Kind config yaml The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: 👍 17 hongbo-miao, amrzteb, prabodh1194, Rock2003, Andrioden, patelronak, snowsky, rick68, mhmdka, evendark, and 7 more reacted with thumbs up emoji Jan 21, 2025 · Example: A simple example of a ConfigMap might look like this: apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: app-config data: APP_ENV: "production" APP_DEBUG: "false". Standard operations on a Value by users of this crate do not require knowledge of ValueKind. yaml 如果长时间卡在 Ensuring node image (kindest/node:v1. yaml,通过运行命令 kind create cluster --config=config. 2 Cluster-Wide 选项. Create a Kind configuration file. Sep 30, 2019 · Tweak Calico’s configuration; Kind Configuration. 2. Get information about your cluster to confirm it was created successfully: kubectl cluster-info --context kind-kind Jul 8, 2020 · kind create cluster --config kind. . 19+) Prepare kind config. Nov 21, 2018 · You signed in with another tab or window. KinD: Argo CD, Grafana, Prometheus, Loki, Tempo, Phlare and VictoriaMetrics. - mevijays/training-k8s Sep 4, 2019 · 通过上面的介绍,相信大家已经感受到了Kind在K8S本地部署中的强大魅力。它凭借着轻量级、易上手、配置灵活等诸多优势,让开发者们能够在本地轻松玩转K8S,快速迭代应用,大大提升了开发效率。 A comprehensive toolkit for setting up a Kind (Kubernetes in Docker) cluster with NVIDIA GPU support, including automated installation, GPU operator deployment, and DCGM-based monitoring capabiliti Jan 24, 2024 · 文章浏览阅读5. txt files explicitly defines which other entries are needed in that particular assets config. 多节点集群demo. Creating a Kubernetes cluster is as simple as kind create cluster. kind-example-config. What Is Kind Used For? Kind is used to create Kubernetes Clusters on your local machines. On Windows, configure Podman in rootful mode. kubectl installed (Version: v1. 0+ # It may enable some older images to work similarly. This file follows Kubernetes conventions for versioning etc. io/v1alpha4 nodes: - role: control-plane - role: worker - role: worker # 根据config配置创建名称为test的集群 kind create cluster --config config. 8. 虽然使用 加载kind镜像 可以用于部署自己的定制镜像,但是使用上有一些不直观。 通常我们都是习惯将制作好的镜像推送到Registry中,然后在 Kubernetes 的YAML中直接使用Registry地址。 # make sure docker is running startDocker. io/v1alpha4 nodes: - role: control-plane - role: worker - role: worker - role: worker Using the configuration above, run the following command will give you a k8s v1. yaml, and paste the following: Sep 7, 2022 · In the previous post, we had a quick introduction of kind tool to run a Kubernetes cluster locally in a quick and easy manner. Alternatively, see Helpful Tips for WSL2. 11)装好 kubectl国内需要配置镜像(骑墙应该是基本操作了吧)kind 可以说作为 Mar 31, 2019 · Kind 是我很喜欢也一直在参与的项目,我计划将 Kind 相关的文章写成一个系列。 (flag++) 这是第一篇。 Kind 介绍. yaml # 以下是config. kind create cluster --config kind. Feb 20, 2025 · type Config struct { EnableLogDump bool LogDir string // Platforms like Mac or Windows can not access the containers directly // so we do a double hop, enable container portmapping for the LoadBalancer containter // and do userspace proxying from the original port to the portmaps. You signed in with another tab or window. Remote Image Applications: Custom kind config and node image to work with cri-o. 1) 🖼 Preparing nodes 📦 📦 📦 Writing configuration 📜 Installing CNI 🔌 Installing StorageClass 💾 Joining worker nodes 🚜 Set kubectl context to "kind-kind" You can now use your cluster with: kubectl Jul 2, 2019 · Kind 介绍Kind 介绍Kind是Kubernetes In Docker的缩写,顾名思义是使用Docker容器作为Node并将Kubernetes部署至其中的一个工具。官方文档中也把Kind作为一种本地集群搭建的工具进行推荐。 Sep 25, 2020 · 例如可以使用--config指定配置文件来创建集群: kind create cluster --config kind-example-config. If you are running kind in an environment that requires a proxy, you may need to configure kind to use it. Jul 15, 2019 · I setup the cluster in wsl2, but can't interact with it. kind download and install instructions; Kind configuration file. Base image: dependencies, but no k8s. Mar 8, 2023 · kubeflow 本地部署选项: 方式 特点 kind kind 是一个使用 Docker 容器节点运行本地 Kubernetes 集群的工具1。您可以使用 kind 在本地部署 Kubeflow,但需要注意以下几点:kind 主要是为了测试 Kubernetes 本身而设计的,可能不适合生产环境1。kind 需要安装 Docker 和 kubectl1。kind 需要使用 kfctl 作为 CLI 来配置和管理 Sep 15, 2024 · kind: Cluster apiVersion: kind. kind create cluster Jul 11, 2023 · # A sample multi-node cluster config file # A three node (two workers, one controller) cluster config # To add more worker nodes, add another role: worker to the list kind: Cluster apiVersion: kind. e 1 master node and 2 worker nodes ) Jun 25, 2024 · Create a configuration file config. However, we can provide a name to the cluster using the –name parameter: $ kind create cluster --name baeldung-kind Creating cluster "baeldung-kind" 5 days ago · Install and configure KiND. 6) 🖼 Preparing nodes 📦 Writing configuration 📜 Starting control-plane 🕹️ Installing CNI 🔌 Installing StorageClass 💾 Set kubectl context to "kind-dev" You can now use your cluster with: kubectl cluster-info --context kind-dev Have a nice day! 👋 Nov 12, 2022 · 离线启动时如果默认创建失败,那么可以尝试通过 --image 参数指定镜像。. 关于网络的配置选项。 IP Family. Mar 7, 2024 · 2. You switched accounts on another tab or window. html kubectl create -f webdeploy1. Kind uses kubeadm to provision the cluster and the configuration file has the ability to pass kubeadmConfigPatches for further customization. yaml Multi-node cluster You should now find that the cluster has 3 nodes ( i. 17. 1. create deployment kubectl create deployment nginx --image=nginx --port=80. io/v1alpha4 kind: Cluster name: prometheus-cluster kubeadmConfigPatches: Apr 27, 2023 · # 创建一个config. Dec 14, 2022 · $ kind create cluster --config kind-example-config. In our use case, we are developing custom solutions in the industry and we want to set up a Kubernetes cluster separately for each customer an project during development. Reload to refresh your session. You can specify the number of nodes, the role of each node, and other options. The simplest way to get a Kubernetes cluster running in CI is to use minikube and start with --vm-driver none, this uses kubeadm to bootstrap a set of local processes to start Kubernetes. To configure kind cluster creation, you will need to create a YAML config file. In particular, many users may be interested in multi-node clusters. Check the nodes: kubectl get nodes. kind create cluster--name dev--config kind-config. yaml来创建集群,该集群含3个work节点: --config path 指定配置文件. Kubernetes Service with Session Affinity 🔗︎ Dec 24, 2020 · kind create cluster — name medium-params-cluster — config . Kind 是 Kubernetes In Docker 的缩写,顾名思义是使用 Docker 容器作为 Node 并将 Kubernetes 部署至其中的一个工具。 Repository providing samples and testing for running sigs. Configure and create the KiND cluster. yaml doit être accessible en chemin relatif. We also want to use environment variables in the configuration. yaml --name bboysoul Creating cluster "bboysoul" Ensuring node image (kindest/node:v1. You can verify the nodes with Jun 11, 2024 · # Création du cluster kind utilisant le fichier de configuration précédent kind create cluster--name lab--config kind-config. I have a need to specify the DNS server that is configured in the host, but I could see the need for other features in addition to the volume mounts and port-mapping options that are currently provided. 18. KIND (Kubernetes IN Docker) simplifies this process by allowing you to create… For collect kind setting. yaml kubectl create -f webdeploy2. Refer to the KiND documentation to install. This file will instruct kind to create a cluster with one control plane node and one worker node, and to map ports 80 and 443 on your local machine to ports 80 and 443 on the worker node container. For example, the following You signed in with another tab or window. 🔗︎. yaml Creating cluster "kind" Ensuring node image (kindest/node:v1. Create a kind configuration file locally. html kubectl create configmap server2 --from-file=index2. yaml ซึ่งจะมีเนื้อหาแบบนี้ Apr 18, 2022 · A minimum highly-available Kubernetes cluster is composed of 3 nodes. yaml with the following content: kind: Cluster apiVersion: kind. yaml 来创建群集。 6. k8s. Build the image Repository providing samples and testing for running sigs. เราสามารถกำหนดจำนวนของ node ใน cluster ได้ด้วยการเขียน configuration file ในตัวอย่างนี้ผมจะตั้งชื่อไฟล์ว่า kind-config. yaml 复制. Save this content to a file called kind-config. kind uses either Docker or Podman as the Provider. Docker installed (Version: v19. io/kind on various CI services - kind-ci/examples As a general rule of thumb kind prefers to implement configuration using Kubernetes style configuration files. yaml --retain--wait = 1m 其中的--retainflag表示在kind命令执行结束后保留节点容器,否则集群会自动删除。保留的目的是方便在启动集群 Sep 24, 2013 · KIND data types The main article for this topic is: KIND TrainzBaseSpec, which details required tags, containers and place in the Trainz Data Heirarchy. KinD allows you to customize cluster configurations. io/v1beta1 kind: KubeletConfiguration evictionHard: nodefs Feb 7, 2024 · Apply this configuration: kind create cluster — name multi-node — config=multi-node. 9. Se você está interessado em desenvolvimento e teste de aplicações baseadas em Kubernetes, o kind pode ser a solução ideal para simular ambientes de produção em seu próprio computador. To enable audit logging, use kind’s configuration file to pass additional setup instructions. yml] kind create cluster -n kind2 # Récupérer la liste des clusters kind get clusters # Sélectionner le cluster que vous désirez, en sélectionnant le bon contexte k config get-contexts k config use-context kind-kind1 # Afficher les informations disponibles pour le contexte courant k cluster-info Jun 16, 2021 · A présent, nous pouvons démarrer le cluster local Kubernetes grâce à Kind (nom du cluster kind, configuration cluster-config. Consequently, pay special attention to the ports that you will use in your kind configuration. Create a kind-config. 12+) kind installed (Version: v0. To do so, create a kind-calico. io/v1 name: baeldung-kind 复制. A minimal valid config is: apiVersion: kind. yaml 配置多节点. Here, app-config is the kind uses kubeadm to configure cluster nodes. yaml This configuration creates a three-node cluster: one control-plane node and two worker nodes. yaml Cela va créer un cluster avec deux nœuds. yaml file that contains the following: Feb 5, 2024 · Ensuring node image (kindest/node:v1. io/v1alpha4. Is Kind Better Than Minikube? The answer to this depends which use case you want these tools for. config. In our case, we need to disable kindnet and set the pod subnet to Calico’s default subnet. 另外,我们也可以在创建集群时提供特定版本的Kubernetes镜像: $ kind create cluster --image kindest/node:v1. What Kind offers better than its alternatives like Minikube or Docker Desktop is the ability to create multiple clusters. Mar 15, 2021 · To configure kind cluster creation, you will need to create a YAML config file. In this section, let’s see how to create a multi-node, highly-available cluster locally using kind. get clusters 列出已经创建的kind集群列表: get kubeconfig: 打印某个集群的 You signed in with another tab or window. This will bootstrap a Kubernetes cluster using a pre-built node image. tf. Neste post, vamos explorar como realizar o deploy do kind, uma ferramenta útil para criar clusters Kubernetes locais. Contribute to todd-dsm/kind-config development by creating an account on GitHub. The KIND data type defined in an assets config. Dec 6, 2023 · Kind Configuration. Using a configuration file. You signed out in another tab or window. 以下全局选项可用,并非所有的选项列入文档,可以关注官网文档的更新。 Networking. Sep 24, 2019 · Kind 内部使用了 Kubeadm 这个工具来做集群的部署,包括高可用集群也是借助 Kubeadm 提供的特性来完成的。在高用集群下还会额外部署了一个 Nginx 来提供负载均衡 VIP。 安装 Kind 安装 Kind 依赖组件. mkdir kind-k8s-local && cd kind-k8s-local. Introspection of underlying kind is only required when the configuration values are unstructured or do not have known types. Let’s deploy a simple Nginx server in our new cluster and expose it with a This config merely specifies that we are configuring a KIND cluster (kind: Cluster) and that the version of KIND's config we are using is v1alpha4 (apiVersion: Sep 6, 2024 · # 注意内存占用,主节点占用约500MB,Worker节点占用约200MB,总共占用约1GB。确保你的宿主机内存充足 kind create cluster --config = kind-config. /kind_config. create service kubectl create service nodeport nginx --tcp=80:80 --node-port=30000. Contribute to Careroms/kind-config development by creating an account on GitHub. yaml Multi-node clusters 🔗︎. Tested on CentOS 8 w/ podman 1. 比如无法在宿主机直接访问 kind cluster 中的服务 Mar 16, 2021 · To specify a configuration file when creating a cluster, use the --config flag: kind create cluster --config kind-example-config. io/v1alpha4 nodes: # the control plane node config - role: control-plane - role: control-plane - role: control-plane # the three workers - role: worker - role: worker - role: worker Apr 28, 2021 · 将配置文件保存为 config. yaml # the first time may take a bit to download the 1 GB-ish docker image docker images kindest/node # notice you have a new container running: docker ps -a -f Mar 29, 2022 · Hello, @BenTheElder have you got an example for a shell script with invoke?. kind Cluster Config. Kind supports an optional configuration file for configuring specific behaviors of the Docker container which runs the Kubelet process. io/v1alpha4 nodes: - role: control-plane - role: worker - role: worker Enter fullscreen mode Kubernetes Training contents and Lab preparation with all relevant examples and manifests. 3) 🖼 Preparing nodes 📦 Creating kubeadm config 📜 Starting control-plane 🕹️ Installing CNI 🔌 Installing StorageClass 💾 Cluster creation complete. - adavarski/kind-argocd-playground Underlying kind of the configuration value. 1+). 25. yaml Step 2: Verify Cluster Information. Kind is an excellent tool specifically designed for quickly establishing a cluster for testing purposes. This is a great way to test your Kubernetes applications locally before deploying to production. 0) 🖼 Preparing nodes 📦 📦 📦 📦 📦 📦 Configuring the external load balancer ⚖️ Writing configuration 📜 Starting control-plane 🕹️ Installing CNI 🔌 Installing StorageClass 💾 Joining more control-plane nodes 🎮 Joining Podman Desktop can help you run Kind-powered local Kubernetes clusters on a container engine, such as Podman. yaml apiVersion: kind. 23. yaml Étape 3 : Accéder au cluster Pour accéder au cluster, vous devrez utiliser l'outil de ligne de commande kubectl . If you configure your host with credentials to pull the desired image(s) and then load them to Jan 26, 2024 · kind create cluster -n kind1 [--config conf. 然后,让我们使用配置文件创建集群: $ kind create cluster --config baeldungConfig. Additionally we should minimize the number of flags used and avoid structured values in flags as these cannot be versioned. Next steps Set your Kubernetes context to your local Kind-powered Kubernetes cluster. By default, a cluster named kind will be created. 15. The following guide walks through standing up a Kind k8s cluster with Traefik configured for ingress on ports other than the standard 80 and 443. Procedure Install the kind CLI. 获取集群 bootstrap a local Kubernetes cluster with kind. yaml file. Create a file named kind-cluster-config. txt file to the various Trainz game engine software modules. 13. yaml Creating cluster "mycluster" Ensuring node image (kindest/node:v1. Kind 通过容器保存了相关的二进制文件信息,其使用的镜像可以查看 Github Images 中的内容,简单来说,就是基于 Ubuntu 进行的适配,内部运行的是 containerd 的相关进程。 Dec 10, 2022 · 由于 kind 是通过 docker 容器模拟 node 来部署集群的,因此和普通集群有一些差异。主要包括以下几个方面: 文件系统. IPv6 (and soon dual-stack!) clusters: kind: Cluster apiVersion: kind. yaml And then we need to recreate our application. If you are using Docker Desktop, verify that you have the recommended settings. 4) Preparing nodes Creating kubeadm config Starting control-plane ️ Cluster creation complete. Use the following command to create the kind configuration used for creating a kind cluster with multiple worker nodes:. io/v1alpha4 name: test-cluster nodes:-role: control-plane kubeadmConfigPatches:-| kind: InitConfiguration nodeRegistration: kubeletExtraArgs kind uses kubeadm to configure cluster nodes. 03. x-k8s. Prebuilt images are hosted atkindest/node, but to find images suitable for a given release currently you should check the release notes for your given kind version (check with kind version) where you'll find a complete listing of images created for a kind create cluster kind create cluster --config=cluster-config. Dec 27, 2021 · 1. Build an image and test it in Kind. Apr 14, 2020 · Downloads kind create cluster --config kind-config. Apr 23, 2020 · What would you like to be added: A section in the Kind Config that allows for manipulation of Docker options. yaml的内容,指定三个节点 kind: Cluster apiVersion: kind. sh # note your current-context before kind is setup kubectl config current-context # create your cluster! kind create cluster --config kind. # If you're only supporting newer relases, you can just use `kind create cluster` here. Kind clusters can be customized using a configuration file that exposes a variety of knobs. Vous pouvez ajuster ce fichier de configuration pour ajouter plus de nœuds ou spécifier d’autres options, comme la version de Kubernetes que vous souhaitez utiliser. kind: Cluster apiVersion: kind. delete cluster: 删除一个集群--name string 集群名称,默认kind. Minimize Assumptions 🔗︎ kind集群本地Registry . We can pass a config file to kind by using the --config parameter. How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible): install kind、docker、kubectl using kind create cluster to create default cluster. Oct 5, 2024 · 如果你因一些原因(囊中羞涩)无法完整的体验一个k8s集群, 你应该尝试一下 kind。快速简单的创建 k8s 集群可直接创建多节点集群(支持 control-plane 高可用)可选择 k8s 版本安装支持 windows/linux/macos 三平台装好 docker装好 golang(>= 1. 3-arm64 则正常完成kind集群创建,输出信息: 指定ARM镜像创建kind集群的正常输出信息 Be aware that if you scale down your GameServerBuild and scale it up again, you probably will not get the same port. Sep 24, 2019 · $ sudo kind create cluster --name mycluster --config kind-config. 上面的例子中,我们使用extraPortMappings映射了一个端口到主机,也可以同时映射多个端口到主机。同时还可以从kind集群中任意节点上映射端口到主机,对于NodePort类型的服务,无论从哪个结点上映射效果都是相同的。 For example, the following is a sample kind configuration. io/v1alpha4 kubeadmConfigPatches: - | apiVersion: kubelet. 2) 这个步骤,可以使用 代码语言: javascript Apr 9, 2024 · Olá, leitores do DataKube,. Create the provider config and give it a name provider. 21. and using export KUBECONFIG="$(kind g Jun 23, 2022 · 获取通过直接连接导入集群所需的 kubeconfig。 Create a kind cluster. 27. yaml file is where you define the configuration of your cluster. yaml --name test 将集群内所需端口映射出来 Oct 17, 2024 · Step 2: Create a KinD Cluster with 1 Master and 2 Worker Nodes. kind cluster 中无法直接访问宿主机上的文件; kind cluster 中无法直接使用宿主机上的镜像; 网络. A minimal valid config is: Jan 23, 2023 · The kind-config. tl;dr; Building on docker-in-docker it uses minikube and kubeadm to bootstrap and pre-configure a cluster at build time that works at runtime. io/kind on various CI services - examples/kind-config. This configuration will create a cluster with a single node. Kind 把部署 Kubernetes 环境的依赖降低到了最小,仅需要机器安装 Docker Dec 18, 2023 · Kind架构及原理 Kind 使用一个 container 来模拟一个 node,在 container 里面跑 systemd ,并用 systemd 托管 kubelet 以及 containerd,然后通过容器内部的 kubelet 把其他 K8s 组件,比如 kube-apiserver、etcd、CNI 等 Kubernetes IN Docker - local clusters for testing Kubernetes - kubernetes-sigs/kind Mar 12, 2020 · kind update cluster --config kind-config-1. io/v1beta1 Feb 28, 2025 · Kubernetes is the go-to platform for container orchestration, but setting up a full-fledged cluster can be complex. yaml. Create a folder called kind-k8s-local and enter there. Create a Kind cluster. The Kind cluster is only for development/testing purpose. A simple configuration for this can be achieved with the following config file contents: master $ kind create cluster --name moelove --config kind. While doing this we should respect the Kubernetes API Conventions. kubectl create configmap server1 --from-file=index1. 2 cluster with 1 control-plane node and 3 worker nodes. Let’s have a look at a kind config file: For example, the following is a sample kind configuration. 9k次,点赞60次,收藏31次。本文详细介绍了如何在Linux系统上安装Kind,配置Docker支持HTTPS、添加官方和阿里云镜像源、安装kubectl以及创建和管理Kubernetes集群的过程,包括设置NodePort以实现服务暴露。 Mar 12, 2023 · 默认情况下 Kind 包含的是 kubeadm config list 所对应的容器镜像,而如果想要将自己应用的容器镜像也内置到 Kind 的节点镜像里面的话目前 Kind 是没有官方支持的,但可以用下面两种方法达到目的: 修改源码,将自己的容器镜像加入到 kind build node-image 的逻辑当中. yaml Test with Nginx using a NodePort. 上面部署的kubernetes中只有一个node,可以使用配置文件部署多个节点。下面使用官方提供的默认配置文件kind-config. yaml文件 vi config. Mar 13, 2022 · Kind configuration # File name cluster. Make sure cgroupsv1 is used, as runc/k8s requires that for now. yaml et activation du debug -v 1) Le fichier de configuration cluster-config. export logs: 导出日志到指定目录,默认导出到临时目录: kind export logs ~ / Downloads--name string 集群名称,默认kind. 3) Preparing nodes Configuring the external load balancer Creating kubeadm config Starting control-plane Installing CNI Installing StorageClass Joining more control-plane nodes Joining worker nodes Cluster creation complete. Apr 7, 2024 · Kind config. kind create cluster Create kind cluster with containerd registry config dir enabled # # NOTE: the containerd config patch is not necessary with images from kind v0. yaml--image kindest/node:v1. Nov 1, 2024 · kind create cluster --config kind-config. html kubectl create configmap healthy --from-file=healthy. 20. io/v1alpha4 # patch the generated kubeadm config with some extra settings kubeadmConfigPatches: - | apiVersion: kubelet. $ sudo su # kind create cluster Creating cluster "kind" Ensuring node image (kindest/node:v1. Base Image vs Node Image. yaml at master · kind-ci/examples kind create cluster--config kind-config. Let’s create a Kubernetes cluster with one master and two worker nodes. You can configure kind to use a proxy using one or more of the following environment variables (uppercase takes precedence): Mar 19, 2024 · First, let’s create a local Kubernetes cluster with the default configuration: $ kind create cluster. Mar 6, 2022 · Kind是什么? k8s集群的组成比较复杂,如果纯手工部署的话易出错且时间成本高。而本文介绍的Kind工具,能够快速的建立起可用的k8s集群,降低初学者的学习门槛。 Kind是Kubernetes In Docker的缩写,顾名思义,看起来是把k8s放到docker的意思。没错,kind创建k8s集 kind can load an image from the host with the kind load commands. Prerequisites. Mar 24, 2022 · # this config file contains all config fields with comments # NOTE: this is not a particularly useful config file kind: Cluster apiVersion: kind. yaml Aug 5, 2024 · # this config file contains all config fields with comments # NOTE: this is not a particularly useful config file kind: Cluster apiVersion: kind. yaml Creating cluster "moelove" Ensuring node image (kindest/node:v1. Jun 23, 2022 · 获取通过直接连接导入集群所需的 kubeconfig。 Create a kind cluster. Use the following command to create the kind configuration used for creating a kind cluster with multiple worker nodes: Oct 26, 2024 · kind create cluster --name multi-node-cluster --config kind-config. 7 复制 3. Aug 7, 2024 · By following these simple steps, you can easily setup a multi-node Kubernetes cluster using Kind. yml. io/v1alpha4 nodes: - role: control-plane # add a mount from /path/to/my/files on the host to /files on the node extraMounts: - hostPath: /path/to/my/files containerPath: /files # # add an additional mount leveraging *all* of the config fields # # generally you only need the two fields above # - hostPath Jan 9, 2025 · kind create cluster --config multi-node-cluster. yaml or kind apply cluster --force --config kind-config-1. access service curl localhost:30000. In this post, we tackle the cluster configuration possibilities Setup a Kubernetes cluster on your workstation using kind and Docker. uiuzxmtbviarfzydzojikaixibxikenijnqdrzbyiqcewkqyqsroxwsnkmrahufwofikemyebjbjbvld
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