapter. Dec 1, 2012 · I have to set focus on listview item. If I set this programmatically in my SelectQuote method, it doesn't appear as if the item is selected in the view, although the item is passed back to the Oct 6, 2012 · Remember that you can't re-select the same spinner item, it always sets the first item as selected if you are not adding some custom code to handle the spinner selection. Using ListView with few other View elements can help You to achieve a great number of task done. xml with is set in the row. How do I programmatically set the displayed position in a Listview without using smoothScrollToPosition()? I searched Stack Overflow and in Android ListView setSelection() does not seem to work they Aug 17, 2010 · I have a ListView with an edit text and a button below it. On an Api version Jul 27, 2012 · Update! To clarify the question. There are a couple of different ways that you can solve this, depending on the design of your application. This can then be used to change the selected item in any way required. If i Nov 22, 2012 · Below snippet will help you. simple_list_item_multiple_choice. I would like to programmatically remove the selection from the ListView (such that no item is selected). dpToPx. Android List View is one of the most used UI design. Bundle import android. black Jun 19, 2015 · If lvw. Apr 20, 2015 · Then you will have to store the position of selected items. setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() { @Override public void onItemClick(AdapterView <? > adapterView, View rowView Feb 21, 2016 · Here is how I set a pre-selected item on a Simple Adapter. ArrayAdapter<String> adapter = new ArrayAdapter<>(this, android. Sep 27, 2012 · Thanks for the help! But have two problems with this solution: 1) You can select only one item at a time, if you try to select another item the first one automatically looses it's background color. you should either update the data and call notifyDataSetChanged, or update the data and use something like: Dec 9, 2011 · Try with a custom adapter this also helps you to have full control over your items and set a default item selected; listView XML and item XML have no special setup. //set list adapter, then lv. My items look like this: I would like to lift second item and third and so on. I am using a custom adapte position is just the spot where your item is located. notifyDataSetChanged(); } }; Aug 22, 2012 · As expected, this sets the desired item to the top of designations. However, I am trying to set this resource programmatically in the following way: holder. So the last 4 lines of my searchbox's onTextChanged event are: Jul 8, 2014 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers manually clear all item and set selected in onItemClick() Highlighting only the selected item in the listview in Dec 6, 2019 · I have got a ListView with a custom UserAdapter, which holds a SparseBooleanArray with the currently activated (selected) Ids. It does not appear the API has an easy way to do it. Here's what I've tried so far: @Override public V Nov 4, 2012 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private You have to set the android: how to get selected item from ListView on Java, Android. To do this programmatically, I use the following code (where calls is the ListView) Jan 23, 2013 · I have a ListView which has 3 different types of items, and I want each of these categories to have a different selector. public static int selectedItem = -1; // no item selected by default and method highligh Oct 31, 2014 · you have to set a Boolean flag in your data structure object , whenever some item is selected make it true and implement the style to your listview item, to add style you can make changes or set style using Boolean variable. Now let’s understand how to use a ListView in an Android application with an example. setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView. Is it possible to do like this. Jun 16, 2014 · So you need to getChildAt(position) related with your ListView. . ) (android docs) Jul 19, 2013 · I use a ListView in my layout like this: <ListView android:id="@+id/list" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_gravity=&quot;center& May 10, 2013 · In fact I don't want it to be selected at all, and keep the previously selected list item selected. In the example, let’s create an Android application that will display a list of tutorials available in the GeeksforGeeks portal. May 23, 2017 · It would act in the opposite manner of ListView#setSelection(int position). Then select programmatically your item with :Mylistview. Nov 12, 2023 · Styling Android ListView. Aug 6, 2015 · I want to create a dialog similar to the one found in Gmail client Settings->General Settings->Auto-Advance (can't attach a picture, but it is a simple radio button selector with 3 items). You can remove the code in GetView that sets Checked. Here is my implementation. so we can directly access the the array and get the selected item without any hassle. Whenever you update the selected items list call notifyDataSetChanged() – My Question - I want the text of a TextView I have in a custom ListView to marquee scroll ONLY when the item is selected in the ListView. I'm in the onCreate method I populate my ListView I make setSelection passing the position I set setSelected( Dec 21, 2013 · When the user presses a listview item it gets highlighted, and returns back to its original color when they let go. The above code does highlight the specified item in the ListView, however it behaves as if the user was holding their finger down on the ListView item (I can tell because whenever an item is selected there's a subtle background added to the item when clicked which persists throughout when selected programmatically) and as soon as I touch the May 19, 2017 · The answer of @Rohit Suthar in Kotlin, with dp converted to pixel, and color resources: private val STROKE_WIDTH_PX = 2. And I want to do it grammatically. Additionally these 2 lines of code before your performItemClick create the illusion of having the list item selected. state_pressed May 10, 2016 · You could add a listener to the selected property and change the background on a change, however it would be much easier to do this using a CSS stylesheet containing the following rule (assuming you've assigned the list-view-id id to the ListView): I wrote the code for highlighting the selected item in the ListView. getAdapter(). v7. this" as your context when creating a Toast inside a listener interface like this: Mar 6, 2012 · You can fix it like this. Nov 4, 2013 · I have set OnGroupExpandListener and override onGroupExpand() as: and use setSelectionFromTop() method which Sets the selected item and positions the selection y pixels from the top edge of the ListView. Dec 22, 2014 · Finally, i managed to make it work. Nov 19, 2015 · ArrayAdapter<String> adapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(this, android. id. Here is my CustomAdapter private class position of the selected element is already given in the onClick method. nanuq. Note that SetItemChecked is on the ListView. I have a simple quiz app, with previous and next buttons. I want the list to scroll to the selected i Apr 26, 2017 · I also have a TextView in a ListView item layout. How to select an item in a ListView programmatically?. I have tied keydown to a textbox. It's an android built in xml so you can't deal with colors you want. shape = GradientDrawable. Unfortunately most of them don’t work. In the getView() method of your adapter you will have to check whether the current position in getView() is present in the list of selected items if so set a different bkgrnd color. Jan 10, 2011 · refering to this question: how does scrolling in android listview work? on change from state 2 to 3 the clicked listitem is increased in its size to show more information. How to programmatically select item in Android Stack Overflow? Then set the choice mode of your listview to single with : Mylistview. I would like to programmatically query what colors these are. Instead of simply requesting the selected items as a List of Objects (dear Google, this is what we expect): List selected_items = my_list_view. One of those fragments contains a ListView. I don't want to scroll the ListView when i call setSelected() for the list item which is not in the view. Select() End If End If btw the form where the listview is has not called the ShowDialog method yet. setSelection(position) it doesn't select anything, and if i make List1. widget_row_title, items[position]. setTextColor(R. Focused = True lvw. setMargins(leftMargin, topMargin, righttMargin, bottomMargin); Mar 1, 2014 · From Android doc: When you call this method to set the value of textIsSelectable, it sets the flags focusable, focusableInTouchMode, clickable, and longClickable to the same value. private void ButtonClick() { /** get all values of the EditText-Fields find your ListView local variable you had created for example : private ListView listview; You also need to catch null value of EditText first. I was struggling with this problem for some time and decided to publish my solution, which is actually quite easy. The method toggleSelection(position) creates or deletes an entry from Jan 3, 2019 · I wrote a demo in GetView method, set the item background color, you could refer to it. Could anyone tell me pls whats the wrong with the following code: public class ListApp extends Activity { @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) Oct 12, 2015 · There is no need of taking one more boolean array to maintain the checked staus. Set transperency to all Images excluding the selected one in GetView method. Mar 3, 2016 · I have an ArrayList<String> List which contains some items from the listview all_list. redeemlist_item_color); Jun 7, 2013 · How do I change the text color for the items that are added to a ListView. This is GIF of demo. Items(0) lvw. I tried with setTop method. setBackgroundColor = in my Android app I have created a ListView component called myList, and filled it with objects of my own custom type: class MyClass{ private String displayName; private String theValue; Nov 13, 2018 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers Possible duplicate of Setting textSize programmatically Change the selected item font size in listview android. i have 3 TextViews and a button in a ListView Control. 0. Apr 14, 2012 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share Android set color to a listview item. as seen on Stack Overflow - Search for 'Stack Overflow' Ok the title maybe a little confusing. Once the user makes a selection on a child item it redirects to a webview. setColor(ContextCompat. You can achieve the same thing by taking one more variable in your ContactModel as public boolean checked; Nov 4, 2012 · I am trying to programmatically set a custom background color in my ListView Adapter but I want to keep the default Listview Selector style from Android. In your Adapter Class, add a variable containing the selected Item Position. If next item is clicked the previous highlighted item goes back to normal. simple_list_item_multiple_choice as the row, and everything displays just fine. Nov 30, 2017 · If you're set on using arrays, one thing you could do is make a separate array for each item you need (e. Selected = True lvw. When i click any row then change the background of selected row. It is working. Thanks! Jan 11, 2015 · When the myListView item is selected manually it is highlighted but when the selection is made programmatically (via myListView. simple_list_item_activated_1". if the clicked item was the last one on screen, the extended listitem is not fully visible because the new content flows out at the bottom of the screen. MyAdapter. simple_list_item_activated_2, android. setSelection(1);//position 1 Update XML layout with single choice. LayoutParams to AbsListView. I am able to get all the checked items ans store it like this: builder. Mar 16, 2016 · I want to change background color and font color when i select on particular row of listview MyAdapter class : public class ListViewAdapter extends BaseAdapter { Context ctx; ArrayList&lt; Then select programmatically your item with :Mylistview. A layout like the following may meet your need: May 20, 2011 · Hi I am new in Android. In the adapter by default selectedItem is -1. I've accomplished that so far using a different item layout for each catego Jul 14, 2011 · How do I change the text color of my listview items in code? Note that all listview items should have the new color; what is important is that the three individual textviews inside the items should be colored individually. I have tried setSelectio(pos), where pos is the position of listview item, but this results in setting the position of item at position on the top of the screen. MarginLayoutParams) mListView . simple_list_item_single_choice, android. cs Aug 11, 2015 · Two ways you can show the selection. I need to change the colors programmatically in code based on certain conditions and changing different rows to different text colors(e. you could change it by yourself. setTextViewText(R. Here is the code snippet of how I am adding listview dynamically. But dont know how to start it. I have different colors for different states Sep 3, 2016 · You can achieve this quite easily. If not let me know. This worked for me: runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { myList. Mar 6, 2014 · There are many approaches concerning selecting items on Android’s ListView. app. xml, but the only thing that changes is the default background color, and the color of the selector when the item is pressed (or held). I forget open an activity class for my target layout. getLayoutParams(); marginLayoutParams. When I set android:textColor on this TextView to the above selector in XML, then the color changes correctly when the item is selected. Items(0). ListView is a custom Listview. When I click on a listView item the keyboard appears and push up the edit text and the button. Oct 2, 2012 · I have an Activity that hosts multiple fragments using the actionbar's tab functionality. RECTANGLE shape. If in choiceMode="multipleChoice", use AbsListView. performItemClick(myListView. drawable. When the list item loses focus, I want the marquee to stop Jan 3, 2019 · I have a ListView with a TextView in each row. And then, I should my data's i have to send other activity (my layout adapter) from listview onclick activity. os. When the user returns to the listview page, I want to retain the selection. getColor(context, R. support. However, given that either way the LinearLayout is the root element, and given that you are still creating the ListView programmatically, it really should make no difference IMHO. I've tried StartActionMode but it doesn't work. title) // I want to do something similar like: // row. OnMultiChoiceClickListe I've tried adding the selector and the background to both listView. Here Jun 12, 2012 · I was able to get this to work, but I had to create the LinearLayout in XML, which I realize is different than how you have it. setSelection(position); } }); Jun 7, 2013 · You can keep track the position of the current selected element: OnItemClickListener listViewOnItemClick = new OnItemClickListener() { @Override public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> adapter, View arg1, int position, long id) { mSelectedItem = position; mAdapter. Dec 21, 2012 · I want to know the way to programmatically set a checkbox to state where it is already selected when I populate the ListView. Jan 17, 2014 · You can cast the list view params to and do your job if you want to set margin in complete view but individual item margin can be set as suggested by others ViewGroup. , listview all_list contains [0] apple [1] orange [2] banana Apr 5, 2014 · I know this is an old question, but in my case I was trying to programmatically focus a menu option in a listView to highlight the item and none of these worked for me. Apr 26, 2011 · Most likely, the item is being selected, you just can't tell because a different control has the focus. requestFocus(); myList. Jun 9, 2013 · it doesn't work because the children of a listview are being re-used each time you scroll. Items. I have a ListView, each item of the ListView is comprised of different widgets (TextViews, ImageViews, etc) inflated form a Layout in the getView() method of the Apr 14, 2014 · I am changing listviewAdapter row selected item dynamically. AppCompatActivity import android. Jun 24, 2012 · I am trying to display the contacts stored on the emulator in a listview. Aug 11, 2015 · I am trying to highlight selected row Programmatically of a listview. setChoiceMode (ListView. bsbpniac ndsfl ahnj qrp paq lscqq tqojz hqmh hegen otnfpn jeaf hfdt sgw hcsjfhfd frwey